Memoona Hasnain, MD, Professor of Family Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago College of Med., spoke on “Training Professional Healthworkers in Humanism.”
GHHS and Mapping the Landscape (MTL) grantees convened in small groups during an incredible session entitled "Humanism in Medicine: How to Keep the Flame Burning Bright."
Featured Symposium Presenter
Stay tuned to each edition of the Gold Connection to view additional featured presenters. If you'd like your presentation featured, please contact
Elan Baskir, MS4 at Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine at Florida International University, presented at the Gold Humanism Honor Society Symposium on his work teaching first year medical students how to effectively interact with pharmaceutical representatives by focusing on the pillars of medical ethics. Visitors to his poster were surprised that a majority of the first year students had previously interacted with reps, underscoring the importance of beginning this conversation early in medical school. He describes his experience at the conference as inspiring, and he plans on sharing some of the powerful projects and presentations from the Summit with the faculty at HWCOM. 
Advisory Council Faculty Position: Dean of Student Affairs
Beginning November 17, The Gold Humanism Honor Society (GHHS) of The Arnold P. Gold Foundation will be seeking nominations and applications for the position of Dean of Student Affairs on its Advisory Council. The Advisory Council provides leadership and guidance for the activities and affairs of the GHHS.

The GHHS Advisory Council meets four times a year, either via conference calls or at face-to-face meetings.

We are actively a seeking leader who has a serious interest in the flourishing of humanism in healthcare through the Gold Humanism Honor Society.  Click here  to view current list of Advisory Council members.
The deadline for  nominations  is  February 4, 2020

The deadline for  applications   is  February 10, 2020
The excitement is starting! Solidarity Week and Thank a Resident Day are coming soon, have you started planning?

Solidarity Week for Compassionate Patient Care is a week-long recognition event. GHHS chapters, medical schools, and patient care institutions from across the country promote activities to celebrate their dedication to ensuring compassionate, patient-centered care.

*Materials available for order on December 16

Thank a Resident Day – February 28, 2020

Residency is a key component of graduate medical training, offering an in-depth exposure to medical practice. It can often lead to long working hours matched with many responsibilities. Residents serve as the “house staff” of the hospital and are an integral part to the healthcare team, often serving as indispensable resources for medical students, especially during a clinical clerkship. Join the Gold Humanism Honor Society in bringing to light the importance of the residence staff and encourage medical students at chapters throughout the nation to show our gratitude and appreciation on February 28, 2020!

*Materials available for order on January 7
The GHHS home office is still providing Veterans Health Initiative stickers. As always, we encourage our members to connect with the veterans in their communities as part of Solidarity Week and beyond.

to share your plans or order stickers, please click here.
The 2019 AAMC Annual Meeting , Learn, Serve, Lead was held this past November in Phoenix, Arizona with incredible representation for the Arnold P. Gold Foundation. Medical school deans, hospital CEOs, scientists, physicians, and students gathered for four days of rich conversation and learning.

Each year, the Gold Foundation hosts several major sessions, including the  Jordan J. Cohen Humanism in Medicine Lecture  at the AAMC, this year given by Dr. Rana Awdish, as well as a special reception that convenes the Gold community from around the country. This year’s reception was co-hosted by the Vilcek Foundation to honor our inaugural  Vilcek-Gold Humanism in Healthcare recipient , Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, as well as Dr. Awdish.

Dr. Hoover Adger Jr., Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine received the 2019 Arnold P. Gold Foundation Humanism in Medicine Award at the AAMC Award Ceremony.

To read more about Dr. Adger Jr., click here.

This year, the Gold Humanism Honor Society Workshop, Advancing the Arts and Humanities in Medical Education, facilitated by Dr. Elizabeth Gaufberg, focused on the growing recognition of the power of arts, and humanities-based pedagogies to foster the development of important clinical skills and to cultivate humanistic attitudes and practices. Speakers included Dr. Rita Charon, Dr. Paul Haidet, Dr. Lisa Howley, Dr. Tracy Moniz, and Dr. Alison Whelan.

The Vilcek Foundation and The Arnold P. Gold Foundation are now accepting nominations for the 2020 Vilcek-Gold Award for Humanism in Healthcare!
GHHS Member, Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, accepts the inaugural Vilcek-Gold Award for Humanism in Healthcare
On November 9, GHHS member Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha was presented with the inaugural Vilcek-Gold Award for Humanism in Healthcare at the Association of American Medical Colleges annual meeting. The award was bestowed upon Dr. Hanna-Attisha for her work in exposing the Flint water crisis, and the interventions she has developed to mitigate the impacts of the crisis to affected communities. 

“Mona’s advocacy and her work as a physician and researcher is that of a champion of humanism - of someone who truly elevates our society with human interests, values, and dignity at the core tenets.” .

Read more about Dr. Mona and this award here.
The deadline for nominations is January 22, 2020, 5pm EDT
On Wednesday, Nov.20, The Gold Foundation & Dr. Ron Arky hosted the 2019 Pearl Birnbaum Hurwitz Reception in Boston to honor this year's awardee, Dr. Nancy Oriol, renowned anesthesiologist, innovator, Harvard educator, and pioneer in mobile medicine.

Dr. Oriol has been recognized for her deep commitment to providing high-quality health care to patients who are under served and marginalized. Her creation of The Family Van, a mobile clinic that delivers care to under served communities, eased such barriers as cost, transportation, stigma, and fear, and also educated trainees about culturally competent care and healthcare disparities.

The people we serve invented The Family Van ,” Dr. Oriol said. “ It’s an award for them.

Read the full story here
Learn more abou t this award and Pearl Birnbaum Hurwitz here.
Hope Babette Tang Humanism in Healthcare Essay Contest
The second-place winning essays from the 2019   Hope Babette Tang Humanism in Healthcare Essay Contest   are now available to read in the current edition of   Academic Medicine ,  a monthly peer-reviewed medical journal published by the Association of American Medical Colleges. The second-place essays will be published shortly in the   Journal of Professional Nursing ,   a bi-monthly peer-reviewed nursing journal published by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. Until then, you can continue to access the second place essays here .

Medical student Neha Verma of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine won second prize for her essay " A Second Home " , and nursing student Jessica Corcoran, University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Nursing, captured second for her essay  "Knowing Noah " .

Keep an eye out for our first-place essays in subsequent issues of the two journals!
*Students currently enrolled at either a AAMC or AACN accredited institution are encouraged to participate in the Hope Babette Tang Humanism in Healthcare Essay Contest which will launch in February, 2020.
Chapter Advisors: The GHHS National Office is in the process of creating an email listserv of student leaders of our GHHS medical school chapters. We would like to include student leaders on email communications from us so that they remain informed about our latest programming and updates. If you haven't already, please share your student leaders with GHHS staff.
GHHS Founders 
The Russell Berrie Foundation | The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation | Anonymous
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