December 2018, Issue 16
2018 Midterm Elections:
A “Blue Wave” Election!!

Did a “blue wave” occur in California on election day, November 9, 2018? 

After looking at election results, it sure looks like it!  Read legislative update...
Only 4 more days to send your comments regarding the
"Rule Change Proposed for Public Charge"
Deadline: December 10 th
at 8:59 pm PST
From UnidosUS:
"The Trump administration has proposed a rule change that would penalize immigrant families for participating in health, nutrition, and other support programs that help families make ends meet. This proposed change to the definition of public charge is designed to have maximum impact on working families, particularly in communities of color, and their access to the legal immigration system..."

There are 2 things you can do:
# 1. Let people know this proposed change has not gone into effect .
"Many concerned families have been disenrolling from programs like SNAP out of fear that their enrollment will be held against them... they do not have to disenroll now...we have a  social media toolkit in English and Spanish  t hat...[can be used] to inform their communities and encourage them not to disenroll from programs that improve the well-being of their families." Download Toolkit
# 2. We have a shot to stop it, and you can weigh in .
"The government is required to read, count, review, and consider all public feedback before issuing a final rule. Our goal is to generate 100,000 comments [from] across the country" by December 10 th ."
"UnidosUS has submitted a robust comment letter, and each one of us can do the same. In our  microsite,   you will find a ready-to-send comment  to the Dept. of Homeland Security (the agency that has to review them). Please take action and urge friends and family to do the same!"
"Immigrant families should not be forced to pick between legal status and putting food on the table for their children. And our country should not pick immigrants based on the size of their wallet or the color of their skin."
Help us stand against this for the well-being of our families.

 Deadline December 10, 2018
at 8:59 pm PST
Save $$ with the
Early Bird Discount!
 Deadline January 30 th
Have you been wondering what you can do to help the
Central American migrants seeking refuge at the border?
Sanctuary Caravan Is Calling.
Who will answer?
El Colegio de la Frontera Norte,
Centro Científico de Excelencia,
Click on each image
(or on the link below it) to find out
how you can help!

Border Angels Resources

Border Angels on Facebook

Check out their wishlists in the online registries of ...

Target • Walmart • Amazon
Immigrant Legal Rights Center: Asylum
Photo from:
Your Rights in the Border Zone
Have you sent your comments yet?

Only a few more days left...

CABE's Project DELIGHT Lives Up to its Name!
Project DELIGHT’s Curriculum Specialist, Dr. Gloria Ramos González, provides support in a DL first grade classroom.
Three Rialto USD teachers participate in CABE’s Binational GLAD ®️ . From Morris Elementary: Narda Solorzano & Sandra Perez ; Boyd Elementary: Juan Rosas
Teachers from Fontana USD
Dolores Huerta International Academy
Year 1
Implementation Highlights

  • Provided Professional Development to (4) Rialto USD participating sites as well as FUSD. Included: District Admins, Site Administrators, DI and EO Teachers, Special Education, Instructional Coaches, Bilingual Aides, HR Representatives

  • 7 DI teachers from Rialto attended CABE 2018 on behalf of the grant.

  •  In summer of 2018 (2) from Rialto will attend Binational GLAD in Tijuana BC

  • Provided school site coaching and support to all DI teachers at 4 sites.

  • Conducted Staff and Parent orientations at all sites about grant

  •  Parent leadership training at all 4 sites

To be continued...Year 1 Final Highlights and Accomplishments coming up in part 2 in January's CABE Corner. Stay tuned...
This school year, Project DELIGHT ,
CABE's National Professional Development grant, entered its second year of implementation conducting professional development for DL, SEI, District Administrators and parents.


(D ual Language  E ducation  L eadership  I nitiative  G uided  H igh–Quality  T raining) is an innovative program with a dual focus of excellence in EL instruction in DI schools, including Dual Immersion (DI) implementation; and SEI implementation, and an explicit focus on “Parent and Community.”

Project DELIGHT establishes a framework for positive, active, and ongoing relationships with students’ families, speakers of English and Spanish and other languages, as well as provides parent education opportunities that reflect the biliteracy and multicultural goals of the DI program.

Perhaps most innovative, Project DELIGHT builds a pathway so that parents are appreciated as strategic partners both inside and outside the DI program classrooms. This is accomplished through PD for administrators, teachers, and parents alike, including
a specific focus on the  Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education  (GPDLE), building cultural proficiency, and parent engagement innovation. 

Project Goals and Outcomes

  • Develop district and site leadership teams to support improved EL instruction and create excellent DI programs increase in-service teacher capacity to implement instruction using evidence-based strategies to increase EL outcomes

  • Engage families to support their children’s learning, and to become school leaders

  • Increase outcomes of ELs in English and Spanish language development and their academic achievement in English Language Arts/Reading, and math. 
DELIGHT's 6 Key Components

1.      District Leadership Team: C omprised of District Administrators, Site Administrators, Teacher Representatives from DI and EO programs, Special Education Representative, and Instructional Coaches.

2.       School Site Leadership Team :comprised of two teachers that will guide the site base implementation and integration of DI family engagement and leadership.

3.      Professional Development : for district representatives, site administrators, teachers in both DI and non-DI programs, instructional coaches, special education representatives, Bilingual Instructional Aides, librarians.

4.      Additional Certification : Support teachers to obtain a  DI program certificate or  complete their  Bilingual Authorization  to teach in the target language.

5.      Family Community Engagement: Families participate in DELIGHT activities in a pathway to collaborative school leadership: PD Modules with educators, Leadership PD at four levels of Project 2INSPIRE Research base program, classroom and school leadership role, Members of Site Leadership Team,  Certification opportunities.

6.       Research Evaluation Component :
Conduct formative and summative evaluation.
Paradise Unified School District Rises from the Ashes
Photo Sources:,, and,
4 th grader & his sister talk about their fire experience &
the first day back at school.

San Diego stranger gives a $1,000 check to every student & staff member at Paradise HS

The Camp Fire, the deadliest wildfire in California history, destroyed almost all of the town of Paradise, including 8 of the school district's 9 schools, plus 6 charter schools. Thousands of students, along with teachers, administrators, board members and staff were displaced, and many, if not most, were now homeless, as well.

Students returned to makeshift classrooms on Monday, December 3 rd . In a memo posted on the district's website, the resilient spirit of this community really shines through:
" Through everything that we have all been through, the one thing we wanted to make sure we could see through is that our students be reunited with their PUSD teachers. We assure you that, even through our own trauma, we have been working to keep this promise to you…these facilities are clean, safe, will be staffed with experts in trauma and social emotional support for both students and staff, and additional supports as needed…."
"Please know that you are in our thoughts as we work together to start rebuilding our community. The essence of PUSD was never its buildings; it was always the people inside them, so we feel that we can give a quality PUSD education no matter where we land..."

"We understand how important communication is during this difficult time. We are here to serve you. We are not going anywhere. WE ARE RIDGE STRONG!
Please take care of yourselves [sic] and your families…"
🎵 Paradise Strong 🎶
Paradise art teacher,  Carolyn Steele, wrote a song   that she performed and recorded with a few other teachers and students, and posted on YouTube.

How You Can Help Students, Teachers, Schools, and Families

EdSource has published a list of links to organizations that are supporting the survivors of the Camp Fire. All are accepting monetary donations. Click the link below and scroll down to the list of resources in the light green section:
Early Registration Deadline
Thursday, January 20 th
Sharing with the CABE community the news, events, conferences, celebrations, and accomplishments of CABE Chapters statewide!
Teacher Professional Development Series
March-June 2019!
Is your district experiencing a bilingual teacher shortage? Do you have a bilingual authorization but are not teaching in a bilingual classroom? Do you want to fine-tune your skills to be prepared to teach in a dual language immersion (DLI) classroom in the Fall of 2019? Join CABE's "BEST" Program!
Space is limited to 40 participants.
Registrations accepted unti l January 19, 2019
or until capacity is reached .
Sponsored by Californians Together
Workshop with Lesson Plans on Family Separation

"Educator Support for Immigrant and Refugee Students"
December 12, 2018 Ventura COE
December 13, 2018 CSU Stanislaus
January 16, 2019 San Mateo COE
January 17, 2019 Santa Clara COE
February 4, 2019 Tulare COE
New from CDE...

Have you seen the latest
English-Spanish Glossary
Educational Settings?
Dual Language Immersion
Summer Institute
Comic Corner From there to here and here to there, funny things are everywhere. –Dr. Seuss
Comics retrieved from