December Newsletter
It is time to Deck the Halls! We know many of you have made trips to visit us this year and we are grateful, but if you are still in need of something for the holidays we are here to help. We are open seven days a week from 10am to 5pm. If you are not able to get to Door County (or if you prefer to shop in your pajamas), you can shop our website!
Happening in Door County this month.....
Dec 7 Tannenbaum Friends & Family Sale
Dec 8 Door County YMCA Ugly Sweater 5K & Fun Run, Fish Creek
Dec 8 Breakfast with Santa, Al Johnson's
Dec 8 Natural Christmas, The Ridges Sanctuary, Baileys Harbor
Dec 8 Noble House Tree Lighting and Caroling, Fish Creek
Dec 15 Family Art Day, Peninsula School of Art, Fish Creek
Dec 15 Midsummer's Music Holiday Concert, Kress Pavilion, Egg Harbor
Dec 24-25 Merry Christmas! Tannenbaum Holiday Shop is Closed
Dec 31-Jan 1 Happy New Year! Tannenbaum Holiday shop is OPEN 10-5
Dec 31 New Years Fireworks and Cherry Drop, Sister Bay
Happening at the Tannenbaum Holiday Shop this month
Sale Banner
In case you missed our After-Thanksgiving Day Sale, Our Friends and Family Sale will be happening this Friday, December 7th. Most of the store will be 30% off for one day only. You can shop in the store, place orders over the phone, or shop online (starting at midnight). Use the Promo Code FF30 for online orders. It is a busy day for us, but we will work on getting to orders as fast as we can.

There are some exclusions...… this year's David Frykman Santa and ornament, Vaillancourt Santa Exclusive, special orders (this includes Christmas trees), Thymes, and Gift Certificates..... We know how it is when you are looking for a deal, so we are going to talk about some of these excluded items in this newsletter, so don't wait to order them.
Frykman Santa
There is still time to get this year's David Frykman exclusive Santa, Door County's Finest. This Santa features the image of your favorite Christmas store, Tannenbaum Holiday Shop on his front and is carry a delightful basket with Door County wine. What could be a more perfect gift for a Door County wine lover?

We also have a new Santa with lighthouse ornament. This is similar recreation of one of our best selling ornaments.
The Scent of the Season
One of our favorite fragrances is our Thymes Frasier Fir fragrances, so much so that we put it at the front door of store. This way everyone can enjoy the delightful fragrance of a fresh cut Christmas tree. This fragrance is perfect for people who love the smell of Christmas but can not have a real tree.

We also brought in this year's line of holiday fragrances from Wood Wick Candles. These candles feature classic holiday scents with a lovely wood wick that crackles as it burns. Our Woodwick candles are currently only available in the store or by phone order.
Did you pull out your Christmas tree this Thanksgiving and realize that you need a new one? Or maybe you are just looking to add another tree to your home? Well we can help you. We carry a variety of trees in store and online. These trees come in all different colors and sizes. We even have some upside down trees for sale. Most of the trees are pre-lit, which means less for you to do to get it up and ready for Christmas!
Gift Certificates
Gift Card Picture
We know that holidays can be a busy time for everyone and that gift buying can take its toll. For some people the best gift is a gift certificate. Gift certificates allow for the receiver to pick out exact item they want. It is also gives the gift of allowing someone to splurge a little on their next Door County Vacation. Our gift certificates can even be used online!
Vaillancourt Exclusive
Are you familiar with Vaillancourt Folk Art? They are a family run business (just like us), who use old chocolate molds and chalkware to create Santa statues. Each statue takes about two weeks to create, making them extra special. This year we are fortunate to have a Santa exclusive. This Santa is wearing a green and red suit and carrying Door County wine from his latest Door County vacation.
We know that buying a Christmas tree is an expensive purchase, but sometimes changing out the lights on your tree can make a difference. We try hard to find unique quality lights that will last. Some of our favorites this year are the Firecracker lights, these lights feature more bulbs than your typical strand in clusters. These clusters allow for more lights to be added to the tree.

Another set of lights we are excited about is our tinsel lights. These lights feature larger bulbs filled with tinsel. These lights morph into different colors adding another dimension to your tree.
Gift Certificate Winner
This month's winner of a $50 gift certificate is ….. Melanie Moore. Congratulations!
As you get ready for Christmas, remember we are here to help! We are open everyday through Dec 22nd from 10am to 5pm. We will be closed December 23rd, 24th, and 25th.

We'll be waiting for you,
Sue Ann and Ron Flittner
Tannenbaum Holiday Shop
11054 Highway 42 Sister Bay, WI 54234