Service Opportunity
Marine Corps Marathon - October 22nd
An Invitation from Our Friends
The DC AMTA Chapter
Hello DMV LMTs,

Our team of volunteers has been working with Team Fisher House at the  Marine Corps Marathon since 2008. On  Sunday, October 22nd we anticipate serving the largest team of runners fundraising for this amazing military charity. Not only could we use all the help we can get--this is also the most fun and rewarding event we do all year!

Here's the link to register:  
Please register by Oct 15th.

You can sign up for just two hours or play with us the whole day. Shifts are flexible. The Fisher House Foundation takes good care of all its volunteers, and our massage team is also invited to their amazing  Saturday night team dinner. Feel free to pass this email along and contact me with questions or further details. All equipment and supplies are provided as are team gear and swag.

We look forward to seeing some of you there!

Jaime Bernardo, LMT
DC Chapter

If you haven't already, please like our Facebook page and join our Facebook group.  We hope to use Facebook as one way to communicate events like the coffee and conversation get-togethers, as well as upcoming continuing education classes.

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