Leadership Class 40
 Post Seminar Overviews  
The Members of AgForestry Class 40 Recently Completed  
Their First Two Seminars
The Leadership and Communication Seminar is designed, in part, to give participants tools and context needed for meaningful reflection and self-discovery. After all, how can leaders influence the environment and people around them without a grasp of where and how they fit?
What Class Participants are Saying...  
  • During this seminar, I recognized the value of opening my mind to different views and ways of doing things. This has made me more patient and open to people who are different than me.
  • I realized we are all works in progress. We can constantly improve ourselves and those around us.
  • Like many who have managed or led successfully, I am confident in my abilities, because of my current achievements. But, I now recognize that if I do not continue to grow as an individual and "update" my leadership skills, I will not be the best leaders I can be.
  • We all want to be heard and understood, but the session on active listening confirmed that I struggle to truly listen to people. I am now focused on becoming a diligent listener, so I can lead more effective interactions at home, work and in my community.
Class members discussi ng how to interact with different personality styles

Marshmallow Challenge winners - Through the Marshmallow Challenge, participants learned lessons in collaboration, innovation and creativity

Leadership Class 40

The Group Dynamics and Public Speaking Seminar emphasizes the leader's role in managing teams. The seminar also underscores the power of the spoken word in leadership. Participants practiced articulating their vision and inspiring others to action by delivering persuasive speeches and engaging in other exercises.
What Class Participants are Saying...  
  • This seminar showed how learning about an issue from many perspectives helps us make more informed leadership decisions. I'm now actively seeking out different perspectives to help color/shade my own opinions.
  • I hate public speaking, but I enjoyed the process that we engaged in with the speech evaluators and our class members. I gained confidence in my abilities as a speaker, and learned where I can improve.
  • This seminar reminded me to keep my attitude, actions, and conversations positive and deserving of respect.
  • I gained insight into my values, and how my views influence my ability and willingness to accept other's perspectives. I also learned the value of sharing my views even when they are in opposition to others.

Paul Jones (Class 40) practicing the art of persuasion
  Learning the power of positive language in leadership


Wine bar sponsored by Ste. Michelle and Kevin Corliss (Class 40) 

Oyster bar sponsored by Taylor Shellfish and
Erin Ewald (Class 40)    



Applications for Leadership Class 41candidates due April 30, 2018.
Nominate a leader for the Agforestry Leadership program
Washington AgForestry Leadership Education Foundation - (509) 926-9113