May 29, 2019
#GGUSDPRIDE E-newsletter
The #GGUSDPride E-newsletter features many of the great things happening in GGUSD.   
Send your photos to to highlight your school or students in the e-newsletter.
GGUSD Celebrates its College Bound Seniors
GGUSD high schools celebrated their college-bound seniors this month with fun College Signing Day events, complete with music, performances, cake, and photo stations to capture photos of students proudly holding signs displaying which college they plan to attend.

In addition to the high school celebrations, hundreds of GGUSD high school students attended UCLA for Former First Lady Michelle Obama’s Reach Higher College Signing Campaign event where they heard Mrs. Obama speak about college being the most important investment in one’s life. According to the Reach Higher Initiative, the average worker with a bachelor’s degree will earn approximately $1 million more than a worker who only has a high school diploma over the course of a lifetime.  

GGUSD Takes to the Streets During 2019 Strawberry Festival Parade
GGUSD Board of Education members, students, and Superintendent Gabriela Mafi showed off their  #GGUSDPride  during the Garden Grove Strawberry Festival over Memorial Day Weekend. GGUSD bands, cheerleaders, ROTC cadets, and student leaders all participated in this wonderful community event.
Scholars Excel at Orange County Academic Pentathlon
Student scholars from Allen Elementary School took first and second place in the county's Academic Pentathlon and Peters 4-6 Elementary students took third and fifth place. Great job to these hard working students!  #GGUSDPride
GGUSD's Most Exceptional Scholars
Get Early Strawberry Festival Access
Each year, the Garden Grove Strawberry Festival opens a day early for GGUSD students with special needs who spend the day riding rides, enjoying sweet treats, playing games, and making memories. We are grateful for this special tradition!  #GGUSDPride
Santiago JROTC Display Shows the Meaning of Memorial Day
Santiago High School JROTC students created a Memorial Day display to spread awareness about the meaning behind this important holiday. Great job to these dedicated scholars!
La Quinta Hosts Mental Health Summit
Mental health is a serious issue affecting young people and earlier this month La Quinta High School hosted a Mental Health Summit with important information on a variety of topics, including helping those dealing with mental health issues, healing through music, and suicide prevention, among others. Kudos to those leading the charge to tackle and spread awareness about this often silenced topic.
Monroe Welcomes All Families for School-wide Barbecue
Monroe Elementary Language Academy welcomed all families to its Second Annual Family BBQ. Thanks to GGUSD Food Services team for providing approximately 275 parents, family members, and friends with a delicious hamburger lunch! Students and parents also had an opportunity to participate in an “obstacle course” organized by the school's Padres en Acción volunteers.  
Registration is Open for Preschool
Registration is now open for Garden Grove Unified School District’s high quality preschool programs. Enroll today for the 2019-2020 school year for one of the following preschool programs:

  • Brand new affordable full-day preschool at the Skylark Campus (offered at 11250 Mac Murray St., Garden Grove)
The new Skylark fee-based Preschool will have highly-trained credentialed teachers who provide students with a warm and caring preschool experience. The preschool will offer enrichment activities in dual language, technology, science, engineering, arts, math, and more. The full-day, fee-based program will provide the same exceptional educational curriculum offered in our half-day state preschool program, with opportunities for before and after school care. 
Children born between 12/3/2014 and 12/1/2016 are age eligible for our program. Space is limited for our 3-year-old classes for students born between 12/3/2015 and 09/1/2016.
Visit for the registration packets or call 714-663-6298 for more information.