During October, we performed our annual customer satisfaction survey process. We have done this every year since founding our business 18 years ago and it is vital for us to know how we are doing and receive feedback on how we can continue to improve. For the past several years, we have joined an industry group to compare our responses to other similar companies around the nation. A total of 15 companies participated in this survey process this year.

We are proud to report that our overall survey marks were the best in the group. We were happy to see that 87% of respondents were 'overall satisfied' or 'very satisfied' and only 2% were 'dissatisfied'.

Although we performed well compared to other similar companies, we still do know that we have room to improve.

Out of the areas for improvement, we see that wee need to focus on our irrigation management. Irrigation management is continuing to be a strategic focus area for us, as water rates are rising twice the overall inflation rate. Water is a scarce commodity and getting very expensive. As your Landscape Asset Manager, we are working to develop irrigation evaluations and potential projects to reduce your water usage and to save you money while maintaining the aesthetic value of your landscape.
Related to service, respondents said we are doing great in our response time and in the ease in doing business with us. However, they said we should continue to work to be more proactive with value-added options. One of our  objectives is to become our customer Landscape Asset Manager which will improve our project strategies and hopefully improve those marks.  

Again, thank you to those who returned a survey. We greatly appreciate your feedback. For those who didn't return one, please do in the future.  If you have feedback at any other time, feel free to share that with us.  Send your feedback to  
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