Your Passion for Minority Supplier Development Can Go Further on #GivingTuesday

On December 3, 2019, we're joining a national day of generosity, #GivingTuesday. It's a day when you can make a big impact on the Mid-States Minority Supplier Development Council and the minority supplier diversity community.

With your help, we'll raise funds to continue to provide service and support to both our corporate and MBE stakeholders. through programming and events, identifying opportunities for collaboration and business success and supporting you in your goals to grow minority businesses in the Central Illinois, Indiana and Eastern Missouri areas.

How can you be part of it? Here are a few simple ideas:

  • Consider making a gift on #GivingTuesday (click here).
  • Help us get the word out on social media using @midstatesmsdc and the hashtag #GivingTuesday.
  • Take photos and post messages about minority supplier development and post on your social media pages.

With your support, we can raise $10,000 for the continued growth and development of minority businesses.


Carolyn E. Mosby

Make a contribution today