Friday 17 August 2018

Brought to you by  Australian & New Zealand Olivegrower & Processor
Today's Top Story
Register now for 2018 AOA National Olive Industry Conference & Exhibition
Registration is now open for the 2018 AOA National Olive Industry Conference & Exhibition, being held in Wagga Wagga, New South Wales on 18-20 October. The packed program of plenary and field sessions aims to provide information and skills on a broad range of topics, relevant to people at different stages and with varying business operations, with valuable practical take-homes for all participants.
Thursday, 18 & Friday, 19 October 2018; Saturday, 20 October - Optional Field Days/Workshops; Wagga Rules Club, Wagga Wagga, NSW 
Australian International Olive Awards Presentation Dinner – Friday, 19 October
Event accommodation: Quality Hotel Rules Club Wagga -
More information and register here –

Don’t miss the industry’s learning and networking event of the year – register now! And don’t forget, discounted AOA member rates apply.
Artisanal Agriculture and Premium Food survey
The $2 million Artisanal Agriculture and Premium Food program aims to help grow Victoria’s emerging artisan agriculture and premium food industry, increase market opportunities for high-quality, high-value produce, and strengthen Victoria’s regional food offerings. As part of a wider stakeholder process, a survey is being undertaken by Agriculture Victoria, the results of which will assist in guiding the implementation of the program and all interested food producers are asked to participate. 
Access the survey here and read more about the program here.
Last days to register for Tastebook™ Round 4
You’ve got just three days to register to participate in Round 4 of the Tastebook™ program, the AOA’s sensory training initiative in appreciating, describing and understanding how to improve the quality of EVOO and table olives. 
After three successful rounds of Tastebook™, there is now a cost recovery fee for participation, with registration on-line via Eventbrite: 
  • Australian: AOA members $25/Non-members $30
  • International - all countries: $50
Tastebook™ Round 4 samples and basic instructions will be on registration, with detailed instructions and training materials provided via email, for responses via Survey Monkey until 3 September.
Soil water management workshop and field day
Probes, Precipitation & Porosity – Soil Physical Properties & Plant Available Water is a one-day interactive workshop & field day, being hosted by the SA Branch of Soil Science Australia (SSA). 
Experts will share information and practical skills in an interactive environment, including the impact of soil physical properties on soil water monitoring and Plant Available Water (PAW), calculating PAW, Readily Available Water (RAW) and soil field capacity, irrigation scheduling , and about soil water dynamics & monitoring in response to climate & other factors.
Details: 22 August, commencing at 8.45am - register here or email for more information.
Got something to sell? Or want to buy? Go direct to your target market
If you’ve got something industry-related to sell, you can reach your target market directly with Olivebiz Classifieds. Our online Classifieds service is an easy and inexpensive solution to advertising your unwanted equipment, extra oil - or even your grove. And if there’s something you’re looking for, it’s the ideal way to get the message out loud and clear to your peers and industry associates – like Rob, who’s on the hunt for an olive de-pitting machine
Olivebiz Classifieds cost just $40 for AOA members ($100 for non-members), including a text ad and link through to either your web page or images hosted on our site. And you don’t need to be a tech-head: just send us your info and we’ll post it up for you.

Olivebiz Classifieds are online now at To arrange a listing, contact Gerri at
Biosecurity basics: clean your feet!
Integrated Pest & Disease Management (IPDM) is a hot topic for our industry, and biosecurity is a major element. Often overlooked in the big picture, one of the real risks is dirty footwear carrying pest or disease-causing organisms onto your farm. A simple way to manage the risk is to ensure visitors and staff access your production areas thoroughly wash and disinfect their footwear. More from Farm Biosecurity here.
Friday Olive Extracts – send us YOUR news
The first half of the year has passed already, with  Friday Olive Extracts (FOE) continuing to bring all the latest industry news and events to your Inbox every week. THE place to share olive industry news, event details and reminders, our industry e-newsletter keeps growing in popularity and we now have nearly 4000 subscribers across the globe. If you’re not one of them,  you can sign up here.
And please remember that FOE is YOUR e-newsletter, so we’re keen to receive your news and help spread the word. Just email your information to Editor Gerri Nelligan at - it’s free, and the best way to reach your fellow industry members!
Mondelez seeks next big food thing

Mondelez International is seeking products in its Open Innovation Portal, including solutions to help them to create high-protein snacks, reduce sugar, find novel natural flavours, coolers and more. More information here
SA Export Accelerator grants
The South Australian government has announced the establishment of the South Australia Export Accelerator (SAEA), a financial assistance program for S.A. businesses who are looking to grow into international markets. The first funding round closes on Friday 21 September 2018. More information here.
NZ Royal Easter Show Olive Oil Competition
There’s still time to enter this year's NZ Royal Easter Show Olive Oil Competition - entries close on Monday, 27 August and oils are to be received by Monday, 3 September. Entry forms are available by emailing and you can download the schedule of classes here.
Entries open for 2018 Australian International Olive Awards 
Entries are open for the 2018 Australian International Olive Awards, with the chance to be named Champion EVOO and/or Table Olive of Show. Now in its second year with international status, the competition provides the opportunity for producers to benchmark their products against both Australian and international peers – and to showcase their winning EVOO and table olives to the world.
Key dates are: 
  • Entries now open
  • Entries close: September 21
  • Judging: 4-6 October, Adelaide
  • Awards Presentation Dinner: 19 October, Wagga Wagga, in conjunction with the 2018 National Olive Industry Conference & Exhibition
More information and enter here.
New Zealand
Final day for ONZ Certification
For producers wanting to enter the 2018 NZ EVOO Awards, today is the final day to submit oils for Cerfication. Closing date for other oils is Monday, 17 September. 
ONZ EO Gayle Sheridan reports that more than 150 samples have been sent to the Oil Testing Service this year and to date only one has not been assessed as EVOO. Feedback from the tasting panel is that there are some very nice oils coming through from New Zealand!
Enquiries to
Entry open for 2018 New Zealand Extra Virgin Olive Oil Awards
Entries for the 2018 NZ EVOO Awards opened on 13 August and close on Friday, 14 September. Entry packs have been sent to all eligible Olives NZ members, with information and entry forms also available on the website here.
October Focus Grove Field Days
Dates have been finalised for the October round of Focus Grove Project Field Days, as follows.
  • Monday 8 - Northland
  • Tuesday 9 - Hawke’s Bay
  • Wednesday 10 - Canterbury
  • Thursday 11 - Nelson 
  • Friday 12 - Wairarapa .
More information on the project here.
September Olivegrower not far away – have you renewed your subscription?
It’s not long until September, when the next edition of Olivegrower & Processor will be making its way to letterboxes across Australia, New Zealand and beyond. If you’ve received a renewal notice and haven’t gotten around to paying it, now’s the time to act to ensure you get your copy – as always, it’ll be chock-full of great news, R&D and practical grove information, so you don’t want to miss out!
You can renew your subscription here. All payments are made through our secure e-way payment system and it takes just a few minutes. 
Don’t forget your subscription also includes registration to the weekly Friday Olive Extracts e-newsletter, plus 24/7 ONLINE access to each print issue at
Olive tree in full production in the third year of the field trial.
The implementation of an organic treatment with good agricultural practices during a three-year trial gave encouraging results against Xf.
Have you bought Target flushable wipes, Bertolli olive oil or organic skin creams? If you did, you might qualify for money back from class action lawsuit settlements. Bertolli olive oil claimed that it was imported from Italy, but a lawsuit alleges that's not the case. Bertolli removed the labeling.
Scientists may have miscalculated the age of an olive branch that has served as a key piece of evidence in dating the Santorini eruption, according to a new study.
Olives grow on land on a Croatian farm cleared of land mines. Twenty-five percent of the mines that are cleared explode. Photo: Chris McCullough.
Almost 30 years have passed since Croatia and Serbia were at war during the Croatian War of Independence but remnants of that conflict exist today. In 2018, agriculture has taken over the battlefields with glorious results, particularly for the MasVin co-operative based at Ravni Kotari.
Half of Lazio's olive oil producers are covered by DOP certifications and say they stand to lose value. The other half can only gain from the new proposed IGP. And some say the bickering among the groups leaves everyone disappointed.
Homer called Greece’s olive oil “liquid gold” more than 2,500 years ago. These are the two words that inspired Thessaloniki resident Yiannis Tsapanidis to take olive oil and add real gold to it, creating a product that is literally and figuratively “gold” for one’s health.
12-Oct-2017 By Niamh Michail 

In this world of post-truth politics and fake facts, brands need to give consumers "total transparency and accountancy" about the products they are buying, says Mintel. We look at the brands that are already doing so. 
What's On

17 August  – Entries close, 2018 Royal Adelaide Olive Awards – Adelaide, SA

20 August – Entries open, 2018 Hunter Valley Olive Show – Hunter Valley, NSW

25 August – Awards presentation dinner, Australian Golden Olive Awards – NE VIC

27 August – Entries close, NZ Royal Easter Show Olive Oil Competition – NZ

5 September – Presentation dinner, 2018 Royal Adelaide Olive Awards – Adelaide, SA

14 September - Entries close, 2018 NZ EVOO Awards – New Zealand 

16 September
Presentation evening, 2018 Perth Royal Olive Awards – Perth, WA

16-21 September - Sol d'Oro Southern Hemisphere - Cape Town, South Africa

21 September - Entries close, 2018 Australian International Olive Awards – Adelaide, SA

21 September – Presentations, 2018 Spring Sydney Royal Fine Food Show Olive Oil Competition – Sydney, NSW

5 October – Entries close, 2018 Hunter Valley Olive Show – Hunter Valley, NSW

13 October - 2018 ONZ Conference and Awards Dinner – Masterton, NZ

14 October – Olives NZ grove visits – Wairarapa, NZ

18-19 October - AOA National Olive Industry Conference & Exhibition 2018 - Wagga Wagga, NSW

19 October - Awards Presentation Dinner, 2018 Australian International Olive Awards - Wagga Wagga, NSW

22-26 October
Olive Oil Sommelier Course – Tuscany, Italy

9-12 November - Australian Biological Farming Conference and Expo 2018 – Gold Coast

9-12 November 
Australian Biological Farming Conference & Expo – Bilinga, QLD

15 November – Presentation dinner, 2018 Hunter Valley Olive Show – Hunter Valley, NSW

To include your event, or update your existing event details, email FOE editor Gerri Nelligan at

To include your event, or update your existing event details, email FOE editor Gerri Nelligan at
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