National Newsletter for the
Cooperative Programs for the Advancement of Earth System Science

  • Hello from Hanne
  • Who Is CPAESS?
  • Social Media Policy
  • Educational Opportunities
  • Congratulations!
  • AGU & AMS Pictures
  • Okeanos Highlight
  • Work Opportunities
January 2019

This is our newsletter so if you
have a cool picture, a suggestion, or a question, please send it!
Hello from Hanne
Happy 2019 Everyone!

It has been lovely speaking with so many of you at both AGU and AMS. I look forward to our ongoing conversations this year. Know that I appreciate each one of you and am very proud of your excellent work. As you can see we are putting out a national newsletter which will enable me another method of regular communication. Please understand that this is our newsletter, so submit pictures, ideas and articles whenever you can. I want to hear about and share your ongoing successes and research. In that vein, February 14th is CPAESS' third anniversary so please submit any milestones from the past three years also!

The week of January 21st I will be in Princeton to visit our CPAESS staff that are working at the NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL). I will be joined by CPAESS’ Whitney Robinson. Due to the government shutdown, we will be meeting at a local hotel in Princeton rather than GFDL. 

Myself and UCAR management have been working very hard to protect everyone from adverse effects of the current federal government shutdown. As you know communications have been going to your UCAR email with updates and will continue to do so. The president’s office has set up a webpage with questions and answers here in case this is a needed or useful resource for you. I know this is a stressful situation for many of you, and I will continue to do all I can to look out for you.

All the best,
Many folks employed by CPAESS are not entirely sure what and who we are. Here is a super brief primer.

CPAESS is a part of the UCAR/NCAR family. Specifically, we are within UCAR’s Community Programs (UCP). CPAESS is the largest of UCAR's Community Programs.

CPAESS’ work is three-fold. We convene scientific communities to help promulgate scientific information and foster collaboration among scientists with our event management. Here is a list of our upcoming events. We also host programs and have partnerships with federal agencies –take a peek to get an idea of some of them listed here. Lastly CPAESS provides postdoctoral and educational opportunities, as well as scientific appointments which are listed here.

CPAESS has approximately 140 employees, over 100 of which are spread across the United States as seen on the map below. Many of our co-workers are in federal labs. Our work and our staff's skill sets are impressively diverse. We appreciate you and your talents being a part of the CPAESS family.
Social Media Policy
So many of us love our social media. Whether it is Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or others - its a powerful way to communicate who we are and what we are doing. With this great power, comes great responsibility. Please check out UCAR's guidelines for social media right here. We want you to get the word out about your awesome work, but please be mindful of these policies that help separate the professional from the personal online.
Educational Opportunities
Many of you expressed a desire to keep learning through any resources that UCAR provides. One place that is constantly growing is the MetEd site. This is a tremendous source of educational and training materials produced by UCAR’s Community Program’s COMET. MetEd is a free collection of hundreds of training resources intended for the geoscience community. Whether you're an experienced meteorologist honing existing skills or a student looking for new geoscience topics of interest, there is something for you here.
There are often lectures held in Boulder within the UCAR/NCAR family. Some of these are local and require someone to be in Boulder and go the Mesa Lab in person. However, many are broadcast and can be accessed by anyone interested. Here is a brief list of upcoming lectures hyperlinked for you.

January 22 at 11:00am MST
CGD Seminar Series - Iceberg dynamics in modern and glacial oceans by Ian Eisenman of Scripps Institution of Oceanography.

January 23 at 2:00pm MST
HAO Colloquium - Hydrodynamic Properties of the Sun’s Giant Cell Flows
by David Hathaway of Stanford University.

January 24 at 3:30pm MST
MMM Seminar Series - Parallels in tropical cyclone mitigation research for Australia and the U.S. by Daniel J. Smith of James Cook University, Australia.

January 25 at 11:00am MST
MMM Seminar Series – Impact of Low-level Jets and Gravity Waves on Heavy Rainfall over Southern China by Dr. Yu Du of Sun Yat-sen University.

January 29 at 11am MST
CGD Seminar Series - Estimating Scale-Dependent Temporal Variability by Nedjeljka Žagar of University of Ljubljana.

February 5 at 11:00am MST
CGD Seminar Series - Progress in modeling ice sheets in the Community Earth System Model by William Lipscomb of Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory, UCAR.

February 6 at 2:00pm MST
HAO Colloquium - PMC Turbo: results and analysis of gravity wave and instability dynamics in high altitude measurements of polar mesospheric clouds by Carl Bjorn Kjellstrand of Columbia University.

February 13 at 2:00pm MST
HAO Colloquium - Ultra-Precise Solar Spectroscop by Johannes Löhner-Böttcher of HAO/Kiepenheuer-Institut für Sonnenphysik.

A special congratulations to one of our 2017 Jack Eddy Fellows, Ankush Bhaskar, who got married this past December. May you and your wife, Sreeba Sreekumar have a long and happy life together! Thank you so much for sharing this picture - you both look wonderful!

It was so wonderful to meet many of you at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and the American Meteorological Society (AMS). All of you do such impressive work. It was wonderful being able to not only meet folks in person but hear about your important research and how it is helping our world as a whole. At the AGU CPAESS employees had 33 oral presentations and posters ( see them here). At the AMS it was 24, and if you click here you can see the list of them with links to their descriptions. It all represents a tremendous amount of wonderful scientific work – nice job! 

At the AGU, CPAESS held luncheons for both the NASA Jack Eddy Fellows and Alumni and the NOAA Climate and Global Change Fellows and Alumni. The U.S. Carbon Cycle Program had an impressive presentation on the 2nd State of the Carbon Cycle Report (SOCCR2) which was released at the same time as the Fourth National Climate Assessment - Volume II. It gained some impressive national news attention. Great job Gyami! At the AGU both our U.S. Climate Variability and Predictability Program (US CLIVAR) and the U.S. Carbon Cycle Program celebrated their 20th anniversaries. Congratulations on all the great work! 

At the AMS the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA) held their 7th Symposium with numerous speakers from across the county. Last but not least, was the Rick Anthes Symposium celebrating our former UCAR president and his substantial contributions to the field of meteorology. 
Above (left to right): From AGU NOAA Climate and Global Change luncheon. Melanie Russ, Ken Mooney, Bill Kuo, and Monika Kopacz. Below (left to right): Kendra Greb, Iris Stewart, Wayne Higgins, Martin Visbeck and Neil Christerson.
Above: Kelvin Bates, Climate and Global Change (C&GC) fellow presenting his research. Below: C&GC Alumni Katherine Allen with her beautiful baby.
Above (left to right): NOAA C&GC fellow Brandon Wolding, Alumni Eric Maloney and current fellow Leander Anderegg. Below: NASA Jack Eddy Fellows, Alumni and staff.
Above (left to right): Jack Eddy alumni, Narayan Chapagain and CPAESS Director Hanne Mauriello. Dr. Chapagain is now leading the heliophysics charge in Nepal. Below: Lika Guhathakurta, Lead Program Scientist for NASA's Living with a Star; Kendra Greb, Postdoctoral Program Administrator; and Joel Dahlin , current Jack Eddy postdoctoral fellow at a poster session.
Above (left to right): Jack Eddy Alumni Antonia Savcheva and Kendra Greb, CPAESS postdoc administrator. Below: Jack Eddy Fellow and newlywed (congrats!) Ankush Bhaskar presenting at AGU.
Above (left to right): Emily Smith, Grace Maze, Melanie Russ on right at the joint 20th Anniversary celebration of US CLIVAR and U.S. Carbon Cycle. Below: Some of the stylish pen artwork created by staff at AGU.
Above: Juzer Dhondia kindly poises by his poster. Below: Kazungu Maitaria explaining his water model research to interested scientists.
Above (left to right): Alexander Maestre and Juzer Dhondia both of the Office of Water Prediction meet with CPAESS Director Hanne Mauriello discussing events of the day. Below: Gyami Shrestha, Director of U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program convening a thorough overview on the various chapters and issues addressed in the SOCCR2 Report.
Above: Some of Gyami Shrestha's scientific team who contributed to the SOCCR2 Report. Below: Mike Patterson of US CLIVAR speaking with Kristan Uhlenbrock at the 20th anniversary get together.
Above (left to right): Melanie Russ, Suryakanti Dutta, Michelle McCambridge, Inquiring gentleman, and Nick Gross at the CPAESS table. Below: François Vandenberghe explaining his poster and research on satellite data assimilation.
Above: Yannick Trémolet speaking at the 7th JCSDA Symposium at AMS. Below: Nick Gross enthralling students with his heliophysics demonstrations at the AMS Career Fair.
Above: UCAR staff with Rick Anthes at his symposium, including (numbered left to right) 1- current UCAR president Antonio Busalacchi, 2- UCP director Bill Kuo, 3- Jack Fellows, former UCP directror, 4- former UCAR president Rick Anthes, and 8- our own CPAESS Director Hanne Mauriello. Below: A busy UCP table at AMS.
January Highlight -
Okeanos Explorer-In-Training
One of the educational programs that CPAESS facilitates is NOAA’s Okeanos Explorer in Training. NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research (OER) utilizes its ship the Okeanos Explorer as the nation’s only federal vessel dedicated to ocean exploration. The ship is equipped with advanced tools that support systematic exploration of unknown ocean regions. High-resolution sonars, deep-water remotely operated vehicles, and telepresence technology are used to collect baseline information in unexplored areas. Real time collaboration with scientists and other experts at exploration command centers around the world enables rapid dissemination of information-rich products to the scientific community. Telepresence technology ensures that data from new discoveries are available almost immediately to experts in relevant disciplines for further analysis and research.

Armed with its mission of discovery, the Okeanos has helped some wonderful unknown things come to light, including capturing oceanic creatures being their fascinating selves on video. Last summer they found a previously unknown coral reef off the eastern seaboard’s coast. Check out this list of 19 cool Okeanos discoveries including videos of Eel City and the Greenland shark.

This program is open to enrolled undergraduate and graduate students as well as individuals who have recently graduated from a higher education program. The EiT program will provide the opportunity to gain experience using an advanced multibeam bathymetric sonar mapping system, while contributing in a significant way to the Okeanos Explorer ocean exploration mission.

Okeanos Explorer-In-Training exploration for 2019 will focus on the Atlantic Ocean, including the South Atlantic Bight, Mid Atlantic Ridges and areas off of New England. Current undergraduate and graduate students, and recent graduates from higher education institutions in these regions are encouraged to apply. Students traditionally underrepresented in the sciences are also encouraged to apply.

As of this mailing we are still accepting applications (currently through January 25, 2019). Please check here for information on how to proceed.
Work Opportunities
Currently we have two postdoctoral fellowship programs accepting applications through February 1st (this has been extended multiple times due to the federal shutdown - please check our website for further updates) as well as the Okeanos Explorer in Training program. These programs include NASA’s Jack Eddy Fellowship and NOAA’s Climate and Global Change Fellowship. We also have the NASA's Heliophysics Summer School to which folks can apply.

Additionally, the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA) is in particular looking for some great employees to add to their team. Their work is a blend of mathematical predictive modeling and meteorology. To check out our open positions for JCSDA and other opportunities please take a look here and let your friends know.