Volume 49
Issue 48
December 12, 2019
Sounds of the Season
Come as you are to our 5th annual Sounds of the Season this Sunday, December 15, at 5:00 pm, in Tyson Hall! This is a wonderful time of Christmas singing as we celebrate this joyous time of year! Join Santa and music leaders from every corner of VHUMC.
Which Christmas Eve Service
On December 24 this year we will have services at 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, 8:00, and 11:00. Childcare will be available at 2:00, 4:00 and 6:00. Last year we actually had to turn people away at the 4:00 hour when we provide a traditional service both in the Sanctuary and in Tyson Hall. We hate to turn away people in our community who may only attend church on Christmas Eve. If you have any flexibility in which service you attend, we would ask that you not attend the 4:00 services as a member to make room for guests from our community.

5-Minute Mission
This Sunday, December 15, we will have a 5-Minute Mission during the coffee hour to highlight our most recent Impact mission trip to South Africa with Rise Against Hunger. Stop by the table and see the faces of Rise Against Hunger. These children are the ones who receive our support, our hot meals that are packed with love each Spring, and the ones who truly benefit from your donation. You will be able to see first-hand the impact that VHUMC is having on so many. It is one 5-Minute mission you will not want to miss.
Pajama Polar Express Party
Wear your pajamas and join us for dinner, hot chocolate, and the Polar Express Movie next Wednesday, December 18, from 5:00 to 7:00 pm, in Tyson Hall! Children 5th grade and under are invited to come with their parents to experience our Pajama Polar Express night. Pajamas are highly encouraged (even for adults), as are blankets or lawn chairs, for viewing comfortably. For more information contact Emily Boles ([email protected] / 769-0130).
Family Caroling Night
VHUMC will be taking families to sing at Galleria Woods next Wednesday, December 18. We will meet in the Lighthouse lobby at 6:00 pm. This is for all ages, but an adult must accompany anyone under 18. For more information please contact Jim Frazier ([email protected] / 769-0126).
Service of Healing and Light
The holly-jolly Christmas atmosphere can be difficult if we are experiencing the recent loss of a loved one or a significant life-changing event. We need the space to acknowledge our grief and hold it up to the light of the Christmas message: God is with us. Come be a part of this very special service on Saturday, December 21, at 6:00 pm, in the Chapel!
Advent Offering
Rise Against Hunger is an organization that is striving to end hunger by 2030. Through their global initiatives, we can all play a part to reach that goal. At VHUMC, this year's Advent offering will benefit Rise Against Hunger. In April, our community wide meal packing event will pack over 300,000 meals to be sent to early childhood development centers around the world. This meal is sometimes the only hot, nutritious meal that those children receive every day.

Let's make this year's Advent offering one where thousands of children will receive what is truly needed. Your check or donation can be put in one of the Advent offering envelopes and marked RAH on the memo line. We will collect this special offering from December 8-29. It is truly better to give than receive, so let's give to those children. Your gift matters, no matter how great or small.
Happy Birthday Jesus Parties
Our children's preschool Sunday School classes will celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior on December 22 during the Sunday School hour. We are asking each child to bring a new unwrapped baby blanket (any color) for the Baby Blanket Mission Project. These will be given to babies in UAB's NICU center. We hope you will come celebrate the most special birthday ever! If you have any questions please contact Anne Strozier ([email protected]).
Live Stream Maintenance
Due to recent technical issues, we will be suspending live stream in the coming weeks in order to perform proper maintenance. However, recordings our Sunday service will still be published on the website and church app each week on Tuesdays. We are still planning to live stream the 4:00 pm Christmas Eve Service, so please join us from the comfort of your own home if you are unable to attend. If you are interested in operating the live stream, please contact Peyton Chandler ([email protected]).
Welcome New Members
Please join together to welcome Kelly and Murray Statham, with their 4-month-old daughter Coleman, into the VHUMC family. They attend the 11:00 contemporary worship service, so please look for them and welcome them warmly.
Christmas Flower Memorials and Honorariums
In celebration of Christmas, the Flower and Altar Guilds will be adorning the worship services with poinsettias and fresh cut greens. You can participate by donating flowers in memory or honor of a loved one for $20. There will be a limited number of poinsettias available to be picked up after the last Christmas Eve service.

If you wish to make a memorial or honorarium tribute, you must contact Margaret Flowers (769-0112 / [email protected]) by Monday, December 16. Order forms will also be available in binders on the desk counter in the church office.
Student Ministries Breakfast Success
This past Saturday, dozens of youth and volunteers served food, made crafts, and interacted with children and adults from the Birmingham community for our annual Christmas breakfast. What a fun time for everyone involved. A very special thank you to Anna Watts and her volunteers for another great year!
Our Guests Over Christmas
This Christmas season, Family Promise guests will be hosted by our church from December 22-29. Thanks to many generous donors, we will host our guests at an Extended Stay Hotel for the holiday week. Even though the hotel is paid for we still need Christmas goodies to make them feel right at home. If you would like to contribute any Christmas decorations (smaller items that would be great for their room) or gift cards to Walmart or restaurants that they can use during their stay, please contact Rachael Hayes ([email protected]) or drop off at the Missions office from now until December 17.
December Hilltopper Meeting
Our next meeting is next Tuesday, December 17, at 10:30 am in the Fellowship Hall. Ray Reach will be performing for us. For information or to make a lunch reservation ($6.00) contact Harriette Woodring (822-9318) or Margaret Flowers ([email protected] / 769-0112) no later than 11:00 am on Friday, December 13. If possible, have correct change or an extra dollar bill.
Prayer 2020
VHUMC is declaring 2020 the Year of Prayer. In the coming year we will dedicate ourselves to growing in prayer, both personally and as a church. Join us as we seek God's will and purposes for the new decade and beyond. Stay tuned for opportunities and events coming soon.
Christmas Day Lunch Celebration
Our Christmas Day Lunch at 11:30 am is a holiday meal with fellowship and sharing for anyone who will not be with family on Christmas Day. Turkey, dressing, rolls, and beverages will be provided. Please bring a dish to contribute to the meal. Members and visitors of all ages are invited. We ask that you make reservations by calling either Margaret Flowers (769-0112) or Jim Frazier (769-0126) by December 19. Also, if you would like to volunteer in any way please let us know.
Disciple Fast Track 2
Don't miss the 2nd series of Disciple Fast Track. Spring 2020 will focus on going deep into Genesis and Exodus. Participants will purchase a study manual with suggested readings of about 30 minutes/day. Groups will meet weekly for 75 minutes, listening to a video and discussing the material. The daily reading assignments are shorter than in Fast Track 1 allowing more time to practice the spiritual disciplines highlighted in each session.

Please specify days of the week that work best for you to meet in a small group. We will be putting together leaders and participants, based on these preferences. Books are $16 and can be picked up in the church office prior to your class starting. Classes will meet the weeks of January 12 - April 26.

Women's Story Teller Groups
Join these exciting new small groups for women as we learn how God is working in our lives. Growing in community and love has always been the call for the Church as we share our stories and lives together. Please register to let us know the day and time you can attend these weekly meetings, either in homes or at the church. For further information, please contact Suzanne Scott-Trammell ([email protected] / 769-0136).

College Scholarship Opportunity
The Dick Kelly Scholarship Fund is one of our Foundation Funds with the purpose of "providing college scholarships for church members." This year the fund can distribute up to $5,000. If you are a student or have a student already attending college or entering college next fall, we invite you to apply. Applications are available through the link and completed applications should be sent or given to John Sweeney ([email protected]). Awards will be based on both merit and need. The deadline for applications is January 10. Donations are also welcome to continue replenishing the fund.

Julian Family Recital
The Julian family would like to invite you to their annual Family Recital in the Sanctuary, on Friday, December 20, at 7:00 pm. The evening will feature Rachel Julian on the organ, Karl Julian on the piano, Katrina Julian Booth on the violin, and Kyle Julian on the French horn. A reception will follow the performance in the church parlor.
Mother and Son Date Night
Come be a part of our Mother and Son Date Night as we head down to Vestavia Bowl for an evening of fun on Sunday, January 26, at 4:00 pm. Tickets are $15 per person and includes bowling plus a snack supper. This is an event for 5k through 5th grade boys and their mothers. If you have any questions, contact Anne Strozier ([email protected]). Register online by visiting the link below. The deadline to register is January 19.

Ballroom Dance Classes
Make ballroom dancing one of your New Year's resolutions. Add some exercise to your week, learn a new skill, and improve your social life with our new ballroom dance classes, every Tuesday starting on January 7. Our 6:30 pm class is designed for new dancers and will concentrate on the basics of each dance style. The 7:30 pm class is for intermediate dancers, giving you a chance to learn more varied and stylized moves. Both couples and singles of all ages are welcome. Each class will focus on a different dance each month and the price is only $5 per person for each hour.

Curt and Wendy Johnson, who have been teaching together for over 40 years, will lead us with fun and light-hearted sessions to help you gain confidence on the dance floor. Janet Harden, a member of our congregation, will be assisting. There will also be opportunities for the class to go out dancing socially, to be able to really use what you have learned.

To register through the Mindbody app or stop by the Lighthouse desk. For questions, contact Alli McGill ([email protected]).

Vinyasa Yoga Class in January
We will begin a new round of Vinyasa Yoga classes on Thursday evenings starting January 9. This new class is called Vinyasa Flow, and will fire up your strength and core as you practice proper posture alignments, mindfully flow through sequences, and build heat from within by connecting breath with movement. Please join us each Thursday evening from 5:45-6:30 in the Lighthouse. Classes are only $10 with your Lighthouse membership. Register using the Mindbody app or at the Lighthouse desk. Saturday 8:30 am yoga classes will continue as usual in December.

Collect Items for MLK Day
Our annual MLK Service Day is one of our first mission projects for 2020. You can help us get ready over the holiday season by collecting items that we will distribute to needy people in the community. We need unused make-up and cosmetics, used eyeglasses, gently used or new books, and old towels and linens.

If you have any of these items, please deliver them to the appropriate box in the Missions office by January 16. This is a great opportunity for those who may not be able to be here on MLK Day, but would like to be a part of service for our church and community.
Special Christmas Gift
Are you still looking for that special Christmas gift? Well look no further! We still have a few VHUMC hats for sale that will make a great gift for anyone on your Christmas list. The hats are $15 and benefit Rise Against Hunger. If you would like to reserve yours today, contact Rachael Hayes ([email protected]), or stop by the missions' office to purchase one. Supplies are limited, so first come first serve.
Ongoing Outreach
What's Ahead in 2020
Be on the lookout for ways to support or be involved in VHUMC's Orphan and Foster Care Ministry. There are currently over 6,000 children in DHR custody in out-of-home placement in Alabama. Over 300 of these children have had parental rights terminated, but no adoptive family has been identified. According to UNICEF, there are 153 million orphans worldwide. Our prayer is to support these children, their adoptive and foster families, and organizations whose mission it is to help care for these children. For more information, contact Kristin Mizerany ([email protected]).

Urban Ministry Kids
Urban Ministry Kids needs gently used coats, jackets and shoes for their after-school children (ages 4 to 13). Please put them in the three wooden bins around the church. Circle One members will deliver them. Thank you.

Food Pantry
Food Pantry is thankful for the 5,000 cans we received from Vestavia West school! Thanks to all the wonderful students, teachers, and volunteer dads who helped our crew load and unload. Thank also to those who helped provide 400 turkeys to our food pantry families and another 190 turkeys to our Vestavia families. We continue to be thankful for all of your support for our food pantry.

Oak Mountain Mission
Oak Mountain Mission needs pots and pans, small working appliances, sofas, chairs, and working washers and dryers. For pick-up, please call Roddy (685-5757).
Wednesday Nights at VHUMC

Classes/Programs starting at 6:00 pm
  • Dinner, Caroling, and The Polar Express: December 18 
Worship This Sunday
8:30 am Traditional  Service |  Sanctuary
Lessons and Carols
9:45 am Service of Word and Table |  Sanctuary 
Lessons and Carols
11:00 am Traditional Service |  Sanctuary
Lessons and Carols
11:00 am Contemporary Service |  Tyson Hall 
Lessons and Carols
5:00 pm  Sunday Evening Worship
Sounds of the Season

Attendance for last week: 871
General Fund Fiscal Year 2020
Donations this past week
July - October 2019
Other Income
Total Income 
$ 76,350
(+) Better or (-) worse for the church than our target
Care and Support
Congratulations, hospitalizations, and sympathies

Prayer Requests
Please be in prayer for the following persons: