Message from Bob Henderson                    Friday, Oct. 19, 2018

Dear friends, 

One of the rewards of my work is experiencing the depth and breadth of Christian community. This week alone, I've had the privilege of rejoicing over a new child, mourning the loss of loved ones, presiding over a marriage, and serving on a mission team. 

It is a rich way to live, but it's not always easy.  Even the best relationships require discipline and experience pain. As I prepared for the wedding homily, I ran across these words from Alain de Botton that speak to the rigors of staying in our closest relationships:
"It requires forbearance, generosity, imagination, and a million things besides. And we must fiercely resist the idea that true love must mean conflict-free love, that the course of true love is smooth. It's not. The course of true love is rocky and bumpy at the best of times. That's the best we can manage as the creatures we are. It's no fault of mine or no fault of yours. It's to do with being human. And the more generous we can be towards that flawed humanity, the better chance we'll have of doing the true hard work of love. "
We'll explore more upside-down notions of love this weekend. Ian Clark, our Pastoral Resident, will lead us well at the 8:45 a.m. Chapel service, where we'll be privileged to hear him preach. I'll be leading the other services. We'll both explore this passage. Come, and bring a friend.

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Worship Services this Sunday (click for bulletins)
Traditional Contemporary
8:45 Chapel
Ian Clark preaching  
Bob Henderson preaching
11:00 Sanctuary
Bob Henderson preaching 
 11 a.m. Fellowship Hall
Bob Henderson preaching
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