‌ November 2018
Important Dates
Wednesday, October 31
Code Red Drill

Tuesday, November 13
PTG Meeting

Thursday, November 15
NO SCHOOL- Parent Teacher Conferences

Wednesday, November 21- Friday, November 23

Wednesday, November 28th
Picture Retake Day

Parent Teacher Group (PTG)

Daily Schedule
School Start/End Times:
Mondays: 7:45 a.m. to 1:10pm
(No Early Childhood or 4K classes)

Tuesday-Friday: 7:45 am to 2:42 pm

**Please note that students should not arrive to school prior to 7:30am.
When entering the building... for any other purpose other than pick up or drop off, please report directly to the office. Everyone entering our building must sign in and wear a visitor badge. We need to work together for the safely our little ones.
Please leave toys at home. We are having a school wide issue with toys being brought from home. Please leave Pokeman cards, stuffies and any other toys at home. All classrooms have discussed how distracting toys are to our learning at school. We appreciate your help.
It’s November!!! How time is flying. We are already ending the first quarter of school. We are looking forward to seeing you for Parent Teacher conferences on November 15th. This will be an opportunity to hear about the amazing things your child is doing and to learn about the skills that they are working on and haven’t mastered… yet.
Our POP, Piece of the Peace, groups have started this month. All students in K-2 are in cross grade groups with two adults serving as leaders. This past week we learned about other group members and started to draw pictures of what peace means to each of us. I am so excited to be on this journey with your children.
I would like to remind all of you that parent meetings regarding the Behavior Education Plan are still happening. We are looking for your input and feedback moving forward. Here is a link to the BEP for you to reference. https://studentservices.madison.k12.wi.us/files/stusvc/uploads/bep-elementary-final_2018-19_full_version.pdf
We continue to work together as a staff to create a sense of belonging at Lapham. We want each child to feel a connection to Lapham and the people who are part of our school. Every one of us is unique and brings gifts and talents to school. We also bring parts of us that are difficult. This offers others the opportunity to practice empathy. Every one of us has bad days where strong feelings keep us from being our best selves. Children are no different.
As we continue on the journey that has been set through the district’s strategic plan, we will be creating an African American Parent Empowerment group. I am excited to work with these parents in helping us in creating a greater sense of belonging, helping us to better access their child’s amazing talents, skills, and potential, and creating collaborative partnerships and relationships with us and each other.
Our goal at Lapham is to create a place where everyone feels welcome. Please join us in making that goal a success.

Your in education,

Cathy Prozanski

 "Should I keep my child home or send him/her to school?" Parents often wonder whether or not a child is too sick to go to school. Following are some helpful guidelines for making this decision:
A child should remain at home if he or she:
  • Has a fever of 100.0 or greater
  • Has been vomiting or feels very nauseous
  • Has diarrhea
  • Has symptoms that prevent him or her from participating in school, such as: excessive tiredness or lack of appetite, productive cough, headache, body aches, earache, sore throat or rash.
A minor sore throat is usually not a problem, but a severe sore throat could be strep throat even if there is no fever. Other symptoms of strep are difficulty swallowing, headache and stomach upset. Contact your child's doctor as a special test is needed to determine if it is strep.
Keep your child home until his fever has been gone for 24 hours without medication. Returning to school too soon may slow the recovery process and expose others unnecessarily to illness.
How can I prevent my child from getting sick?
  • Teach your child good hand washing, using plenty of soap and water. Proper hand washing should take about 20 seconds (the time is takes to sing "Happy Birthday" twice).
  • Teach your child to cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or their sleeve (at the elbow).
  • Keep your child's environment tobacco free.
  • Keep your child's immunizations up to date (The Centers for Disease Control recommend a flu vaccine for most children ages 6 months and up).
  • Serve a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables.
Please keep in mind...
  • We can only administer medication (including tylenol and ibuprofen) with a signed order from your child's doctor and a signed permission form from a parent.
  • All prescription medication must be sent in the container labeled by the pharmacy. OTC medications should be in the original packaging.
  • Please do not send your child to school with cough drops.  Instead, encourage lots of water.
And one more thing...Please send extra clothing (including socks) for your child to keep in the locker. Spills, accidents, mud all happen, and we don't always have the right sizes for replacement! Thank you!

Here's to a healthy new school year,
Laura Wade, RN and Nancie Cotter, NA
Lapham-Marquette Parent Teacher Group (PTG)
The PTG is YOU. Whether or not you can commit to an official position, we want to hear your thoughts and ideas. Stay connected with the PTG by following us on Facebook, joining our mailing list or by visiting our website. And be sure to check out our fall events , coming up soon!

Election Day Bake Sale:  Tuesday, November 6th is Election Day. Please stop by Lapham to vote and/or support our bake sale! Election day bakers and table staff are needed! Please contact Kathy Nissley (kathy@nissberly.com)or Sarah Herrick (wilksk13@gmail.com)if you can bake and or help with the sale!

Autumn Greetings from the garden!

What a season it has been, from swarms of starving mosquitoes & cold rainy days to a few glorious days full of fall sunshine. 

The forecast didn’t hold us back from having a “naturey” good time. We harvested and indulged in winter squash baked with butter and brown sugar. Green beans, kale, and Brussels sprouts were harvested and enjoyed right there in the garden. Kids like fresh, raw veggies more than we believe. 

In addition to our delicious snacking we are exercising our imaginations by building decorations with dead plant materials that we collect around the garden. Miniature houses, swings, and even zip lines are ready for the fairies arrival. We also used the sunflower stalks to make a teepee big enough for the kids to go inside! The opportunity to grow is seemingly endless in the magical Lapham garden, rain or shine. 


Saturday, November 3rd 1-3pm 
Our final community garden day for the year. 
There will be Fun activities for all ages and of course, the more the merrier! 


We will have a table set up on voting day with bake goods & house plants, any donations are welcome!
News from the Gym
Greetings. My name is Jean Lange, I am the PE teacher at Lapham. I have been fortunate to be a part of Lapham for 20+ years. I enjoy the enthusiasm K-2 students have for moving and look forward to another great year.

You may have been hearing about some of the fun things we have been doing. We started off the school year with an amazing set of gymnastics and climbing equipment. Each elementary school in the district gets to use it for about a month. Climbing and gymnastics are great for building core strength, working on balance, and building confidence. The gymnastic skills we worked on were front supports on a training bar, jumping and landing, rolls, tripods, traveling across balance beams, and vaulting. We have been working on moving safely and learning what it means to have enough space around us as we move to not bump/crash/push into others.

In October and November we have been and continue to practice hopping, jumping, galloping, and skipping. We will work with hula hoops, bean bags, deck rings, foam cubes, playground balls, and jump ropes. We will also review/learn some simple running games and discuss what it means to play fair. Moving safely and playing fair are themes that will carry over into all PE activities.

In December we will work on underhand and overhand throwing and play some fun games that have a throwing component. Throwing is one of several skills we will work on that uses a step with the opposite foot.

Finally, I need extra gym shoes. I keep extra shoes in the gym in case a student doesn’t have proper running shoes. Boots or flip-flops are hard to run in. If your child has any outgrown shoes that could be used in the gym please consider donating them to school.

You are welcome to visit us in the gym anytime!
If you have any questions or concerns please let me know,
Jean Lange
(608) 204-4158 PE office

Lapham Elementary School | (608) 204-4140 | lapham.mmsd.org