Click here for St. David's December Calendar and Birthdays
St. David's December 2018 Evangel
From the Desk of Rev. Sue +    

As some of you know, I suffered a bike accident early in November. A car ran a stop sign which prompted me to brake hard to avoid collision. Newtonian physics took over from there. Fortunately, I broke no bones, suffered no concussion, and a mild shoulder separation healed on its own. However, my physician told me to stay off my bike for 3 weeks until my shoulder was completely healed, which meant that for most of November I walked, instead of biked, at daybreak on the North Branch bike trail.
Please understand, I'd much rather have been biking. But walking, because it is slower, enabled me to see things in the Forest Preserve this month which I probably would not have noticed at bicycling speed - specifically, herds of deer browsing near the paths. At dawn on what would have been opening day for deer hunting anywhere but the Cook County Forest Preserve, I stopped to watch two mature bucks - each sporting 8-10 point antlers -- approach each other. I froze on the path, wondering if a battle for breeding rights was brewing. But as it turned out, they simply sized each other up and then turned aside, purposefully walking away from each other. I doubt very that I would have seen that drama had I been speeding by on my bike. So, much as it pains me to admit it, there IS something to be said for periodically slowing down! When we do, we are perhaps more able to pay attention to what unfolds around us.
Which also might be considered good counsel for the Season of Advent.
I know, I know. I'm right there with you. There is so much to do and seemingly so little time in which to do it - whether we're talking about activities and ministries at St. David's leading up to Christmas, or simply fielding the hustle and bustle of Christmas preparations at home and with our families. And yet, Advent beckons us to pause, maybe slow our steps for a moment or two, and pay attention. The shortening of daylight hours as we approach the solstice seem an apt metaphor for the condition of the world - the darkness of greed, political discord, and human suffering. And then just before we celebrate Christmas: the solstice. Gradually, almost imperceptibly, the days begin to lengthen again, each day bringing us a symbol of hope born anew in the yearly celebration of the birth of Christ.
"Help us, O Lord, to fix on our eyes on you, to silence our busy to-do lists, and to wonder at your great love for us. Shift our focus to you. Teach us again to look to you as our righteousness and faithfulness in a world that sometimes seems so fixated on our busy lives that we have lost the "cloud and majesty and awe" of needing you more than we allow ourselves to admit. Lord, hear our prayer. Amen."
A blessed Advent to us all.
Rev. Sue

Harvesting Gratitude, Planting Faith:
Stewardship 2019 Update     
The signs of gratitude that appeared on the St. David's property early in November attracted the attention of both St. David's members and the greater Glenview community that is on and off our campus throughout the week. Those signs of gratitude have now been harvested, and though snow is on the ground (as of this writing anyway), watch for new signs of faithfulness to sprout up on our campus in the weeks ahead.

Planting faith is a great symbol for our life at St. David's - a church that expresses its faith outwardly as a direct result of an inward experience of gratitude. And we have much to be thankful for, not the least of which are your 2019 pledge cards coming in! Your expression of faithful support, grounded in your experience of God's blessings, is key to our work together in 2019 as a parish . If you have sent your 2019 pledge card in already, thank you! If you have not yet, please know that your support is crucial. St. David's faces challenges that are common to mainline churches everywhere. What sets us apart from many, however, is the generosity and commitment of our membership.

We hope to finish 2018 strong. As you consider your household's charitable donations in December, please know that any additional gifts made to St. David's make a huge budgetary difference, enabling us to finish in the black and to provide carryover to the early months of 2019.

Advent Service of Lessons and Carols
Kick off the Season of Advent and prepare your hearts and minds for the coming of Christ with a traditional Service of Advent Lessons and Carols, Sunday, December 2nd at 5pm at St. David's Episcopal Church.  The service will include scripture and Advent Carols; following each lesson there will be a carol sung by the congregation or a carol presented by one of St. David's three choirs. 
A catered reception with heavy hors d'oeuvres and beverages will follow the service.
Sunday, December 2nd at 5pm.
St. David's Episcopal Church
St. David' s Special Advent & Christmas Services 2018-2019
Dec. 2          5:00 pm     Advent Service of Lessons & Carols,
                                         Church with catered reception to follow
Dec. 9          5:00 pm     Second Sunday Service, Chapel
                                         (special emphasis on winter solstice, longest night)
Dec. 23        8:00 a        Fourth Sunday of Advent, Rite I, Chapel
                   10:00 am     Christmas Pageant and Holy Eucharist, Rite II
                  11:00 am     "Christmas-ing the Church" - all are invited to help transform
                                         the church from Advent to Christmas.
Dec. 24        4:00 pm    Christmas Eve, Holy Eucharist, Rite II, Church
Dec. 24        10:30 pm   Christmas Eve, Holy Eucharist, Rite II, Church
Dec. 25        10:00 am     Christmas Day, Holy Eucharist, Rite II, Church
Dec. 30        8:00 am      First Sunday after Christmas, Rite I, Chapel
Dec. 30       9:30 am       Christmas Lessons & Carols and Holy Eucharist, Rite II,                                                       Church
Jan. 1           10:00 am   Feast of the Holy Name, Holy Eucharist Rite II, Chapel
Jan. 6           8:00 am     Feast of the Epiphany, Holy Eucharist, Rite I, Chapel 
                       9:30 am      Feast of the Epiphany, Holy Eucharist Rite II, Church
                              Bakers - Start Your Ovens!
December has arrived and now is the time to get baking those wonderful Christmas Cookies for the boys and girls at Lawrence Hall.  Each December, Holy Trinity Guild provides individual bags filled with homemade cookies for all the children.. Over 220 bags will be distributed at their annual Christmas Party, December 8th.  We will need everyone at St. David's to help us with the baking.  Cookies can be prepared in advance and frozen .  Please label them for Lawrence Hall and place them in the "chest" freezer in the church kitchen.  Small cookies pack best and decorated cookies are a special holiday treat. Your cookies are due in the kitchen by Sunday December 2 nd . Packing will take place in the church kitchen on Thursday, Dec. 6, at 9 AM. We'd love your help packing too!  
Questions?  Call Louise Curry 847-998-5983. 

ECW Board Meeting
Tues., Dec. 18th 
Holy Eucharist-Chapel
ECU Board Meeting-Library
Holy Trinity Meeting
December 13
Valley Lo Country Club

Please rsvp to: Lyle Jorgenson hostess 
Call 847-670-8090 or email [email protected]

All are welcome !
Many Thanks to everyone who ordered wreaths and made our campaign a success> 

St. David's Book GrouP

The book group will be reading Born A Crime by Trevor Noah on Tuesday December 4. Join us if you have read the book!
On Tuesday January 15 we will read Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult.
On Tuesday February 19 we will read The Lotus Eaters by Tatjana Soli.

I hope everybody had a wonderful Thanksgiving and is as excited as I am for Advent and Christmas. We are starting a new church year and nearly to a new calendar year and as I look back on this last year I am struck by all the love and support for youth and family ministries I've seen this year. I hope everybody knows how thankful I was over Thanksgiving to be a part of such a loving congregation.
As we wrap up the year we do have some exciting things happening in YFM. As we start Advent we will also begin Confirmation for our 7 th grade and up students who haven't been confirmed yet. I hope you will all hold these students in your prayers as they learn and wrestle with the question of whether or not they'd like to say yes to the baptismal vows made for them when they were infants.

We are also looking forward to the Christmas Pageant on  December 2 3rd . I hope everybody can make it to see our youth explore this familiar story of Good News entering our world through a defenseless child and consider the scared, wondering, awe filled people who were there to witness and rejoice first hand.
God bless you in this season of waiting,
Upcoming Events:
December 2nd- Confirmation starts
December 17th- Transform 5:30-7
December 22nd- Pageant Rehearsal 2:00
December 22nd- Christmas Party following rehearsal
December 23rd- Christmas Pageant 

New this year: Christmas-ing the Church!
With Christmas Eve falling on Monday this year, we'll need all hands on deck to help "flip" the church and chapel from Advent blue to Christmas red and gold on Sunday, Dec. 23 following the 10 am pageant. We'll need teams of help transporting and setting up poinsettias, setting up the crèche and figurines, swapping out indoor and outdoor blue wreath bows with red bows, and decorating the narthex Christmas tree. Upper and Lower Body Strength is welcome and needed!
Let's pitch in and help our faithful Altar Guild members this year so that they can take a deep breath ahead of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services.
St. David's All Parish Christmas Card

Please join our St. David's Parish Family in wishing each other a Merry Christmas! To have your name included in the Christmas Card, please complete the form below and send a
 donation of any amount to...

Lucy Tracy,
503 Briarhill, Glenview,  60025 
or you may  attach this form to your donation check and 
return it to the church office. 

All donated  money will be sent to Episcopal Charities.
Please make your check payable to:
St. David's Episcopal Church indicating "Christmas Card" in the memo field.


Please note how you would like your name printed:
Questions? Please call Lucy at 847-729-1583
Thank you for supporting Episcopal Charities!


Food With Friends
Third Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m.
St. David's,Undercroft
Dec. 18
No January Meal - GBS Exam Week
Feb. 19
Mar. 19
April 16
GBS students prepare and serve the food at this community meal.
St. David's provides the venue. There is no cost involved, and no expectations other than guests coming hungry, eating delicious food, and meeting some amazing high school students in the Interact Club who love to do this. ALL are welcome.
All means ALL.

We have some exciting musical events planned for the month of December!
You have probably already seen notices about Advent Lessons and Carols on December 2nd at 5pm. I would encourage you to come to this event. It is a wonderful way to prepare our hearts and minds for the season of Advent and get us in the holiday spirit. The prayers and lessons are meaningful and relevant, and the music is beautiful. Come join us and bring your friends!
The Caroling Trolley is going to make its rounds again this year on Sunday, December 16th from 2pm to 4pm. We'll be traveling around town in a trolley, stopping at houses in the parish to offer some holiday cheer to those who can't always make it to church. This singing opportunity is not limited to just choir members, we'd love to have you join us! There is a 30 passenger limit on the trolley, so act fast. Watch for the sign up sheet in the Narthex or email Rich at [email protected].
On December 22nd at 7:30pm. We will be hosting the Imprint Choir, which is directed by Marty Sirvatka, the retired choir director of Glenbrook South High School Chamber Singers. Imprint is an exciting group of talented GBS alums whose performance will bring Joy and Songs of the Season to you.   This non-profit organization 501(c)3 pursues excellence in performance and raises funds to support community charities and GBS music scholarships. "Remembering our Roots - Sharing a Passion - Giving Back to the Community." This December 22 performance offers free admission. Contributions given to a free will offering are very much appreciated.
Christmas Eve we have two service: one at 4:00pm which is an exuberant joyful service and will feature the musical talent of our youth and Jr. Choir. The 10:30pm service will be more intimate in nature and will feature the Parish Choir and a Harpist, Stay up late and join us to welcome the Christ Child with gentle joy! Not to be forgotten, Christmas Day will include favorite Christmas hymns and a Soloist.
Last, but certainly not least, Sunday December 30 (during normal worship time) is our Christmas Lessons and Carols, which will give us a chance to sing even more favorite Christmas carols before we move into the season of Epiphany.
It's a hectic time of year. Take some time to unwind and enjoy some good music offered up by our wonderful choirs and visiting guest musicians.
In advance, I would like to take a moment to thank all of our musicians who faithfully come to rehearsals every Wednesday, and come early on Sunday to prepare for worship all while maintaining their lives and holiday preparations. It really is a blessing to have so many dedicated and talented individuals who come together to make worship that much more special for all of us. Thank you all for everything you do!

Thank You to all of you who donated to the 2018Giving Tree! Thanks to all the St. David angels who purchased gifts and made a monetary donation. Your generosity has helped make Christmas for other families both memorable and special.
St. David's Episcopal Church |  847-724-1341  |  [email protected]