February 14, 2019
Inspiring and empowering women to find their God-potential. 

It is always such a blessing to me when I experience God putting the right people in your path. I don’t know why that surprises me. I guess it is not so much surprise as it is awe at His never-ending provisions.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 says” Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow; but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up………. And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” 

How important that we never forget that we need one another. Now more than ever in Women’s Ministries I am seeing the women of the denomination coming together with a common goal. Check the spiritual wellbeing of the ladies in your individual groups. Remember we need one another. Are we supporting each other? Are we united in our mission? Let us not ever forget the Why that we do what we do. There will always be challenges, there will be bumps in the road, and there will be times that we might question what we are doing but never forget “God’s Got This”.

Exciting times in the ministry as we see God unite us and give us one purpose.
Matthew 19:26 “With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.”

Vicki is available to visit your church.

She may be reached at: 

or by calling 573-785-7747
or cell 417-989-1426.

Women's Ministries Group of the Month!

The ladies from South Side General Baptist Church in Michawaka, IN held a very successful fundraiser. They were able to raise over $800 with a cake walk. GREAT Job ladies! A great way to involve the whole church in the mission effort.

WE would love to highlight your group.
Please send us your ideas and pictures of a successful fund-raiser!


For additional information, click on the item listed above!

February Birthdays!

15 Brent Wernsing

Brent serves General Baptist as a church planter in Florida.

If you would like to send him a card:

225 N. Main St.
Auburndale, FL 33823


Be sure to read the latest Faith Home update.

What a blessing to read what God is doing in that ministry. If you did not receive the update email contact Kris at:

Did you notice our NEW Women's Ministries Logo?? Its at the top of this page!

Coming Soon!
AmazonSmiles Program!

Keep watching for more detales!! This is a great way to support Women's Ministries with no additional cost to you!

March To Missions- March 2

Westwood General Baptist Church, Evansville, IN. 

Vicki will be sharing her vision for the ministry.

Make plans to attend!


Mark your Calenders and start inviting your friends!

Geneneral Baptist W omen's Ministries