Have you considered adding bee hives to your mixed-use or office-building plans? See how large corporations benefit their employees, the community, and the bee population! Check out one of our favorite companies: Bee Downtown.
Did You Know
The number of miles a bee would have to travel to make a pound of honey. (The average bee makes 1/12 of a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime.) source:
Plan It
Bee Cool With Green Walls

Happy New Year! When we think of the New Year, we think of a fresh start. And what could be fresher than nature and the outdoors? When applied to architecture, we think biophilic design, bringing the outdoors into design to increase occupant connectivity to the natural environment.

Bee Downtown (this month’s ATS newsletter inspiration) is an example of this, allowing companies like SAS and Chick-fil-A to increase employee engagement and satisfaction by hosting rooftop beehives. Imagine the benefit of watching the beekeepers manage a hive at your workplace. A win for both the environment, employees, and the bees.

We find another biophilic win-win with green walls. Not only do these vertical gardens benefit the buildings’ occupants, they, too, benefit the environment.
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