February 22 2019
This Week's Top Stories  

February 21 2019
In a strong validation for the role of securities lending in capital markets, a Federal Reserve working paper has documented that securities lending is a direct contributor to market liquidity. We expect this as an important official reference point going forward..

February 20 2019
Exploring the methodology behind the Federal Reserve's Comprehensive Capital Adequacy Review stress test compared to a bank's own models, and the possible impact on securities financing transactions.

February 19 2019
Recent European Central Bank working papers on collateral have been really good, well researched and thoughtful about the problems they are tackling. They also show a continued bias towards the ECB as a government controlled actor solving the core issues. Is this the right path to follow?

February 18 2019
The US Office of Financial Research last week released its final rules for repo data collection from CCPs with open commitments of $50 billion in repo activity over the last quarter (ie, FICC). Here's what's included.

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