K-12 Global Fellowship Program
Join the Area Studies Centers for a four-part Minority Issues Around the World Global Fellowship Program for K-12 teachers! 

The K-12 Global Fellowship Program will engage K-12 teachers in a series of four guided readings, lectures, and group discussions over the course of the 2018-19 academic year. K-12 teachers will explore minority issues in East Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East under the guidance of a regional expert.

Teachers may opt to attend individual sessions, or the whole series. Each participant will receive a contact hour certificate for each session that they attend. Readings will be sent to registered participants two weeks prior to each discussion date below.

Enarson Classroom Building*, Room 160, 10:00AM-12:00PM on the following Saturdays:
  • February 16, Center for Latin American Studies presents: "Afro-Brazilian Journeys Towards Freedom" by Dr. Isis Barra Costa, Ohio State U.
  • March 23, Middle East Studies Center presents: "Azerbaijani Minority in Iran: Religion, Culture, and Civic Rights Struggle" by Dr. Ramin Ahmadoghlu, Georgia Gwinnett College
*Enarson Classroom Building, 2009 Millikin Rd, Columbus, OH 43210. Parking available in the Tuttle Park Place Garage, 2000 Tuttle Park Pl., Columbus OH 43210. Teachers who attend the whole session will be provided with a paid parking token.
Global Leadership Initiative Applications Now Available
The Global Leadership Initiative (GLI) is a one-year program for students interested in embracing global perspectives, advocating for diversity, and creating a lasting impact in the community. The 2019-2020 cohort will consist of 24 members, including 12 domestic and 12 international students. All applicants must be current undergraduate students who will not graduate prior to the end of spring semester 2020. Please join an info session and apply before  Monday (2/25) 11:59 p.m.

For more information please visit:

or contact:
Ohio Wesleyan University Conference on Immigrants in Ohio
Ohio Wesleyan will be holding a conference on Immigrants in Ohio on Saturday, April 6 in Delaware, Ohio. The keynote talk will be by Jeff Stewart, the head of the Immigrant Workers Project (IWP.). The IWP works with immigrants, mostly LatinX, in rural Ohio aiding them in deportation cases, workplace rights, English proficiency and leadership development. There will also be a presentation on a research project where faculty and students from Wooster, Kenyon, Denison and OWU worked with the IWP to interview 340 immigrants in rural Ohio. A presentation will be given on the project and some preliminary results.

There will also be an opportunity for others to present their work on immigrants and immigration in Ohio. If you or one of your colleagues would like to give a presentation, please contact Robert Gitter ( by Monday, February 25.
Fulbright Distinguished Chair in International Relations at University of Sao Paulo
The University of Sao Paulo (USP) and Fulbright have an opening for Distinguished Chair at their Institute of International Relations. USP is the top university in Latin America and has more than 50 years of partnership with Ohio State. Teach graduate and undergraduate courses, develop collaborative research with faculty and, subject to agreement of the academic committees of the Institute of International Relations (IRI) at USP, teach courses and/or advanced seminars in topics to be defined.
In addition to being a prestigious academic exchange program, the Fulbright Program is designed to expand and strengthen relationships between the people of the United States and citizens of other nations and to promote international understanding and cooperation. To support this mission, Fulbright Scholars will be asked to give public talks, mentor students, and otherwise engage with the host community, in addition to their primary activities.
The application deadline is Monday, September 16, 2019.

For more information and how to apply, please click here. 
Public Narrative Collaborative presents: 
William Cordova: Narratives of Southern Alchemy
When: February 20, 2019 (5 pm)
Where:  University Hall

William Cordova was born in Lima, Peru in 1971 and moved to Miami, Florida at an early age,  also spending time in Houston, Chicago, and New York. He graduated with a BFA from  The School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 1996 and went on to earn an MFA from Yale  University in 2004. He has participated in numerous artist residencies including Artpace,  San Antonio, TX; The Core program, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX; Woodstock Center  for Photography, NY; The Headlands Center for the Arts, Sausalito, CA; The Studio Museum  in Harlem, NY; Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, Skowhegan, Maine; and  American Academy in Berlin, Germany.

His most recent solo exhibitions include now's the time: narratives of southern alchemy,  Pérez Art Museum Miami, Miami, FL, and kuntur: sacred geometries, University Galleries  of Illinois State University, Normal, IL, both in 2018. His work is included in collections  of the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum,  New York; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; Yale Art Gallery, New Haven; Museo de Arte  de Lima, Peru; Ellipse Foundation, Cascais, Portugal; Museum of Contemporary Art, Miami;  and La Casa de las Americas, Havana, Cuba; among others.

*Sponsored by The Public Narrative Collaborative and the Department of Art
*New* CLAS Faculty Affiliate Grant Opportunities
The Center for Latin American Studies is pleased to announce two new funding opportunities for CLAS affiliated faculty, sponsored by U.S. Department Title VI National Resource Center funding:

This competition provides funds to cover travel expenses for professional development related to Latin America (both domestic and international travel permissible), for travel commencing at least 45 days after the application date and up to December 31, 2019. Reimbursable expenses include airfare/mileage, ground transportation and parking, meals (per diem or receipts), and lodging. Application Deadline: February 15, 2019. This competition will run again in Autumn 2019.

Funds will support programming that enhances disciplinary expertise in the region, promotes interdisciplinary faculty engagement and research, and enriches Latin American knowledge and expertise on campus. The purpose is to permit faculty affiliates to apply directly to the CLAS director for funding on a rolling basis.  Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until funds are exhausted.

For a complete list of funding available for faculty and instructors, please visit the   CLAS Faculty Funding website.
Community College/Minority Serving Institution Professional Development Grants
The Center for Latin American Studies invites grant applications from faculty and instructors at community colleges and minority-serving institutions (including the University of Puerto Rico) pursuing a wide array of scholarly endeavors related to the study of Latin America. This grant funding supports professional development opportunities. Please visit the CLAS website for more details.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until funds are exhausted.
Tinker Talks: Spring 2019
The Tinker Foundation's Field Research Grants provide graduate students with funds for travel to and within Latin America to conduct pre-dissertation research.  Lunch will be served to all registered attendees.

Tinker Talks #1: Thursday, February 28, 11:30 - 1:00 PM
* Lisa Dieckman: ""More Loved than Read": The Enduring Legacy of the Buenos Aires
* Matthew Spearly: "The Commodity Boom and Social Assistance Spending in Latin
* Jeff Gunderson: "Assessing the Dendroclimatological Potential of Polylepis trees in
the Peruvian Andes"
* Tania Espinales Correa: "The Role of Nostalgia in Mexican Songs about Migration"

Tinker Talks #2: Wednesday, March 27, 11:30 - 1:00 PM
* Justin Pinta: "Correntinean Guarani in Argentina: Language Maintenance in the Face
of Ideological Hostility"
* Henry Peller: "Chabil Ixim (Beautiful Maize): Agricultural research-extension with Maya
milpa farmers in southern Belize"
* Jo Kingsbury: "Natural and human mediated disturbance influences
on bird habitats in the Beni Savannas of Northern Bolivia"
* Santiago Gualapuro Gualapuro: "Imbabura Kichwa: Linguistic structure,
language contact and local identity"

For more information about Tinker Talks,  click here
Wexner's Screening of Argentine "Prisioneros de la tierra"
Feb 23, 2019 4:45 PM 
Wexner Center for the Arts

Widely considered to be the greatest Argentine film of all time, Prisoners of the Earth (Mario Soffici, 1939) was shot on location in the Misiones region and portrays the grim lives of the mensus, indentured workers whose lives are spent harvesting yerba mate for wealthy landowners under grueling conditions. When a rebellious worker and his whip-wielding foreman fall for the same woman, it sets the stage for one of the most brutal acts of vengeance the screen has ever seen. The restoration is part of the foundation's World Cinema Project. (85 mins., 2K DCP).  The restored film will be introduced by Margaret Bodde, Executive Director of The Film Foundation.

General admission: $8
Members, students, and seniors: $6

For more information, please visit: Wexner Center for the Arts
Granville High School Volunteer Opportunity
The Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) is working on an outreach initiative in collaboration with Granville High School (GHS) and is in need of volunteers!

All GHS seniors must complete a country-specific research project, where they spend time researching their respective countries, including culture, politics, and economics, and then establish a comprehensive portfolio outlining possible solutions to any real-world problems.

We are in need of volunteers to assist with the GHS visit to campus. Primarily, volunteers are needed for the final time slots, between 11:15PM-2:00PM, to serve on a panel presentation and participate in lunch.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019
9:30AM-11:15AM: Library Research
11:15AM-12:15PM: Lunch in Hale Hall
12:15PM-2:00PM: Music Videos and Panel Presentation in Hale Hall

If you are interested in volunteering or have any questions, please contact Michael Bustamante, the Outreach Coordinator at the Center for Latin American Studies, at
 2019 CLASP Teaching Award for Junior Faculty
*Deadline Extended*
The Consortium of Latin American Studies Programs (CLASP) calls for nominations for its seventh annual "CLASP Teaching Award for Junior Faculty." The award recognizes excellence in teaching Latin American Studies designated courses. Tenured faculty members and graduate students are not eligible. Nominees in a tenure-track position are preferred, but visiting or adjunct professors and instructors are eligible. Nominees must have the Ph.D., and they must be currently teaching at a CLASP member institution. Nominations should come from senior or supervising faculty or administrators (self-nominations are also accepted, but at least three professional references must be included in the self-nomination letter). The nominator (or self-nominator) should briefly provide clear and convincing evidence of the following:

1. Outstanding teaching effectiveness, including pedagogical style and student successes stories.
2. Contributions to the Latin American Studies program and/or the Department.
3. Involvement in the larger community, including professional associations and participation in service activities.
4. Incorporation of own academic research and field experiences into the classroom.

Nominations will be accepted through February, 15th, 2019.  Simply email the nomination letter to Vincent T. Gawronski, Chair of the Teaching Committee: 

The winner will be presented with an engraved trophy and a check for $500 at the Latin American Studies Association International Congress (May 24-27, 2019) in Boston, MA.
Tinker Fellow Highlight: Jo Kingsbury 
During the summer of 2018, Jo Kingsbury travelled as a Tinker Fellow to Barba Azul Nature Reserve in the Beni savanna's of Northern Bolivia. The purpose of the trip was to conduct essential pre-dissertation research and implement vital groundwork for her graduate PhD thesis, which will focus on developing sustainable, wildlife-friendly approaches to land management in Latin America. The funds from the Tinker Fellowship have helped to establish a strong foundation for her doctoral research in Beni. They have allowed her to 1. Set up the infrastructure and logistics required to implement an ambitious, landscape-scale burning an grazing experiment, that will form the basis of two chapters of Kingsbury's PhD thesis; 2. Develop personal and professional skills, and form collaborative relationships with local organizations and individuals, that will support and enhance the future development of her thesis; and 3. Field-test data collection methodologies. The anticipated results of Kingsbury's work will support the mission of the Tinker Foundation, by providing vital evidence to inform land-management policies that help to protect and conserve grassland ecosystems and wildlife in Latin America. Her project will produce predictive tools that help land managers develop more sustainable land management practices - both in the Beni and ecologically similar regions across South America.

Tinker Field Research Grants are awarded to graduate students to support pre-dissertation research travel to and within Latin America. CLAS affiliates will be invited to attend "Tinker Talk" round table events throughout the year that feature the research progress of our Tinker Fellows.

For more information: Tinker Field Research Grants
 Student Academic Success Research (SASR) Grants Program
The Ohio State University's Office of Student Academic Success (OSAS), in partnership with both ODEE Digital Flagship and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI), is requesting research and evaluation proposals that focus on improving, expanding, and/or revising student success programs and services, with a special emphasis on historically underrepresented students and other underserved student groups (e.g., low-income, first-generation, regional campus, community college transfer, etc.). 

Projects must include a focus on OSU students. Project leads must be OSU faculty or staff who are qualified to serve as a principal investigator (PI; for details, see: All submitted proposals must focus on one of the Topic Areas available in the link below using quantitative, qualitative, and/or mixed research methods. 

Submission deadline: Friday, March 15, 2019

For more information and how to apply, please click here
Taste of OSU 2019
When: Friday, February 15, 2019 (5-9 pm) 
Where: Ohio Union

Taste of OSU is an evening of cultural performances on stage, exhibits, and food from around the world provided by more than 30 different international and ethnic clubs on campus. Food tickets are $1 each (samples of international cuisine). Admission to event is free. 

Student organizations interested in participating in Taste of OSU 2019, please review  "Participant Information" for guidelines, links to the applications, and future deadlines. Those participants interested in preparing food must also submit their proposed recipes in the correct format. You can find more information and submit your recipe in "Recipe Submission".

For more information, please click here
2019 Summit of Ohio Latinx Conference 
Pueblo Unido: Strength in Community
When: April 12-14, 2019
Where: Denison University, Granville, OH

You are invited to the 3rd annual Summit of Ohio Latinx (SOL)! The summit was born in 2015 at Denison University when Latinx students, staff, faculty, and allies began to raise questions about the growing Latinx student population at predominantly white institutions in the Midwest. How can we better mentor and equip this population? What issues are they facing on and off campus that we should be aware of? How is their experience on campus impacting their decisions and the choices they make after college? As a result of these conversations, a committee of passionate individuals was formed. They created SOL in hopes of inviting other institutions to unite and discuss ways to learn from each other and make a positive change for future Latinx students. 

For more information visit:
Or contact SOL (
Latin American Studies Center Annual Student Conference "Huracán, Tormenta, Storm: Winds of Change"
When: May 2-3, 2019
Where: University of Maryland campus in College Park 

Hurricanes are reckonings, unpredictable confrontations between forces, tormentous experiences.These moments demand analyses of how human activity changes the planet - the seas, the skies, the winds, and the rains. This conference is an opportunity for scholars, artists, and activists to examine "Huracán, Tormenta, Storm" from multiple perspectives. 

The 2019 Call for Papers and Invitation to Participate can be accessed here.

Graduate students and advanced 
undergraduate student submissions from all disciplines are welcome. Abstracts are due March 1, 2019. The conference will include two days of panels, a keynote panel discussion (scholars, activists, and artists), and a music-filled closing reception. 
Summer Seminars Abroad for Spanish Teachers: Uruguay
Program dates: July 9 - 25, 2019

The  Center for Latin American Studies and the  Department of Spanish and Portuguese at Ohio State announce this year's intensive Summer Seminars Abroad, a 17-day workshop in Spanish linguistics in Montevideo, Uruguay. The purpose of the program is to provide participants with an opportunity to analyze and practice the Spanish language in a natural linguistic and cultural context, and to receive graduate university credit for that experience.

The program is intended primarily for Spanish teachers. Application is open, however, to graduate students from Spanish and other disciplines who have a demonstrated ability in the use of the Spanish language and a need for this type of course. Both native and non-native speakers of Spanish are invited to apply.

For more information, please visit: 
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