Greetings everyone!

Welcome to the November issue of the Vermont State Parks newsletter. This is our time here at Vermont State Parks to take a breath, reflect on the past summer operating season and start to make plans for changes and other preparations for next year. Yes, it all begins already! We are hard at work digesting your comments and suggestions as well as those from our staff. It is how we are able to stay relevant and welcoming to you, so thank you to all who have given us the benefit of your opinions. We are constantly considering ways to make us better and your input helps a lot.

As you might have noticed when you were here last summer, this was a very busy year for us. This is only the sixth time in the 94-year history of the state park system that we have exceeded 1 million visits! That’s a lot of fun, relaxation, reflection, and connection to nature happening in your state parks. Hats off to you, our visitors, for coming, our park staff for providing the help, security and other great service, our maintenance staff for holding it all together and our interpreters for inspiring our connection to the natural world. That’s what it takes to make a successful park season. Thank you all!

Now, after you have finished reading this newsletter, head right outside and enjoy this particularly nice time of year for hiking, biking, running or just relaxing in your favorite park.

See you out there! 

Craig Whipple,
Director of State Parks