NMI - Nazarene Missions International
We are people united in our belief that our involvement changes lives worldwide.
Carole Eatock
District NMI President
We are Vision.
We are Action.
We are Impact.
Missions serving opportunity in Summer 2020 to Rockford Illinois!! Details coming soon!
NMI - God is Calling! NWIL is Sending!
Adding clarification, our denomination has defined a Nazarene Missionary is either a sponsored missionary or global missionary. A sponsored missionary will serve up to four years in a localized need in the field, funded by a local community and affirmed by the local church, district and the Church of the Nazarene. A global missionary is one called to a lifetime of service and funded by World Evangelism Fund (WEF). Affirmed by the Church of the Nazarene with prior ministry experience the missionary will serve in a global assignment needed.
As missionary president God has placed a burden on my heart for NWIL to send 3000 individuals onto the mission field. Well I am excited to share with you God is speaking to individuals across our district AND they are being obedient! Over the next few months I will be sharing testimonies of individuals who are hearing God calling to missionary service!
- Carole Eatock
"My name is AJ Urfer. I was called into missions in 2016 at a district event. Since then I've taken multiple steps in order to prepare for whatever God calls me to, whether it be short-term or long-term, near or far. It has been a day-by-day learning process, growing with God and trusting his timing. Currently I am part of a launch team at Summit Nazarene serving in children's ministry, building relationships amongst the young adults, and helping wherever I'm needed. God has grown a love of people, language, culture, and most important - a stronger desire to know and serve him each day. He has stretched me over the past three years and I am excited to see where he will lead me in the future." -AJ Urfer
"I am excited to be a part of a denomination who encourages and supports individuals feeling a call to missions. If you or someone you know is feeling a call into missions please let me know. We would like
to be in prayer and support them. I would like to challenge you to be in prayer for Marissa Smith, Leah Mason, Anna McGovern, AJ Urfer and other individuals across our district hearing God calling into a life of service!"
- Carole Eatock
"Marissa has a God given gift for speaking! If you are interested in Marissa coming to speak at a Bible study, small group gathering or church service please email her directly."
-Carole Eatock
Marissa Smith
Sophomore at Olivet Nazarene University
Major: Social Work
Minor: Intercultural Studies
Mission experience: 11 mission trips including Guatemala & South Africa,
2 summers of inner city ministry (SCC)
Summer 2020: Cactus, TX Cactus
Nazarene Ministry Center
Available dates to speak:
12/15 Sunday
12/18 Wednesday
12/22 Sunday
12/29 Sunday
1/5 Sunday
1/8 Wednesday
1/12 Sunday
2/16 Sunday
3/8 Sunday
3/15 Wednesday
Sundays available for morning and evening services.
Leah Mason |
Sophomore at Illinois Central College
Major: Ultra Sound/Sonogram Technician
Fall 2020 will attend Southern Illinois University in Carbondale
Mission Experience: 7 mission trips
Freshman at Olivet Nazarene University
Major: undeclared
Mission experience: 3 mission trips including Guatemala, 1 summer of inner city ministry (SCC)
Anna McGovern |
South Side Community Center
Southside Community Center is located in Peoria IL. SCC is in the 61605 Zip code, which is in the top 100 most impoverished communities in the United States. Southside has been heavily impacted by white flight. White flight occurs when white city-dwellers move to surrounding communities to escape the influx of minorities. Because of thi s, many houses sit empty and community member's needs have been neglected. SCC's goal is to transform the community One Relationship at a Time. We hope to implement change by establishing healthy kids, healthy families, and a healthy community.
To transform the community we must work together as a body of Christ. SCC is extending an open invitation to any group who is willing to help serve. SCC has the ability to house fifty plus people in our building. We will serve the community through work projects, summer feeding program, and our summer day camp.
We would love for you to join us for a week in the summer of 2020.
NYI - Nazarene Youth International
Calling our generation to a dynamic life in Christ
February 22, 2020
Location: Pekin First
Cost: $25.00
Deadline: February 3, 2020
All registrations postmarked after February 3
will pay $50.00 per participant
Please mail all Registration Forms & Payment to:
NWIL District
Attn: Celebrate Life
3520 Broadway St.
Pekin, IL 61554
**checks payable to: your local church
- NWIL NazIdol (rules attached)
- NazIdol - all participants & sponsors will go to the sanctuary at 3:00 to watch & vote for the winner of the NazIdol competition.
- T-shirt design forms can be printed, participants will bring design to CL, a basket will be provided in the Art room to put their design to be judged (form & rules attached)
- All Students & Sponsors are to write their checks to their local church
- Youth leader will write ONE check to NWIL-NYI
- Please include the spreadsheet with all students and sponsors attending (print - provided below)
- Copy of insurance card for all participants
- Please do not staple registration forms & insurance copy together. Please use a paper clip. (We make copies of all forms. This process helps us with time management)
- All fees must be paid in full and all forms provided before a student can participate
Participant Information
T-shirt design form
T-shirt design rules
NazIdol rules
Please take time to read all the paperwork that is included with this mailing. All CL information can also be found on the district website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Austin or Pam.
We are looking forward to a great time at Celebrate Life!
Austin Smith Pam Smith
District Celebrate Life Director Celebrate Life Co-Director
austinsouthsidecc@gmail.com nwilpamsmith@gmail.com
309-525-0715 309-208-7595
NYI - Young Adult Ministry
How many times have you heard, "where does the time go?" Maybe you are like me and you seem to be saying it more and more as I watch nervously, excited seventh graders move up into the youth department and watch newly graduated High Schoolers try to figure out where they fit.
In the book The Present Future: Six Tough Questions for the Churchby Jossey-Bass "90% of youth active in high school church programs drop out of church by the time they are sophomores in college." In a 2006 Barna study their findings were similar saying that "a majority of twenty-somethings-61% of today's young adults-had been churched at one point during their teen years but they are now spiritually disengaged."
Allies we are not okay with those statistics and we don't think you are as well, so what are we going to do about it. Robert Wuthnow writes that "unless religious leaders take younger adults more seriously, the future of American religion is in doubt. The proportion of young adults identifying with mainline churches, is about half the size it was a generation ago."
We have a fantastic university (ONU) that not only takes care of our college students educational needs but offers numerous avenues for them to grow spiritually, but what about our students who do not go to Olivet or any college for that matter.
Young Adult Allies, NYI sees all of you and has heard you and we want to do everything we can to keep you connected. Not just connected to us, but more importantly to God. In order to do that we need your help. If you are a recent high school graduate, 18-23 years old, or you know someone in your church that fits into that age group, please send your information to us.
We want to help you get connected to a group that will help you and challenge you to continue growing in your faith whether you are attending school far from your NWIL district family or you are working within a NWIL community.
We, your NWIL family, love you and want you to know you matter and you are needed to accomplish the goal God has set before us. So if you are a college aged student or a church leader/pastor would you please give Ronda Hollars a call or send an email with young adults (18-23)name(s) and contact information so that we can begin connecting them with resources to help them continue maturing in their faith with a body of believers surrounding them.
Ronda Hollars: NWIL NYI College/Career Rep.
NYI - Teen Bible Quizzing - Resources
12/6-12/7 - St. Louis
01/18 - TBD
02/15 - Sterling Invitational
05/14-05/16 - CL - Olivet
Shawn McClain, NYI Quiz Director
New resources have been created to help you get the word out about Youth Quizzing! The virtual promo kit has editable files for you to promote your current ministry or recruit new ministries. Follow the link below and click the blue button that says 'promo kit.'
Mark your calendars
July 27-31, 2020
SDMI - Sunday School Discipleship International
Ellyn Book
District SDMI Director
Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20
As you are going,
THINK BIG: Every relationship, every interaction, all inclusive.
And make disciples,
START SMALL: You. Be one. Be a Christ-like disciple. Re-present Jesus.
Baptizing them, immersing them in Jesus,
GO DEEP: Pray. Empty yourself. Sacrifice.
SDMI - Disciplining our Children, Engaging Their Hearts
Saturday, January 11, 2020
9:00 AM - Noon
Peoria First Nazarene, 5504 N. University
The NWIL SDMI focus for 2020 is CHILDREN. To start the new year, we will be hosting a workshop for parents, grandparents, Sunday school teachers, pastors - anyone in relationships with children, so actually, everyone!
We pray our kids would long for Jesus and be rooted and growing with Him, even in their elementary school years. We want to equip our teens well for the challenges and roles they have ahead of them in life. We wish we could see our relationships and connections with our kids deepening.
But where do we even start? The answer is Jesus! (It's always Jesus!)
Where did He start? He started with the heart. God brings lasting change and life transformation in us and our children from the inside out.
This workshop, sponsored by SDMI and presented by Greg Maston, is designed to help you gain the right motivations for carrying out God's purpose for you, a deeper confidence in Christ in your disciple-making, a stronger handle on what you are specifically aiming for with your kids, and practical heart-discipling skills that you'll be equipped with and practice using that very day.
SDMI (We would like you to register to help us plan, and also in the event of inclement weather.) There is no charge for this event.
Greg Maston
Greg is a rescued and redeemed sinner who loves the Lord Jesus. He and his amazing wife Trinity have 4 kids including a teen, a tween, and twins. Greg has 20 years of full-time disciple-making experience. Pursuing a personal desire to intentionally disciple his own kids, Greg has dove deep into researching, interviewing experts, developing and utilizing heart-discipling skills and tools the Lord is already using to bring lasting change and meaningful results in his life and the lives of his kids. Greg has a B.A. in Youth Ministry and a M.A. in Spiritual Formation and Discipleship from Moody Theological Seminary. Ellyn Book, our SDMI Chair, has the opportunity to work along side Greg and learn from him. She is also privileged to call him "friend."
SDMI - Children's Ministry
Lisa Abbott
District Children's Director
Children's Ministry Workers
If you're on Facebook, check out
NWIL Children's Ministry
and request to join! We will be sharing children's ministry ideas, borrowing curriculum, bouncing ideas off one another and encouraging each other as we all seek to point kids toward Christ.
June 21-24, 2020
February 28-29, 2020
Early $50 Deadline: 1/29/20
Regular $55 Deadline: 2/14/20
Late $60 No Deadline
1500 Airport Road
Normal, IL 61761
SuperStart 2020. Please note that if you are interested in participating in this event, you'll need to register your own group and make arrangements for your weekend.
SDMI - Children's Quizzing |
02/01/20 - Pekin First
04/25/20 -
Eureka Grace
Information will be posted regarding
upcoming meets and events.
"Crawford Merle Howe, 78, of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, passed away 25 November 2019. He was a retired minister and district superintendent.
Crawford was born on 31 October 1941, in Luka, Illinois, to parents Marshall and Beulah Howe. After graduating from Salem High School in 1959, he enlisted in the Army in January of 1960 and married his high school sweetheart, Sylvia, in April of that same year. Howe lost two fingers in a corn picker, so he was assigned to the Finance Corps to count money while stationed in France.
When he returned, he pastored two churches in Indiana. He attended Olivet Nazarene University (then College) and graduated in 1970 with a bachelor's in biblical literature. He went on to pastor churches in Indiana, Michigan, Iowa, and Florida. He received a master's from Trevecca Nazarene University in 1993 and was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Divinity from Olivet Nazarene University in 1997.
In 1988, the Kentucky District appointed Howe as their superintendent, and in 1993 he was appointed superintendent for the Northwestern Illinois District, where he served for 19 years until he retired in 2012.
He briefly came out of retirement to serve as an interim superintendent for the Louisiana, Mississippi, and Eastern Kentucky districts.
He is survived by his wife, Sylvia, his sister, Judith Alvis, brothers William, Coral, and Wade, and his sons, Clark and Craig, as well as two granddaughters."
By NCN News Staff
A memorial service will be held December 13, 2019 at 6:00 PM
Pekin First Nazarene
3514 Broadway St.
Pekin, IL
These are all district events. Everyone is invited. Church leaders, members and attendees will be equipped, encouraged and empowered for ministry.
DCPI-CPC - 01/03/20-04/20 & 01/10/20-11/20 - Rockford First
Discipling our Children, Engaging Their Hearts - 01/11/20 - Peoria Nazarene
The Summit - 03/21/20 - Galesburg First
District Assembly 05/01-02/20 - Crossbridge
The Great Commission Report is now available on the district website. You can access it anytime you would like. Choose
CHURCHES tab dropdown and choose bottom option
Great Commission Statistics. You can view a month or year to date or last year's numbers.
For generations, Nazarenes have supported the World Evangelism Fund. Working together, we accomplish so much as the Body of Christ. Become a part of missions work and partner with the Church of the Nazarene to make Christlike disciples in the nations. In the Funding the Mission plan, the World Evangelism Fund is the vehicle through which we deliver the message of hope - and your church drives that mission.
When you give to your local church, do you know the true impact your giving makes? This video shows how you help make Christlike disciples in the nations through your giving in the Funding the Mission plan. Thank you for your generosity!
Support the work of the Church of the Nazarene through the World Evangelism Fund. Your personal gifts reach around the world to change lives and transform hearts in Jesus' name ... making Christlike disciples in the nations. Full Details: WEF
Equipping Leaders to Plant Dynamic Churches Worldwide
Churches Planting Churches Training (CPC)
January 3-4, 2020 & January 10-11, 2020
Rockford First - 4503 Charles St. - Rockford, IL
Friday: 6:00pm-9:00pm Saturday: 8:30am-4:30pm
Cost: $35 - Includes all materials and two lunches
Registration deadline: December 30, 2019
You can complete the training in two weekends and be certified after the training has been completed. The schedule has been adjusted to allow those that work Monday-Friday to be able to attend.
We encourage all laity to attend this incredible training opportunity.
Churches Planting Churches (CPC)
Harnessing the Power of the The Mother-Daughter Relationship Even a small church can make a huge impact for the kingdom. Bring new life to your congregation through practical, proven principles of Daughter Church Planting. Sessions equip you to:
- Answer fears and objections to church planting.
- Determine the involvement of the mother church.
- Develop a timeline for the new church.
- Find resources needed to fund the daughter church.
- Overcome common barriers in the new work.
- Recruit a church planter and leadership.
- Create your own personalized V.I.P. (Vision-Involvement-Plan).
Registration & Information:
2020 Theme...Together: Pursuing The Great Collaboration
March 2-5, 2020
3000 S John Young Parkway
Orlando, FL
Join us at our 2020 Global Conference as we continue the mobilization conversation with a focus on the importance of collaboration, coming together as a body of believers. We are better together!
What is missing from many of our efforts and strategies? Doing it
Together! We are all very familiar with the Great Commission and the challenge to "Go." There has been much taught on the Great Commandment and the need to go with "Love." But it is the last part of Jesus' mission - which was Jesus' final prayer - that we have forgotten. It's the Great Collaboration - that we are to go in love Together!
"...that they may be one as we are one - I in them and you in me - so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me..." John 17:22-23
The Global Ministry Center has given us a great resource.
Click on nazarene.org for Stories, Find a Church, Grow in Faith, News, Announcements, Resources, Region News, Global News and so much more.
Click for Global Ministry Center contact information: GMC
Rockford First Hispanic is looking for an older truck with a snow plow in good condition. If you know of one or know someone that is looking to sell, please contact Leo Sanchez 815-742-4055
Olivet Nazarene University |
As one of the nation's top Christian universities, Olivet Nazarene University has strived to provide education with a Christian purpose since 1907. With more than 30 programs, we offer online graduate, undergraduate, and professional development programs to meet the challenges of today's workplace.
Whether you want an academic degree or just want to advance your career, Olivet is the right place to start. We believe education helps with more than just a career. It makes you a better person and a greater contribution to your community. It makes you a better you. You know where you are. Now let's discover where you'll go.
We believe that education unlocks your potential. We know that an educated person has a significant impact on the community and the world. At Olivet Online, we believe in you.
At Olivet Online, you're more than just a number - you're part of the Olivet family. And that means having access to the support of our faculty, staff and chaplain, not to mention our connected network of alumni and corporate partners.
Our mission is to urgently impact as many souls as possible by creating avenues that add value to their lives. Simply put, we want to positively impact you so that, in turn, you can impact others. As an Olivet Online student, you'll experience that in every interaction you have with our team.
Ever wonder how the online format could work for you? Hear how Pastor Rich Doering was able to build real relationships with his classmates through the online M
aster of Arts in Pastoral Leadership program!
The next MAPL cohort starts January 13th, 2020!
Click the link for more information and to apply online:
Upcoming events on the campus of Olivet Nazarene University and around the world, including Homecoming, concert events, golf outings, alumni gatherings and much more
Olivet Nazarene University, Bourbonnais, IL
Monday-Wednesday * June 1-3, 2020
What is PALCON?
Pastors and Leaders Conference (PALCON) is a gathering designed for all Nazarene clergy - pastors, chaplains, evangelists, staff ministers, and missionaries.
Click for registration and information:
2019-2020 Schedule
12/12/19 - New Hope
01/09/20 - Galesburg First
02/13/20 - Canton First
03/12/20 - Rock Island First
04/16/20 - Reachway
9:45 am
Arrive and Gather with our District Team
10:00 am
POPS begins
Worship - Word - Prayer - District Information
12/12 - POPS - New Hope
01/09 - POPS - Galesburg First
01/17-01/18 - Exploring the Call to Ministry
01/16 - MST/ZF online mtg. 9:30am-11:30am
01/18 - Teen Quiz
01/21 - DAB - 6:30pm - Peoria Nazarene
01/21 - SDMI mtg. - Peoria, Book Residence
02/01 - Children's Quiz - Pekin First
02/08 - NMI, NYI, SDMI Meeting - 9:00am - Peoria Nazarene
02/13 - POPS - Canton First
02/15 - Sterling Invitational Quiz - Sterling First
02/20 - MST/ZF mtg. 9:30am-2:00pm - Peoria Nazarene
02/22 - District Celebrate Life - Pekin First
02/26 - Executive Finance Meeting
NWIL District Prayer Force
Prayer Force Moving Forward!
The District Prayer Force Strategy to pray for every person living in Northwestern Illinois is moving forward. Five Prayer Force leaders have been identified allowing us to move forward in 17 of the 30 counties across the District. These leaders, their counties and contact information is as follows:
Chuck Cobb - Mason & Tazewell
(309) 642-0244
Judy Davenport - Fulton, Hancock, Henderson, McDonough, Schyler & Warren (309) 259-9042 jdaven5@yahoo.com
Ronda Hollars - Bureau, Lee & Whiteside
Debbie Lyons - Winnebago
Patrick Lovell - Woodford, Marshall & Putnam
Tammy Shane - Henry, Knox & Mercer
If you live in one of the above counties
and are interested in being a part of the Prayer Force or learning more about it, please contact the above indicated Prayer Force leader.
2 Peter 3:9 "The Lord is not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." Therefore, every person deserves
and must be prayed for by name.
If you live in one of the remaining 13 counties
(Boone, Carroll, DeKalb, Jo Daviess, LaSalle, Livingston, McLean, Ogle, Peoria, Rock Island, Stark, Stephenson) and are interested in being a part of the Prayer Force or learning more about it, contact:
Are exciting things happening in your church? We would love to share it with our district family. Please send a short article and pictures to
December 23-January 5, 2020 District Team off
Regular hours will resume on January 6, 2020
Monday-Thursday 8:00-4:00
If you need to contact someone on the district team during the holiday, please call 309-682-6945 and leave a message. Messages are checked daily.
We are blessed to have you as our district family. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Scott, Jim, Ray & Pam
Church Multiplication Endowment Fund
Give a GIFT that doesn't stop Giving!
Would you give $1.00 a month if it never stopped giving, never wore out, never changed its usefulness or purpose and transformed lives?
How many times do we give a gift to someone only to see it discarded at a later date or discover it was never used as intended? Have you ever wanted to give a gift that would never grow old or wear out, that would always be used for good and made a difference for eternity? NOW you can!
Jesus said "But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal."
Would you partner with your Northwestern Illinois District's vision to plant churches? You might wonder how you can make a difference or even be a part. Everyone can. We need some to plant, we need everyone to pray and we need many to invest.
The Church Multiplication Endowment Fund is designed to reach unreached people living on the NWIL District for Christ. Every dollar given will continue to give in perpetuity. An endowment fund uses the interest from the principle to do kingdom work. Will you help fund this goal?
Currently, our district property funds have been invested in planting 22 new churches these past three years and the district is in need of capital to continue to plant more! We need your help. Presently, there are 36 more potential church plants in various stages of planning which will require additional funding support.
Help us reach our GOAL of planting 300 churches by 2030. We see 300 churches as 3,000 disciplemakers who disciple 15,000 disciples gathering with 30,000 worshippers. Every dollar you give will continue to reach people for Christ your whole lifetime and beyond.
Would you consider a GIFT of $1.00 a month? We are not trying to take money from your local ministry where you give your tithes and offerings. We are asking for many to give a little. Our initial goal is 5,000 giving at least $1.00 a month. Would you be one of those 5,000 making a commitment to create a movement to plant churches that change lives? Here are ways to give:
1. You can give to your local church by marking your check or cash gift "NWIL CM Endowment" and your church treasurer will take it from there.
2. You can also choose to give online if you want to set up one time or reoccurring payments using debit/credit/Electronic Check on the district website at nwilnaz.org/GIVE/ On District Church Planting or direct CM Endowment Giving LINK. Or scan this QR code at the bottom of this article.
3. You can send a check or cash to NWIL District, 3520 Broadway St., Pekin, IL 61554 (please indicate CM Endowment on check memo)
We are also looking for those who might like to make greater kingdom investments!
You can give cash, stocks, bonds, real estate, livestock, grain, or other personal property. Basically, any asset of marketable value can be used to help fund this endowment. There are also charitable gift annuity options that allow you to specify the endowment fund or another ministry of your choice while allowing you to receive income for your lifetime and when you pass, your gift goes to the endowment fund or specified ministry. CLICK HERE to see other ways to model generosity. Gifts can be given in memory or in honor of someone.
Large or small: Why not leave a lasting legacy that lasts more than your lifetime.
For more information or confidential consultation please contact NWIL District Administrator, Jim Book 309-678-2357; NWIL District Treasurer, Ray Barker
309-645-7716; or the Nazarene Foundation directly at 913-577-2983.
Scan for CM Endowment Fund Giving
Every gift is tax deductible
NWIL District Advisory Board
Rev. Scott Sherwood Ken Roat
Rev. Bill Clark Carole Eatock
Rev. Lloyd Brock Keith Peachey
Rev. Kevin Donoho Kevin Singletary
ONU Board of Trustees
Rev. Scott Sherwood Rev. William Clark
Rev. Lloyd Brock Cheryl Sherwood
Ken Roat
Zone Facilitators
District Superintendent
Rev. Scott Sherwood
District Secretary
District Administrator
Rev. James Book
District Treasurer
District DCPI Coordinator
Rev. Ray Barker
NWIL Office Manager
Pamela Smith
Board Of Ministry
Rev. Bob Hasselbring
Course of Study
Rev. Karin Orwig
We are pleased to announce that our District Administrator,
Rev. Jim Book, has been certified with the Myers & Briggs Foundation as a Certified Practitioner of the MBTI step I & step II instruments. We look forward to using this training in our ministerial preparation program and other applicable ways. You can contact
Rev. Book
if you would have interest in using these instruments and training in the ministry of your local church.
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