March 7, 2019 Issue 76
2019 KMA Physicians’ Day at the Capitol

KMA's 2019 Physicians' Day at the Capitol was held on Thursday, Feb. 21. The event was attended by more than 90 physicians, residents and medical students, who enjoyed a productive and successful day advocating for the practice of medicine and the health of patients. A majority of attendees donned their white coats, helping KMA to stand out among other groups. The KMA advocacy team has received much positive feedback from members of the General Assembly on the impact of meeting face-to-face with physicians and would like to thank all those who attended for their time and efforts. A gallery of images from the day is available at .

From left: LMS Immediate Past-President Tuyen Tran, M.D., KMA President Bruce Scott, M.D., KMA Vice Speaker Monalisa Tailor, M.D., and GLMS President Wayne Tuckson, M.D., were among 90 KMA representatives who attended KMA's 2019 Physicians' Day at the Capitol.
KMA Given “Thumbs Up” For Partnership With Madison County Health Dept.

The Richmond Register has given KMA a “thumbs up” for its partnership with the Madison County Health Department (MCHD). Each week the newspaper selects organizations or efforts to recognize, and KMA and the MCHD were honored with a “thumbs up” on Feb. 21 .

The paper praised KMA and MCHD for combining “the efforts of both organizations in order to undertake the state's five key health issues. Both entities will focus on combating issues of smoking, diabetes, drug abuse, obesity and flu/pneumonia, all issues in which Kentucky falls behind nationally.”

KMA and the MCHD announced their partnership on Jan. 30. 
Flu Myth Buster Video: "Is the Flu Shot Safe if I'm Pregnant?"

KPLI graduate Mamata Majmundar, M.D., answers a common question about the flu vaccine in this video, which is a part of a series of videos for KMA's public health campaign, Focus on Flu.

Borders Appointed by Governor

KMA member James Borders, M.D. , chief medical officer at Baptist Health Lexington, was appointed to the Commonwealth's Pharmacy and Therapeutics Advisory Committee by Gov. Matt Bevin.
Moammar featured in MD Magazine

KMA member Mahmoud Moammar, M.D. , pulmonologist with CHI Saint Joseph, Lexington, discussed the toll smoking has had in Kentucky and West Virginia in an article in MD Magazine .
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