God created us with desires that can only be filled up by Him alone. He keeps bringing us back to His place in our lives while we actively fight the daily distractions to live from His victory.  
I wrote a poem years ago for a young lady who was floundering in her identity by virtue of comparison. Things thought to be staples in relationships were quickly changing. Where did she fit in with all the unknowns? I’ve been there myself. Still am sometimes as different seasons in life present challenges. I believe this to be a predictable scenario when we revert to our natural fleshly habit of measuring ourselves against the accomplishments of others, or against our own standards & goals. Though common enough, it gets us nowhere.

God bless my beloved Mother! She dropped out of school after the 8th grade to go to work for her grandmother. During the depression years, family did what they had to, to survive for the common good of the unit. As a result, she did not see herself as measuring up to other accomplished folks around her. By the time she reached adulthood, she had become one of the finest telephone operators in the business. And she helped put her younger brother through college, ta boot! She was good reader, a proper writer & had more creativity, by necessity, than most. The woman could mend anything! She sang & played the organ at church. And the piano, well…she made it come to life with the “oldies.” I don’t know that she played by ear because she had years of lessons from her aunt. But she certainly knew how to naturally add pizzazz to any song. She “felt” the music. It was my mother who helped me with questions about my schoolwork. It was my mother who read the Sunday school lessons to me & helped me learn the church catechism for Thursday nights. Mom had 3 lifelong friends she was particularly close to. After the 4 of them married, the couples continued getting together for almost any reason…Sunday night coffee times (rotating between their homes), picnics, graduations & New Year’s Eve get-togethers. She was a good cook & sacrificed for us kids, often taking less & then eating any leftovers (if there were any) as the table was cleared.

Some years into our marriage, my Mom voiced some surprising observations. It changed the way I saw her. 1) She said that when she walked by a mirror & saw herself, she would sometimes gasp, & inwardly exclaim, “Who is that person?!” Oh-h, I can so relate to those same feelings now!! 2) She also said that you never change on the inside as you grow older. You still need to feel valued & included, & you still need affection. Again, to that I say, “Amen!” (again & again 😊) It was because of those moments that I realized there will still be a little girl in me on the inside (or for you guys, a little boy), no matter how old my body gets.  I will always feel the need to be cared for…most importantly in my relationship with Jesus Christ.  But it sure is nice to have some human affirmation too. I don’t think it matters what you’ve accomplished, what you do for a living, or how much money you have. Deep inside, we all know the insecurities in the hidden recesses of our hearts, whether we reveal them to others or not. God sees & you are safe with Him. We desperately need to embrace our Biblical identity in Christ as the foundation of life.  But Jesus “with skin on” is also a big plus in my book!

Whoever you are, the sentiments of my never-before shared “Little Girl Lost” poem likely will resonate in your heart-- if you’re honest. God created us with desires that can only be filled up by Him alone. He keeps bringing us back to His place in our lives while we actively fight the daily distractions to live from His victory. My sweet Mother clung to the promises in God’s Word all the days I knew her. Her passion became stronger because of life’s trials. I picture her at the table, sitting with her eyes closed, tearfully quoting 2 specific passages of scripture that guided her faith journey.  She understood what Christ had done on her behalf. She was still that little girl on the inside, only she was not lost. She knew her true Home.

©Little girl lost
I’m calling to you
I have much to say
We have much to do

Little girl lost
You fret & you try
Your self-made ambition
Will cause you to die

Little girl lost
My heart yearns for you
Our fellowship sweet
Your soul I’ll renew

Little girl lost
I know your name
I lost My innocence
I bore your shame

Little girl lost
My Word is your Light
The darkness will vanish
Destroyed by My might

Little girl lost
Come Home to Me
My Life-breathed Truth
Will set you free

Little girl lost
Do you really believe?
I AM your life source
Please, just receive!

Welcome home, daughter!
I AM your solid ground
You’re safe in My arms
Little girl found
