Excerpt: "
A Dreadful Fairy Book is a quirky children's chapter book filled with magic, fantasy, and fun...Definitely recommended for middle grade readers, fantasy and fairy tale lovers, and kids practicing their reading skills."
Excerpt: "This book turns familiar (and less familiar) fairy-tale tropes upside down and inside out . . . a motley band of characters who are rarely ever what they seem . . . With an even pace and varied cast of characters, the work will appeal to fantasy readers and fans of world-building . . . A charming addition to middle grade shelves."
Excerpt: "
With the message that books will always be your friend-and that the roots of knowledge run deep-Jon Etter's A Dreadful Fairy Book is a great choice for fans of darker humor, such as the kind that can be found in Lemony Snicket's books."
Excerpt: "Many teens will identify with the pressures that accompany high-school graduation, and they'll appreciate how the story places a positive emphasis on self-care and pursuing one's passions."
Excerpt: "[O]
one of the most refreshing things for me in this book was the portrayal of small town life and the impact that all of these individuals can have of each others experiences. It wasn't just a straight up mystery or thriller, it had some heart to it and some life lessons."
Excerpt: "
the reader is treated to a very convincing and very satisfying rollercoaster ride. Hubbell spins an intricate web of deceit...and then tears it apart."
Excerpt: "Fiorella Nash, in her well-researched, easy-to-read book, looks at the truth of today's feminist movement, the movement that women such as myself, women who are stay at home mothers who value serving their families and God, are eschewing."
Excerpt: "Learning Service isn't like the other books on volunteering at all, not even a little bit. The authors are honest about their own experiences, about the checkered history of volunteering, and about the fact that volunteering actually almost always benefits the volunteer more than the local people. If you are even entertaining the possibility of volunteering or working abroad in some way, you need to read this book. And then keep reading it, and work hard to do better now that you know better."