December 21 ,  2018

ChristmasChristmas at Nassau
Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas Eve Family Worship
3:00 pm, Sanctuary

 Pre-Service Music - Anthems and Carols
6:30 pm, Sanctuary
Christmas Eve Communion 
7:00 pm, Sanctuary

Pre-Service Music for Harp
9:30 pm, Sanctuary

Lessons & Carols 
10:00 pm, Sanctuary

AdventAlumni Choir
Make Music on Christmas Eve

You are invited to have a special place in the music of Christmas Eve. 
  • Christmas bell peal. Be a part of the annual bell peal at the 7:00 pm Christmas Eve service. 
  • Alumni Choir. All alumni of children and youth choirs are invited to come and sing in the Alumni Choir on Christmas Eve at 7:00 pm 
Please note the following important dates and times if you plan to participate:
  • Sunday, December 23
6 pm - Refreshments for Cantorei & Alumni in the Assembly Room
6:30 pm - Bell Peal Rehearsal, begins in Room 202
7 - 9 pm Choir Rehearsal in the Sanctuary
  • Monday, December 24
6 pm - Choir warm up
6:30 pm - Pre-Service music begins

Learn more about both opportunities and sign up now by reading the letter from Ingrid.
Arm in Arm Holiday Food Drive

Thank you for helping stock the shelves of Arm in Arm's three food pantries! 
When you heard Arm in Arm's inventory was low, you responded in a big way. Nassau Presbyterian and Trinity Episcopal contributed 2,578 pounds of food in under two weeks. Contributions are always welcome, as there is a permanent bin inside the ramp door for Arm in Arm pantry donations. A shopping list may be found here. Thank you for your generosity!
Adult Education in December

This week in adult education:
Poetry in Advent
9:30 AM,  Roz Anderson Flood, Assembly Room

Adult Education will resume January 6, 2019.

See the  December Adult Education post  and the Adult Education page for the full listing of past and upcoming classes
Abundant Grace, Abundant Gratitude
If you have not yet pledged your commitment to Nassau Church for 2019, please consider joining us in supporting our daily ministry and mission. Pledge forms can be found in the literature rack outside the church office or online at or you may pledge through My Nassau. You may also check the status of your pledge payments for 2018 on My Nassau.
givingYear-end Giving
For 2018
As we approach the end of the calendar year, some may have the desire and means to provide additional financial support to our church with an extra or one time gift. Such gifts are always appreciated.
For a contribution to be posted to 2018:
* deliver to the church no later than Noon on December 24 (the church office will be closed between Christmas and New Year's);
* place in the offering on any Sunday through December 30;
* postmark no later than December 31;
* or give online until 11:59 PM on December 31.
If you would like to make a gift of securities to Nassau, please contact Linda Gilmore or check the church website for routing instructions.