This Week's News and Updates
February 26, 2019
See highlights from last week's service by clicking here.
“Choices and Consequences”
Rev. David Wynn

A long time ago and far, far, away…it seems, I read in some book by some author this quote, “Life is the sum total of the choices we make and refuse to make.” It was one of those “thunderstruck” moments. It was truth and mantra material and I quoted it out loud, inside, and in excess. 

I later found a more succinct way to describe the principle…Karma, or more recently, Agape. Karma literally means “action.” The law of Karma describes that everything we do creates a corresponding energy that comes back to us in some form or another. Now if that is too Buddhist for your spiritual palate, Jesus broke it down this way, “Do not judge, and you will not be judged; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven.” This all needs a little unpacking and we’ll do that on Sunday, but in the meantime consider this and see how it feels in your Spirit. Agape, “love in action” is fuel for our choices. Of course, choices have other fuels as well…anger, ego, lust, privilege, self-consumption, greed, the list is endless it seems…what’s fueling the choice you are about to make?
Join us for Spirit Café!
Every Wednesday @ 7:00PM in the Agape' Social Hall

Spirit Cafe is a community driven vehicle for sharing and creating opportunities for healing, personal growth and awareness.

This week is "Meditation Night".
Garage Sale Delivery Day
Thursday, February 28, 2019
5:30PM - 7:30PM
Bring your garage sale items and drop them off Thursday, February 28th.
Please call Cassy at (817) 992-9161 for delivery address and details.
The voting tabulation is finished! We raised close to $500 with this year's Chili/Brownie Funraiser!

Thank you to everyone who participated, it was a great afternoon of fun, food and fellowship.
*** Date Change ***

So who is ready for a Grief Meeting?

We are going to gather and play games Thursday, February 28, 2109 at 6:30 PM.
Agape' MCC Social Hall
4615 E. California Parkway

Come ready to have some fun!
Dear Agape Family,

I wanted to tell you about a big challenge I’m taking on this fall. I have committed to walk 60 miles (yes, really!) over the course of three days in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day. Those of you who know me well know that there must be a really good reason that I would volunteer to exercise this much, and there is. It’s to raise money for a cause that’s very near and dear to my heart, to help end breast cancer.

Breast cancer has been a part of my life since last August when I was diagnosed. I underwent surgery in August to have a spot removed and later had radiation treatment to help make sure it won’t return. Since then I have been on hormone blocking medication that I will have to take for at least another five years - but more likely for the rest of my life.

I am very lucky in that my form of cancer was very treatable and that I caught it very early. I am so thankful! But I look around and nearly every day I hear about someone else. Many are not as lucky as I am and I know I have to do something now to raise awareness and try to help. So this is for them …and this is for me, because I am alive and so very thankful.  

I’ll be lacing up my tennis shoes, going on training walks, and most importantly, asking for money! It is your donations that will help fund the research and the treatment that will make a difference. I’m not used to asking for money, this is not for me. This is for all who are fighting the battle.

The 3-Day is not until November, but my goal is to raise the minimum $2,300 (or more!) before then, so I’m getting started now. You can help! Click the link at the end of this email to go to my personal fundraising webpage, or see me and I’ll make sure you get a donation form. (Or you can call 800-996-3DAY and the nice people at the 3-Day can take your donation over the phone.)

This is a huge deal for me and that is why I’m asking for help. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Lisa O’Grady 

 Remembering Those Who
Came Before Us
Ancestors are the bedrock of so many Afro-centric communities. Sometimes we know our ancestors' names and call on them for strength and support. Sometimes we don't know their names and simply call out into the abyss of the past for inspiration. As we continue to reflect on Black History Month I offer this untitled poem by Rev. Tijuana Gray.
In school they were fed to us:
Tubman, Truth, Carver…
Little morsels from too long ago to be real—
Distant and far-removed
Tiny story capsules we swallowed and regurgitated on cue

Later, we learned there were more.
More names. 
More details. 
More connection to our world, to our lives.
We feasted.
These are our ancestors.
We are their legacy.
Black history lives in black present.
We can, because they did.
We do, because they were.
Because they are.
They are with us.
We are here.

Submitted by:
Tijuana Gray, Pastor Reconciliation MCC in Grand Rapids, MI.
Jared Vazquez , Associate Director of International Diversity and Inclusion
March Birthdays
Mar 03 Zachary Roberts
Mar 06 Melisa Price
Mar 13 Chris Kalish
Mar 15 Rachel Cox 
Mar 16 Joe Rice
Mar 22 Kaitlynn Rose Wolfer-Stephens
Mar 25 Sandra Hardin
Mar 29 Denise LaRae
Sunday - March 03, 2019
Epiphany 8
Call to Worship - Rev. David Wynn

Opening Song - "Nothing More"

Welcome and Greeting - Rev. David Wynn

Time wih the Children - Rev. David Wynn

Gospel Reading - Luke 6: 36-38 - Rebecca McDonell

Song of Response - "There Is Only Love"

Time of Teaching - “Choices and Consequences” Rev. David Wynn

Centering Song - "I Will Change Your Name"

Community Prayer - Kevin Harkins

Prayer Response - "I Will Change Your Name"

Bringing our Gifts - Cassy Batts

Celebration of Holy Communion - Rev. Robert Myers

Song of Sending Forth - "Hallelujah (Your Love is Amazing)"

Announcements and Benediction - Rev. David Wynn
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