February/March 2019
See YOU at
Beyond the Dura 2019

April 24-27, 2019
Join us as we celebrate our 34 th year with the theme of “Shining Together Since 1985.”
Don’t miss groundbreaking presentations, meaningful connections, conference extras like author book signings, and the Closing Celebration Toga Party!

We are happy to provide you with tools and ideas for promoting and raising awareness for CranioSacral Therapy in your own communities.
The following is a list of suggested ways to celebrate CranioSacral Therapy (CST) Awareness month in your local community:
  • Display informational materials in a prominent location in your office.
  • Promote TOUCH, The Healing Legacy of Dr. John E. Upledger. Share the link:
  • Proclamation. Request your city or state government to proclaim April as CranioSacral Therapy Awareness Month. Contact these offices for their guidelines for issuing proclamations.
CranioSacral Therapy Fact Sheet
This Upledger CranioSacral Therapy flyer can be proudly displayed in your office.
CST - Frequently Asked Questions
Use this guide to help you with responses to questions about CST.
New Class - Coming Soon!

Diego Maggio, DO, CST-D, Developer
The CSCV workshop will teach CST palpation, listening and manual techniques that are needed to help dying patients and those who suffer a loss such as death, divorce, or other life altering events.
Taught in English and translated into Dutch.
Read What a Naturopathic Doctor Has to Say About CST
""I think this therapy (CST) works so well for body mind conditions because it induces the parasympathetic branch of the nervous system, or as it is commonly called, the 'rest and digest' state. This allows the entire body to enter a state of restoration, unlike psychoactive drugs that just dampen the sympathetic response."
 "Holistic interventions, like Craniosacral Therapy, work outside the bounds of packaging, culture, language, gender and even mental constraints. As we listen with our hands, we can help patients heal their deepest wounds."
- Dr. Lisa Chavez, Naturopathic Doctor
of Interest

The Washington Post Jan 29, 2019
“Understanding about the science of fascia is really important for people who are investigating different ways of being healthy other than surgery or drugs.”
Frederick Grinnell, cell biologist
National Institutes of Health
NIH-funded study suggests immune cells rush through channels to get to injured tissue quickly.

Product News

A Deal You Can’t Pass Up!
Buy 1, Receive 3 More!
Working Wonders: Changing Lives with CranioSacral Therapy
• Compiled of 184 stories by CST practitioners from around the world.
• Read how CST made a difference in clients' lives.
• Cases involve children, adults and animals.
• Created in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of Upledger Institute International
• Forward written by Dr. John E. Upledger.
Buy 1 and receive 3 more to share with friends and clients to spread the message that CranioSacral Therapy changes lives.
People are Talking!

About CranioSacral Therapy 1 (CS1)
Such valuable information to use in practice! I know many of my patients in the past could have benefited greatly from CranioSacral therapy. A great tool for your PT toolbox!
- Lori Long, PT

About CranioSacral Therapy 2 (CS2)
It was great! Excited to take my practice to the next level! Thank you.
- Callie Stolz, LMT
Satellite News
New Upledger International Sponsor - India
G.K. Balaji Chandigarh, MPT, DRPT, CNDT

Seminar TravelMate
Visit IAHP on Facebook
Connect with other workshop attendees to plan rideshares and arrange roommate.
Newly Certified Teaching Status
Kimberly Painter, PT, LMT, CST-D
College Station, TX
CranioSacral Applications for Conception, Pregnancy and Birthing 1 (CCPB1)

Jose Luis Perez Batlle, DO, CST-D
Granada, Spain
SomatoEmotional Release 2 (SER2)

• • •

New Certifications
Save with Core-Pak!
Train and certify in CranioSacral Therapy 
for as little as $100.00 per month

Enjoy substantial savings!
Begin classes immediately!
Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico Therapy Program
January, 2019

Chas Perry, PhD, CST-D and a team of Upledger therapists from UI Puerto Rico came together for a Clinical Trauma Recovery Class and a Therapy Program for those suffering from Hurricane Maria. The therapists were personally supporting each other, in their own ongoing recovery, while also providing therapy sessions for over 40 people during a very intense three days. 

Even while still in the extended aftermath of Maria, both therapists and clients reported significant somatic and emotional relief and expressed their gratitude. Let’s continue in our intentions and endeavors to make the world a touch better.
Left to right -
Enox Alvarez, ND; Chas Perry, PhD; Wilfredo Ortiz, LMT; Frank Lamberty, LMT; Rosita Cortés, RN; Eddie Sánchez, NL; Janice Rolón, MT; Ramonita Santiago, LMT (back); Elba Cardona, LMT; Teresa Padilla, PT; Ana Luisa González, MT and Ana Elena Martínez, LMT.
IAHP News , a directory network of healthcare professionals, is designed to match potential clients with you! Please review your profile to see if it needs to be updated.
1. Go to
2. Click on “Find a Practitioner.”
3. Enter your name
If you have any questions, call 561-622-4334, and ask for Kristen.
New Sort Option For Practitioner Search
We have received requests from those using to find a therapist to make the ranking of the search results based on who has taken the most training seminars. So we have added an option under the search fields that says “ Sort By,” where you can click on “ Membership, then Cumulative Training.”
Users will still filter for a city or zip code first, then use this new feature to sort the results. Medallion Members still rank highest, but now within that group rather than alphabetically, it is now based on training level, if that option is chosen.
Upcoming Conferences & Presentations

March 7-9 | Atlanta, GA
March 14-18 | Lexington, KY
Mariann Sisco, PT, CST-D
CranioSacral Therapy 1 (CS1)
March 15-16 | Sacramento, CA         
Tami Goldstein , WLMT, BCTMB, CST-D
Applications of CST, Massage & Bodywork for Autism (CSMB-A)

March 23-24 | Palm Beach Gardens, FL
Frederick Stahlman, PT, CST-D
CranioSacral Therapy Introduction (CSTI)

March 23 | Ypsilanti, MI
Binaifer Bugli, PT, CST-D
CranioSacral Therapy - An evidence-based approach for pain relief?
April 11-14, Phoenix, AZ
Trisha Becker, PT, DPT, PCS, LMT
Lymphatic Balancing: Manual Lymphatic Drainage for the Orthopedic Patient
Upledger Institute International Courses

 Click a title below to view dates and locations.
Class Photos
EcoSomatics Small Animals 2 (ESSA2)
December, 2018 | Los Angeles, CA with
instructor Sandra Howlett, DC, CST-D, CAC, EFLC
When viewing the gallery, scroll to the bottom of each photo for class details.
Share your class photos! Include class title, location & date.