February 22nd, 2019
 17th of Adar, 5779 

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    Parshat Ki Tisa
Candle Lighting at 6:00 PM

Rich and Poor

Every Jew is of equal status in the eyes of God. This point is emphasized in the beginning of this week's parsha when each Jew is commanded to donate a half-shekel, regardless of economic circumstances.  העשיר לא ירבה והדל לא ימעיט literally means that the wealthy person should not give more and the poor person should not give less than the standard half-shekel. Rav Elimelech of Lizhensk offers an alternative interpretation: the person who is rich in mitzvot
should לא ירבה, that is, he should not think too much of himself but should instead seek to aspire to even greater heights.  
Along the same lines, the person who is poor in mitzvot should לא ימעיט, that is, he should not think too little of himself and despair but should realize that he can always improve and become closer to God. Each of us in reality is an amalgam of these two characters: rich in certain ways and poor in others. May we recognize our strengths and build upon them and recognize our weaknesses and improve upon them.

Thank you to the Highlites staff for another great edition.

Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Jonathan Kroll
Head of School 

Upcoming Events
Feb. 24th 
S unday Mishmar
Feb. 25th 
  Last Day of the   2nd Trimester  
Feb. 26th
Substance Abuse Education Evening @ KYHS 
Good & Welfare
Elliot Danis ('12) to Naomi Silverman from Boston
   Who Runs The World?
KYHS Students Stun YUNMUN; Bring Home Best Delegate And Honorable Mention Awards
Graphic by Naomi Reichemberg ('22) and Devorah Lome ('22)
Article by Adina Hirsch ('19)
From the beginning of this school-year, eleven KYHS students have been preparing for the Yeshiva University National Model United Nations conference (known as YUNMUN). Each student was assigned a different committee and represented either the Arab Republic of Egypt or the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. Under the guidance of faculty advisor Mr. Ohring, these eleven delegates diligently researched their country's position on each of their respective topics, perfecting their public speaking skills, and learning how to gain multiple perspectives on complicated issues.
On Sunday, February 10, the eleven delegates joined with faculty advisor Mr. Ohring and chaperone Mrs. Hochner traveled to Stamford, Connecticut. KYHS delegates joined hundreds from other schools, as well as Yeshiva University students who served as the chairs of each committee. Delegates spent the majority of the conference debating and strategizing specific issues ranging from maternal mortality to space exploration. Delegates spent the duration of Model UN collaborating with other delegates to pass resolutions for the issues in their committees. Throughout the three-day conference, students also had time at meals and during breaks to interact with the hundreds of other high school delegates, forming lasting friendships. "I love coming back to YUNMUN every year; It gives me the opportunity to see my old friends as well as the opportunity to make new friends", exclaimed delegate Mayrav Saketkhou ('20).
Finally, on Tuesday, the KYHS students attended the closing ceremony where awards were given out and final goodbyes were said. KYHS delegate Yoni Kurtz won the best delegate award in his UN Environmental Program committee and KYHS delegate Sydney Freedman won an honorable mention in her counter-terrorism committee. Yoni Kurtz (20') reflects, "The whole Model UN experience was surreal, but the feeling of shaking Mr. Ohring's hand and being recognized by my peers was something I'll never forget. Model UN is a lot of fun, and allows you to develop your interpersonal, research, and public speaking skills."
Thank you to Mr. Ohring for all his hard work and dedication throughout this entire year in preparation for this conference, and to Mrs. Hochner for working out all the logistics and ensuring that we had an amazing YUNMUN experience.
Hard-Hitting History
KYHS Students Rock Palm Beach County History Competition
Graphic by Liora Mayer ('20) and Sivan Mussaffi ('20)
Article by Yoni Kurtz ('20)

Several students recently had the opportunity to compete in the Palm Beach County History Competition, held at Park Vista High School in West Palm Beach. Daniel Gross ('19), Eli Fuchs ('19), Sam Clarke ('19), and Yoni Kurtz ('20) worked hard to prepare their projects for the competition and were then interviewed at the competition by local historians.  All of the participants were asked to choose a topic which explored this year's theme, Triumph and Tragedy.
The seniors (Daniel, Eli, and Sam) earned third place honors in the documentary category for their thought-provoking work regarding the role of music during the Civil War. Yoni placed second in the research paper category for his paper which examined the impact of Roberto Clemente's legacy on Latinos and American society, scoring high enough to advance to the Florida History Day Competition in Tallahassee! Overall, all of the students had a fascinating experience learning about the processes involved in creating a heavily-researched historical work and discussing their work with other historians. The students would like to thank Mrs. Holly Seidenfeld and Dr. Bob Isaacson for their assistance in navigating the difficult process and would recommend future participation to any students who love history and are willing to work to discover its many intricacies.
Standing For Israel
Sgt. Benjamin Anthony Speaks With Charisma And Power, Imparting Strong Message Of Zionism To KYHS Students
Graphic by Chana Schandelson ('22)
Article by Shalom Brauser ('19)

Two weeks ago, Sgt. Benjamin Anthony spoke to the KYHS juniors and seniors. Sgt. Anthony, who hails from Manchester, UK, has served in the Israeli Army and is now a loud and vocal advocate for Israel and the IDF on campuses around the world. Sgt. Anthony, in his baritone English accent, delivered a strong message to the students. He spoke in vivid and moving terms of the seriousness and necessity of service in the IDF. He emphasized that we do not need Israel for its technology or its democracy, but for the sole reason that it is the one and only home of the Jewish people. He urged every student in the room, and Diaspora Jews in general, to do their part in preserving the State of Israel. This strong message from one of the most compelling speakers of the year undoubtedly left a powerful imprint on the students.
Reaching For The Stars
Students Attend NASA Event At FAU
Graphic by Josh Bernten ('20)
Article by Al Dimont ('20)

This past week, seven eager and young minds went to an event held by NASA at Florida Atlantic University. At the event, former pilot Steve Swanson told his story of literally reaching the stars. As a child, he said, he always wanted to be an astronaut. He worked at attaining his dream and asked NASA repeatedly to be sent into space. Time after time, however, NASA rejected him, explaining he had not garnered the proper qualifications. Finally, after multiple years, NASA sent him into space as an astronaut. The breath-taking experience, he said, was something he will never forget. After Swanson spoke, event attendees Skyped into space and spoke with Astronaut Anne McClain. She described what the experience of traveling to space and took questions from her viewers. Finally, she started floating, proving to all the doubters that she was, in fact, in space.
Women in the War
Professor Of Holocaust Studies Speaks To KYHS Students About Women In The Holocaust
Graphic by Highlites Staff
Article by Sara Deichman ('19)
Recently, students expanded their Holocaust knowledge as they heard from Professor Sara Horowitz of York University. Among the manifold of Professor Horowitz's accomplishments are her published work, Voicing the Void: Muteness and Memory in Holocaust Fiction , and her membership on the Academic Committee of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. The literary scholar and Holocaust expert focus her research on gender roles within the Holocaust.
By evaluating women's role in the scheme of the Holocaust, Professor Horowitz has elucidated the harsh realities mother-daughter relationships faced. Through her exploration, Horowitz has had the opportunity to converse with various women, each with compelling stories. Professor Horowitz spent her time with the students detailing interesting stories of brave women, and by the end of her 45 minutes, the room was buzzing with interest.
Ask Adina
Hear Sage Advice From An Experienced Senior
Hi Adina! I'm dealing with an issue, and need your expert advice! My friend-group has started hanging out with me less since the beginning of high school, and I feel that we are drifting apart. What should I do?

Hi! It is really hard to lose friends, especially ones that you have been friends with for so long! Definitely approach your friends and express how you feel to them. Most likely, they will understand and try to repair the friendship. They might not even realize there is actually a problem! If you still feel that you are drifting off, remember that friendships require effort both ways. You have to put effort into your relationship with your friends. This means making sure you set time to hang out with them more and letting them know they are your priority.  Don't let the stress of school or appeal of Netflix keep you from spending time with them.

Also, remember that sometimes friends do grow apart, and that's okay. You or your friends might just need some time apart to explore other friendships. I'm sure you will make new ones and form even stronger bonds. I hope everything works out!

The Yeshiva Highlites Staff