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Second IFNA Chapter Organized in
Australia and New Zealand
IFNA bylaws encourage the creation of IFNA Chapters. In 2017, the first IFNA Chapter was formed in the United Kingdom and Ireland. In November 2018, the IFNA Board of Directors approved the second IFNA Chapter Charter of IFNA members in Australia and New Zealand. [Read more]
IFNA Position Statements Dissemination Project is led by the
IFNA Practice Committee.
Dr. Junko Honda (Japan) collaborated with the IFNA Resource Advancement Committee to feature IFNA, IFNC14, and the IFNA Position Statements on Generalist and Advanced Practice Competencies at a conference exhibit at the 25th Annual Conference of Japanese Association for Research in Family Nursing, September 1-2, 2018 in Kochi prefecture, Japan (700 registrants).
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Dr. Cristina Garcia-Vivar (Spain) was an invited keynote speaker at the 7th Conference Day on Nursing Research at the Puerta de Hierro Hospital in Madrid, Spain on November 29, 2018. Her keynote was titled "Research to Promote Family System Care for Families Living with Chronic Illness" and she included IFNA Position Statements on Generalist and Advanced Practice Competencies in her keynote.
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The Nursing Department at St. Cloud State University, Minnesota, USA, focuses on family care in end-of-life (EOL) simulations. Research was conducted about this innovative approach to family nursing education.
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IFNA regrets to announce the death of
Dr. Debra Wiegand (USA).
Dr. Wiegand was a loyal member of IFNA and faithfully participated in IFNA conferences and actively collaborated with IFNA members. She contributed much to our understanding of family involvement and decision making related to end-of-life experiences. An obituary for IFNA member, Dr. Debra Wiegand, has been posted on the IFNA website.
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The Research Clusters organized by the
IFNA Research Committee recently posted an update of their work. The Research Cluster focusing on
family care in acute and critical illness is currently examining nurses perspectives on and family practices around family engagement in intensive care units in ten countries. The Research Cluster focusing on
defining family nursing draws on the expertise of IFNA members from five countries to establish an evidence-based definition of family nursing. The newest cluster will focus on
translational science in family nursing by exploring the literature related to knowledge transfer and translation in family nursing. This cluster is currently recruiting IFNA members who are interested in contributing to this important work.
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Conference Hashtag: #IFNC14. Please use this hashtag in all of your social media conversations. #IFNC14 has been registered on the
Healthcare Hashtag Project website which links this conference to key words such as "nursing" and "family health" and generates metrics about the reach of the #IFNC14 hashtag. Check this
website to see who are "The influencers of #IFNC14".
Preconference Workshops have been announced for IFNC14:
 The Call for IFNA 2019 Award nominations is now open. There are
7 awards in 4 categories. Please nominate a colleague or organization who is providing an outstanding contribution to family nursing and family health. Deadline for nominations is January 31, 2019.
Please share the IFNA Position Statements
as widely as possible. Please remember to cite them in your publications, course outlines, and conference presentations. Please share them with students, colleagues, and other professional associations you belong to. Post them on social media: Social media toolkits are available for each IFNA Position Statement. Use hashtag #IFNAPosition in your social media conversations.
Thank you for your commitment to family nursing/family health and to the families you serve. Wishing you and your family peace, joy, and health in 2019.
Please use the following hashtags in your social media conversations:
#familynursing, #familyhealth, #familyhealing, #IFNAPosition