Faith and Families Newsletter
December 21, 2018

In this Issue:
Letter from Robert
Appealing to the Senses

Dear Friends,
              Our Advent Bible Study this year has focused on the lessons we learn from Ebenezer Scrooge in A Christmas Carol . One of the things we have discussed is the way that past, present, and future seem to come together in the Advent season. We remember the birth of Jesus (his first advent), celebrate that today in our worship services, and also look forward to his second coming (second advent). In this season we are bombarded by new sights, sounds, smells, tastes, etc. Everything seems to change. Our houses have decorations (think Christmas lights), delicious holiday treats, holiday music, Christmas greetings, etc. It’s some of the stuff we love best.
              One of the things that counselors often encourage families to do to strengthen ties is to participate in meaningful traditions that bring people together around this time of year. Maybe you decorate the tree/house together. Maybe you make a certain type of cookie or enjoy a specific holiday meal. Maybe you go to the same Christmas Eve worship service. Maybe you go and visit neighbors to share goodies, cards, and cheer. Maybe you sing carols around the piano or the tree or fireplace. Sometimes it may seem inconvenient to continue the traditions, but if they still make sense and still have meaning then make them a priority.
              We infuse meaning into our family traditions and our children pick up on that. So let’s make sure that we have a healthy dose of tradition and practice that focuses on the gift of God this Christmas. Jesus was born so that we might have new life. He came so that we might be reconciled to God and to one another. He came to teach us what it means to walk in faithfulness as God’s people. He came to save us and set us free. Let’s make sure that our senses are filled with the awe and wonder that comes from meditating on the meaning of the best gift of all.

To God be the Glory!
Mission Opportunities

Have All Your Christmas Gifts? Consider an Alternative Gift
It isn’t too late to give an alternative gift and support one of our mission partnerships. Click one of the links below and follow the instructions to honor a loved one with an alternative gift this year. Thank you.
Presbyterian Giving Catalog - https://presbyteriangifts.org/

Room in the Inn REALLY Needs Your Help! Especially for overnight guests!
Our Room in the Inn ministry is underway and lots of people have already signed up to help. One area that is always difficult to get people to help with is overnight hosts. These folks spend the night and offer any assistance to guests that they may need. One a fun way for a parent/older child to enjoy some bonding time! Please consider helping us out in the next couple of weeks. Sign up is easy and flexible. Click here to sign up as a host or for some other job. Thank you! https://www.signupgenius.com/tabs/23671da0eaec2ecc53-roomthe1  

If there are concerns or joys that you would like to have listed here please email me at ralexander@dcpc.org so that we might keep one another in prayer.

Jamie Ragnone and family following the death of his father, Dino Ragnone.

Jane Watkins. Jane is the mother of Tricia Schubert. She is recovering from a stroke.

Amanda Wheeler and family following the death of her brother, Brad Huffacker.
Davidson College Presbyterian Church
PO Box 337
Davidson, NC 28036
704-892-5641 www.dcpc.org