EUMC YOUTH MINISTRY Update - November 9, 2018

We are taking over Hands Against Hunger on Saturday, December 1st to pack food for those in need all around the world! This is going to be an exciting event for teens and parents! For more information and to sign up go HERE

If you are younger than 18 you need to fill out this permission form HERE

If you are 18 and older fill this out HERE

Instead of doing "Micro-Missions" this year we are doing "Macro-Missions" within the Cincinnati area as a whole youth group! This is one of those events. Sign up now to reserve your spot!

I am really excited about this series! It is called "Reckless Love". Don't worry. It is not about dating and relationships. It is about God's love for us and our journey to connect with Him. The teens will here from some outstanding people who share their stories of faith. If you would like to see a video introduction to what we will be doing, then check out this video:
RECKLESS LOVE | 5 Episode Journey of Discovery, Faith and Love
RECKLESS LOVE | 5 Episode Journey of Discovery, Faith and Love
As always, Junior High meet in the youth room on Sunday nights from 6-7:30pm and the Senior High meet from 7:30-9pm. This would be a great series to INVITE YOUR FRIENDS!


On Sunday mornings we will be exploring the difference between God's kingdom versus the kingdoms of the world. It is going to be a great study and I would encourage you to wake up your teens and bring them to church! Plus we have donuts!

We need SENIOR HIGH PARENTS to sign up to help with snacks. The teens really enjoy having snacks available during this time. If at any time snacks are not available they become disgruntled and unruly! So please take this seriously as your opportunity to help serve our program for your teenager. Realistically if just one parent takes a weekend we could easily have the whole year covered quickly. It is just a matter of providing enough for about 25-30 people. Chips, pretzels, cookies, brownies, juice boxes or 2-liters are safe options. You are welcome to get creative too! Store bought or homemade are both welcomed! But I urge you to please sign up for a weekend out of this years dates.

If you have a Junior Higher click  HERE for the signup list.
If you have a Senior Higher click  HERE for the signup list.

Please make the commitment to sign up for at least 1 weekend. I would greatly appreciate it. 

Please make sure you fill out the Student Registration Form for the 2018-2019 school year for your teen! You can get it  HERE . Every teen needs to have this filled out to participate in any of our activities/small groups for the year.
Also you can get a calendar on all events for this year  HERE

You should be getting  weekly emails  and  text messages  from our student ministries department. To get set up for text messages follow the instructions below:

Seniors  (and/or parents): text @eumc2019 to 81010
Juniors  (and/or parents): text @eumc2020 to 81010
Sophomores  (and/or parents): text @eumc2021 to 81010
Freshmen  (and/or parents): text @eumc2022 to 81010
8th Grade  (and/or parents): text @eumc2023 to 81010
7th Grade  (and/or parents): text @eumc2024 to 81010
Confirmation  (and/or parents): text @eumcconf19 to 81010
Youth Leaders : text @eumcyl to 81010
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