Volume 9, Issue #7 - February 14, 2019
In the name of Christ, we embrace all people to be nourished and empowered by the Holy Spirit to love and serve the world.
By now you will be aware of the joyful announcement of the ordination of Sue Kurtz to the Diaconate on the Eve of the Annunciation - March 24, 2019. Being ordained into the Holy Orders of the Church is truly a life-changing experience for the one who is ordained, as well as family, friends and the greater church. We all want to be able to share in the experience.
In addition to participating in the ordination service, one of the most helpful ways you can share in the occasion is by helping to defray the related costs she will incur. It is expensive to be ordained! For example: clergy blouses, $45-$60 each; clergy collars, $12 each; required stoles for various occasions, $750-$1,000; communion kit, $500; tippet, $100, and the list goes on.
It is customary for congregations to help defray these expenses. For example, when I was ordained as a priest, my congregation followed this practice. It helped to provide for my vestments and other priestly items at that time and for following years. Sue said that she would greatly appreciate us following this practice also.
If you wish to participate in this manner, please make your check payable to Church of the Ascension, and in the Memo section write "Kurtz Ordination."
Thank you for your prayerful consideration as we prepare for this most joyful occasion. More information to come about the service. If you have any questions, please contact me.
Coming Soon: "Holy Cow" Survey
This online survey will help us learn more about the needs of our congregation as we search for our new Priest-in-Charge.
(Paper surveys will also be available.)
- 02/03/19: $4,386
- 02/10/19: $4,335
- 02/17/19: $2,501
Tuesday, March 5
Shrove Tuesday – Pancake Supper
Wednesday, March 6
Ash Wednesday Services
7AM, 12PM, 7PM
Sunday, March 24
Ordination of Sue Kurtz
June 17-21
Frankfort Reading Camp @ Ascension
will meet next on March 2, 2019, (every other Saturday) in the parish library at 10:00 a.m. This group endeavors to bring men and youth to Christ through the three-fold disciplines of Prayer, Study and Service. Contact William Legg (
) for details.
group meets every Saturday morning, 10:00 - 10:30. All are invited and welcome to come and explore this ancient technique, meeting in the main church. For more information, contact Scott Kimbel,
Schedules & Teams:
Updated: February 24 - June 30
as of 2/20/19
February 24, 2019
Daily Office Lectionary
Week of 7 Epiphany, Year One - BCP 948
- BREAKFAST begins at 8:50 a.m. - free of charge to those in need; others may pay a small amount as able.
- ADULTS gather at 9:15 a.m. in the library for "The Preacher's Forum."
- CHILDREN & YOUTH: Christian Formation/Sunday School: Godly Play classes are ongoing for age 2 through fourth grade. Please gather in the parish hall to go upstairs together as a group. Latecomers must be escorted by a parent to the upstairs classroom. Children of all ages are welcome and encouraged to attend all church services; a nursery is available for younger children starting at 9:15 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - Rite I
- Subdeacon: Sue Kurtz
- Chalice Bearer & Lector: Pauline Van Horn
- Prayers of the People: Julia Tyson
- Acolyte: Peggy Stoner
10:30 a.m. - Rite II
- Subdeacon: Sue Kurtz
- Chalice Bearer & Lector: Laura Buffenmyer
- Acolytes:
- C: Ava Marie Allison
- T: Lucy Saunderson & Peyton Heady
- Ushers: Jim & Debbie Kimbrough
- Altar Guild: T1: Suzanne Cox
- Men's Club: T2: Jim Kimbrough, Jim King, Starla Yount
TWO needed
Leah MacSwords
Reimbursable pickup - Leah MacSwords
- Jan Stevens is our Hospitality Coordinator - contact her by email at jstevens5@aol.com to discuss Coffee Hour questions, needs and procedures. If you can bring treats but need a helper, or vice versa, Jan can help you team up!
Intercessions for the Church:
Christ Church, Harlan – The Ven. Bryant C. Kibler,
Recently in need of prayers:
Angela; Barbara; Donnie; the Duncan Family; Faye & Steve; Geoff; Lillian; Philip; Polly; Rebecca; Robert; Theresa; Vic; and Vivian.
Continuing concern:
Anna; Betty; Bob; Carolina; Collin; Darlene; David; Dillard; Doris & Charlie; Harry; Holly; Isaiah; James; Janet; Jean; Jim & Debbie; Jim & Fonda; Jinks; John; Julia; Lee; Linda; Mac; Marilyn; Mary; Mildred; Natalie; Penny; Rose; Scott & Kathy; Sherri; and Willie. We also pray for those on active duty in the military: Daniel, Houston, Nick, Seth, and Tanner; and for Sue Kurtz,
Ordinand, Sacred Order of Deacons.
2/24 – Julia Frost; 2/26 – Conrad Gutermuth; 2/27 – Jane Firth; 2/28 – Joshua Roll; 3/2 – Ryan Peavler.
- Prelude: Aria - Flor Peeters
- Opening Hymn - Hymn 390 - Praise to the Lord, the Almighty - Lobe den Herren
- Gloria: S 280 - Glory to God in the highest
- Gradual Psalm: LEVAS 277, Psalm 37:1-12, 41-42 - Noli aemulari
- Gospel Acclamation: S 155
- Offertory
- Sanctus: S 129 - Holy, holy, holy
- The Great Amen
- Fraction Anthem: S 154
- Communion Hymn: Hymn 581 - Where charity and love prevail - Cheshire
- Closing Hymn: Hymnal 657 - Love divine, all loves excelling - Hyfrydol
- Postlude
Clergy and Staff
- The Rev. William Jessee Neat, Rector
- The Rev. Dr. William G. Brown, Assisting Priest (Retired)
- The Rev. Nancy S. Farley, Assisting Priest (Retired)
- The Rev. Deacon Rebecca A. Saager, Curate
- Mr. John B. Martin, Director of Music & Organist
- Ms. Mona Landrum Proctor, Parish & Financial Administrator
- Mr. David Gierlach, Sexton
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