Join us and follow the words of St. Guido M. Conforti to "Make of the World One Family!" 

A New Story for Humanity

The Mission of Religious - The Pope Video - October 2018
The Mission of Religious - The Pope Video - October 2018

Findings of the Synod on Youth and Vocation Discernment
Bishops call for better religious education, preparation for mission
Bishop Donal McKeown of Derry, Northern Ireland, told the synod that the education and formation of young Christians must take place in the context of a community and have the goal of solidifying their sense of belonging to the community. Learn more.
French nun counsels Church to listen to youth first, then act
"For young women and even young men, if you only see a clerical Church, it's unbelievable in our current society," she insists. "It's always more fruitful to be diverse."  Discover more.

#Synod2018. Today in a word!
#Synod2018. Today in a word!
Fearless Discernment

Young Adult Retreat

The annual retreat of the  "Jeshua Teruma Kitamid" (JTK)  group will take place Nov. 16 - 18, 2018 at St Rafael The Archangel & Congregation,  2059 S 33rd St, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53215 .  

Fr. Alex Rodriguez SX helps guide the coordinating team in their preparation for the retreat.

This retreat is meant for young adults, single or married, of 18-35 years of age.
Unity in Diversity
Oscar Romero:
'Starting from the World of the Poor'

For Romero, one of the essential characteristics of the Church is its concern for the poor. 'Incarnation and repentance, for us that means drawing closer to the world of the poor. We have not brought about the transformations in the Church, pastoral care and education, in religious and priestly life and in the lay movements, by giving ourselves over to introspection. Read more on the Xaverian Missionaries' Blog.
Nelson Mandela and the racial politics of US imperialism

Mandela recognized how racial subjugation was reinforced across borders,while simultaneously acknowledging how colonial and imperial power evolved over time. Learn more.

Migrant Crisis:
a poet's view

Tesfalidet Tesfom is the actual name of the Eritrean migrant who passed away the day after his disembarkment at Pozzallo on the 12th of March from the ship Proactiva of the Spanish NGO Open Arms. After having struggled between life and death at Modica's hospital, in his wallet beautiful and heartbreaking poems were found. Discover more.

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 A-Cross Borders is a collaborative effort of the US and UK Regions of the Xaverian Missionaries.
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