Children and Youth Ministry This Sunday

10:45AM Children's Chapel - The Leaven

1:30-3:30pm Confirmation Class

Do you have a CLUE?
Youth Lock-In
F ebruary 23rd 6pm-10:00am February 24th

Who did it? Do you have a CLUE? And who are you anyway? Join us for a night of food, fun and a giant game of CLUE. We'll also reflect on who we are and the masks we "put on" as we face the world. Do we really have a CLUE who we are?
Youth Mental Health First Aid Training

Youth Mental Health First Aid Course
Saturday, March 9 th  9:00am-5:30pm Cost: $   (lunch will be provided.)
This training is limited to the first 30 registrants. To register, email
* No cost for participants. 
Want to learn how you can respond to a young person struggling with mental health issues? We invite you to attend a training and earn a Youth Mental Health First Aid certification. It will be led by Chapel of Our Saviour parishioners Mary Alex Dill and Katie Koldenhoven, who are both School Social Workers in the Cheyenne Mountain School District.
Youth Mental Health First Aid USA is an 8 hour public education program for adults, which introduces participants to the unique risk factors and warning signs of mental health problems in adolescents, builds understanding of the importance of early intervention, and teaches individuals how to help an adolescent in crisis or experiencing a mental health challenge.
Quest Youth Retreat
Join us April 12-14, 2019 for another amazing weekend!

Frontier Ranch , located beneath the peak of Mt. Princeton in beautiful Buena Vista.It's time to register for Spring Quest! Quest is a weekend youth retreat for teens, grades 6-12, put on by The Episcopal Church in Colorado at 

Join us for this amazing retreat weekend filled with music, outdoor fun, awesome food, worship, and friendship - created for youth by youth.

This Spring's Theme:  Together Bound

What does it mean to be a part of a community that at its core is bound together in Christ-in Holy love? During Fall Quest we pondered our personal relationship with God and how we can listen to God's still, small voice in our daily lives. But we know that we were never meant to go on our journeys of faith alone. This spring we will discover what it means to serve, support, and lift up one another; how our joy flows over when we celebrate together; and how remembering God's faithful presence as a body of believers knits us closer to one another. What better way to celebrate our lives together than to remember Christ's entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday? Join us as we embark on a Questthat will draw us closer as the Body of Christ across the amazing state of Colorado!


Event Cost
The cost for youth and adult sponsors is $165. This price will increase after March 14 to $180. Work Crew members are free. Credit card payments (preferred method) can be made online. Please mail check payments to:

The Episcopal Church in Colorado
Attn: Quest
1300 Washington Street
Denver, CO 80203
If anyone in your group is in need of scholarship help, please let us know.
Please keep in mind there is a $55.00 cancellation fee.

How to Register
Register soon! Registration is online only. For assistance with registration, contact the Office of Faith Formation at 303.837.1173 or Register here 

We will be placing our shirt order on March 15. Participants wishing to receive a t-shirt must register by March 14.    

Dietary Needs?
Participants requiring special meals must fill out Frontier Ranch's online  Special Diet Request Form.

Online Waiver
Each participant is required to complete the  Frontier Ranch School Season Waiver Form  prior to the start of the event.