Free Scissor Sharpening at Hip Stitch
FREE Sewing Scissor Sharpening
Free sewing scissor sharpening is tomorrow, Saturday, February 23rd; drop them off today!

Let Jeremi use his "Twice as Sharp" system to make your favorite sewing scissors better than new.

(Not to put too fine a point (edge?) on it, but Jeremi's daughter Gabby is selling Girl Scout cookies. The order form is here at the store. 8-year-old Gabby has set a goal of 1,000. She wasn't specific if that was cookies or boxes, or for the troop as a whole or just herself.

If you're needing wanting some Thin Mints or some Samoas or any of the other inferior cookies get your name on the form when you drop off your scissors. No pressure. But let your conscience be your guide. You might have been a Girl Scout once And you like cookies, don't you? 1,000 Let's try for it.

Meet Cheryl "Muppin" Sleboda
Meet Cheryl Sleboda at Hip Stitch, this Saturday at 2:00.

She'll be on hand to sign T-shirts, discuss sewing projects and more. We've got a limited supply of her signature "Muffin" mugs, measuring tapes, patches and T-shirts, get yours today, while your scissors are being sharpened.

Chat with her about her DVD " Heirloom Sewing Techniques for Today's Quilter," her ideas on the latest cos-play trends or just come by the store that gives you more.

A Dragon among us . . .
No, this isn't Cheryl's machine. This dragon themed Singer Featherweight is custom-painted for Janie, based on her own original design ideas as executed by our master painter. Drop by Saturday to see it.

Jeremi will be sharpening scissors, but can answer questions about the Featherweight you want done for yourself!


We have, now, in-stock Eversewn machines which might suit you for retreats and classes.

If you're looking for a portable machine with modern conveniences, come see the Quilter's Edition. With a throat that can handle a full 8 inches and a knee lift, automatic thread cutter and a multitude of stitches.

Jeremi says it looks tough and sews well by his standards, but he's waiting on you, our customers and our in-house team of quilters to try it before he'll fully endorse it.

See it and try it. You might just get a screaming deal!

Back in stock is the Sparrow 25, a robust little workhorse that is ideal as a back-up or travel machine for the more advanced sewist.
Quilt Sampler Magazine
Now it can be told . . .

A scrappy little fabric shop in Albuquerque is going to be featured as a Top Shop in the national Quilt Sampler magazine from Better Homes & Gardens, with a circulation of a quarter million.

Yup, it's Hip Stitch. And you're probably going to be all "I've been shopping there since they were just a little bitty fabric store." And, it's true because it's true. Don't start hating on us because of it. We're still the store where it seems like everyone's having more fun . . . because we are.

We're offering this super special legacy collector's edition of the magazine at just a dollar over our cost. Heck, we'll sign it with all our great super-celebrity autographs for . . . well, alright, for free.

Your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will cherish this as much as one of your quilts.

OK, they definitely won't. But it IS sort of cool that your shop is in a national magazine, no?

The publisher is putting pressure on us to buy 6,000 copies which seems kind of lot.

If you're even sort of interested, please click below so we might have a better estimate on how many to order.


Make Yourself at Home
Kimberbelles! The fabric has arrived, the kits are being made....have you ordered yours?

Don't forget, the Kimberbell yardage has also arrived -- lots of cute themes to surround the "Make Yourself at Home" project -- check the prints depicting 1950s style furniture and housewares, and all the prints that go with them.
Newest, freshest fabrics!
Telio Knit: Shibori
Telio Knit: Dakota
Telio Knit: Cara Dot
Telio Knits landed Friday, too late for pictures of all . . . so, yes, the bicycle print is upside down. Sew it how you will, but really, turn it upside right.

The Telio company is based in Canada, now in it's third generation as a family-owned provider of avant-garde garment sewing fabrics. We've brought in prints so fresh that the photos haven't been published for us to offer them here. Select from 10 bolts in spiffy colors for spring. You simply must come to the store to see.
Big Fat 50
This is a Hoffman of California Batiks Big Fat 50. Filled with 50 one-yard cuts of Gemstone colors.

We're feeling a bit lazy and rather than break these up to sell at $12.99 a yard, we're willing to let the whole salami go for $8.99 a yard.

You've doubtless already done the math and realize that means you would be getting $649.50 worth of charcuterie for only $449.50.

If this bundle isn't sold by Monday, we'll just do the work of unbundling and folding and pricing each cut of fabric, one at a time.

One . . .

At . . .

A . . .

Time . . .

Credit Catherine who said, "Before we split this up, maybe should offer it as a product."

And SOLD! Three friends came in and did the math. It's a great deal.

This bundle sold. We're happy to order one for you and your gang. Or just keep it for yourself.

Classes coming soon:

Create Your Own Collage - this Sunday - just 4 seats left!
Register HERE for this fun class with Gail Shannon.

Garment Sewing Night

Bring your project - pattern and fabric, in whatever stage it's in - sew with help along the way!

Thursday, Feb. 28, 5:30-8:30

Register HERE for this event
Men's or Women's Raglan Shirt
Practice sewing with knits using this easy Raglan T-shirt. Another great Jalie pattern offering this everyday classic. Choose from different styles. Class includes pattern sizing, tracing, cutting, and completing the T-shirt for yourself or a gift for someone else.
Saturday, March 2, 9:30-3
Register HERE for this class
See the rest of February's classes HERE
See March classes HERE
You can help!

The Women To Be charity sewing group is collecting underwear, bags and washcloths to complete the sustainable feminine care products kits we make and assemble. These kits are to be delivered to the girls and young women of the Tarahumara/Rarimuri in Copper Canyon, Mexico at the end of April.

Needed now:
  • New 100% COTTON briefs or hipsters in girls sizes 10- 14
  • New freezer type ZipLoc brand bags -- without the slider unit
  • New plain washcloths

We are incredibly grateful for any donations!

Deliver to Hip Stitch, Attn: Catherine 

You can shop Hip Stitch from home . . . even if home
is in Italy, Montana or Rio Rancho
(just 3 recent online orders)

In Albuquerque?
Choose the 'pick up at store' option.
Out of town?
Can't make it to the shop to pick up?
FREE shipping for orders over $50.
You have choices where to shop; whether locally or on-line. We appreciate you shopping at Hip Stitch - your support of a local store keeps us, and Albuquerque, going strong!