July 2020 Newsletter
CEO Update
Greetings from the Gateway Region! This summer, I am encouraged by an uptick in economic development activity since the pandemic began. Our team has been actively working 16 projects since mid-March, which is positive news for the region. We are also encouraged by the number of pharmaceutical developments occurring in the region resulting from the federal contract with Phlow and the increasing importance of the AMPAC Fine Chemicals manufacturing site in Petersburg. Last, thank you for all the positive feedback on the new VGR brand identity. We are building on this fresh update by producing a new brand video showcasing the assets of the region. Filming began this week and the crew will travel to all seven VGR communities.   
If you have any questions or input, please do not hesitate
to reach out to me at:  or (804) 732-8971.
VGR & CCWA Name Director of Workforce Development

Virginia’s Gateway Region  (VGR) and the  Community College Workforce Alliance  (CCWA) have created a new joint position to advance workforce solutions in the region. Michelle Rogers was named Director of Workforce Development and began her new role on July 6th. According to the Virginia Community College System, this is the first time a regional economic development organization and a community college have partnered on such a venture. Ms. Rogers has more than 15 years of economic development experience in the Commonwealth. She served in management roles at the Virginia Economic Development Partnership and the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Read the entire news release here
Partners Learn About Pharmaceutical Momentum in the Region

VGR hosted its first virtual regional economic development meeting on July 24 th . The keynote presenter was Jeffrey Gallagher. He was a former pharmaceutical executive and CEO of the Virginia Biotechnology Association. Currently, Jeff is working with the VCU College of Engineering to lead the execution of the GO Virginia Enhanced Capacity Building grant to prepare a strategic plan for the commercialization of new pharmaceutical and chemical engineering technology developed by Dr. Frank Gupton, colleagues, and students.
Petersburg and AMPAC Welcome Local Officials, Phlow and Biopharma Leaders

VGR Chief Operating Officer Ajay Sujanani and Vice President of Business Development Mario Camardella joined local officials and biopharmaceutical leaders this month on a walking tour of the AMPAC Fine Chemicals campus. Learn more about this emerging industry and regional developments here
Construction Continues on Hollingsworth Property

Construction continues on the 194,880-square-foot industrial facility owned by The Hollingsworth Companies in SouthPoint Business Park in Prince George County. This complete speculative building will be available in the first quarter of 2021 for sale or lease. 
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Partner Spotlight
Roslyn Farm Corporation owns and manages premier retail, office, and industrial property throughout the Tri-Cities area. Available sites are ready to build developments with build-to-suit and ready-to-move in opportunities available to meet your specific needs. Their properties are strategically located with convenient access to major interstates and rail systems throughout the region.