His & Her Fitness Newsletter
September 2018
Volume 9, Issue #9
In This Issue
H&H Scholarship Winner
Competition Photos
Christina's Corner
Creative Cardio
Christina's Kitchen
KSU Mentor Announcement
Save the Date
Congrats to the Moore Family
Preventing Muscle Loss
Client of the Month
Team Member of the Month
Quick Links
Join Our Mailing List!

Congrats to the H&H scholarship winner Emma!
H&H client and his wife Linda rocked the largest BBQ in the country! Thanks for inviting H&H out, wonderful time!
Some pics from the latest competition!
Christina's Corner
Fall Routine!

I'm so excited to see that people are recognizing how active they should be and getting to the gym 2-3 hours a week with a trainer! 

My question for those of you who aren't is "if you know that you feel better working out, eating clean and creative cardio then why would you not?" Whatever is stopping you let us help you out of that mindset and into the consistency of working out like brushing your teeth!

I am so grateful to still train many of my original clients and I am honored to see that they still feel good! 

This month is a great time to get or stay consistent as you never know who is watching and who you will inspire!

We, as a team, are so excited to see you at your best, keep it up! 

Christina Larson
Owner / Trainer MCPT-PFI / ON and ABB Sponsored Athlete
Creative Cardio Library



Christina's Kitchen
Tuscan Mahi Mahi

(so awesome they named it twice!)

1/4 cup greek yogurt
2 roman tomatoes, chopped
1 lime, squeezed
1 avacado
1 jalapeno, chopped
3 basil leafs
Blend in magic bullet

Serve in bowl
10 Stacey's pita chips
1 cup spinach, chopped
Mahi Mahi
With dressing over top as desired


For more H&H recipes, click HERE
KSU Mentor Announcement
I've officially been asked to be a Kansas State University mentor. This program is to help up and coming professionals start on their path to future career goals. I am grateful to be an industry leader for the college of human ecology mentoring program!

H&H recently had the honor to rock two interns this summer (Maddie and Gabby) and have been asked to continue the process of helping interns gain experience to know the direction they would like to go! 
I have over 60 first place trophies in the NPC and I have loved every time on stage! Roughly 4 years ago I switched to bikini which, of course, was a challenge being a small town girl from Kansas. It was hard enough to rock heels and pivot, then had to master twisting and turning. I added salsa dancing 6 years ago to get an extra edge. It's an honor to be on a national level and I can't wait to rock a show again and place high at nationals! This show was wonderful, the girls looked amazing, the judges went more for a leaner, fuller look than I have. Can't wait to step back on stage this October with Bryan Larson, Mike Catausan and Tyler Wisdom! Whoop whoop, here we come San Diego! 
Save the Date
Creative Cardio each week! 
Mondays 6am and 5:30pm
Tuesdays 9:30am
Thursdays 9am 
Saturdays 8am and 9am

October 20 - Fluff your PUP!

November 24 - H&H Christmas party! Come and go as you please, no spandex allowed!
2nd Annual Fluff Your Pup
We are excited for you to join us at our 2nd Annual Fluff Your Pup!

Saturday, October 20th

-Best Costume Contest
-Best Groomed Contest
-Dunk Tank
-DJ Ashton Martin
-Wayside Waifs Pet a Puppy/Adoption Station
-Grill Station
-Water/Lemonade Stand
-Photo Booth
-Local Vendors

Sign up in person at the studio or HERE
Each contest is $25 and 100% of the profits go directly to Wayside Waifs.
Check out more details and keep up to date on all of our events on our Facebook page.
Anyone who has worked years for something knows sometimes that one moment does not show all the work leading up to that moment. That's competing.

I genuinely compete because it's a sport and I can continue to keep the mindset of the athlete I have always been from little to college soccer and cheerleading. 

Fitness is the hardest sport because when you get up there you have to be in the moment plus dialed in physically! Many people know I rock the stage and have been highly successful since 2002 which was the first show and trophy.

Making many friends including Monica who I am honored to work with today and of course sponsored by the best supplement company in the world. Appearing in ads and magazines across the world representing the KC area which is the 2nd most overweight area in the country. 

Of course my passion for motivating others just shines on stage. Because daring to be different is hard in a world that wants to mold into trends and fashion that everyone is doing. I am a foodie and love to eat (true story!) but I also love prepping foods that make others question if it's healthy and the stage is what continues to help me become more creative and passionate of the underlying goal of the stage. 

"Helping one person at a time live a healthy life" of a girl from Kansas can rock a national stage and world ads for fitness. Anyone can try to be just healthy and not a next level athlete at heart like me. Hope my next first place inspires others to stay on the path! Because I'm not stopping yet...I mean come on, I am not that far from winning!
Congrats to the Moore family
Congrats to Troy and Angela Moore from everyone at H&H! Their daughter was recruited to be a professional ballerina!

Blessings to her and all that are entertained by her grace and beauty, what an opportunity!!
Preventing Muscle Loss
How do you prevent muscle loss as your age? 

Click HERE for some recent information which can be shared with your friends to guarantee you are all on the right track!
Client of the Month
Meredith Dubill

I would like to thank Christina and the H&H family for the honor of being client of the month. I started my journey over 2 years ago with 8 weeks to greatness and haven't looked back! To all of you who think you can't, you can!

There is no doubt some days are harder than others but the consistency is key!  My exercise and nutrition help tremendously to give me the energy to run my photography business, get all four of my kids to their activities and deal with my husband's crazy work schedule!

You can do it, you just have to start! 

Meredith Dubill
Owner, Meredith Dubill Photography
Team Member of the Month
Monica Cass

What a privilege it is to be named team member of the month. I was honored to join the H&H family this past April. Prior to that I worked as a physical therapist for 16 years and was blessed to be a stay at home mom with my beautiful daughter Maci Ann for 9 years. These past few months have been wonderful working with Christina and the entire H&H team but even more wonderful meeting each of the clients...the true H&H family.

September can be a crazy time of year. Kids are back in school, summer is finally over and sometimes we just find ourselves overwhelmed. This is where I feel it is important to prepare and plan out a healthy lifestyle. Don't leave things to chance...that is where failure can take place. If you have a crazy week ahead then prep meals ahead of time, have healthy snacks pre bagged that you can just grab and go. Life happens, things don't always go as planned, but if we can prepare ourselves then making those healthy choices can be so much easier. Set yourself up for success...if you need help doing this please reach out to any team member, we would love to help. Remember we believe fully that this isn't a diet or a fad but a healthy lifestyle...the greatest gift you can give yourself, and you deserve the best!
How about a review?

If you like the His & Her Fitness newsletter, we'd appreciate your comments at   www.google.com/#q=his+and+her+fitness.  
(Look for the "Write a Review" button on the right side of the page.)

Thanks for all your support.