City of Tukwila E-Hazelnut Newsletter
September  2018
Quick Links
City of Tukwila Website
City Employment Opportunities
Tukwila Elected Officials
Mayor: Allan Ekberg

Verna Seal (Council President)
Dennis Robertson 
Kathy Hougardy
De'Sean Quinn
Kate Kruller
Thomas McLeod 
Zak Idan

Examining the 2019/2020 Budget process 

By its very nature, a biennial budget is produced by the City of Tukwila every two years. The City is again committed to developing a fiscally-sound, balanced budget for 2019 and 2020. As is true of many jurisdictions, Tukwila is projected to experience a misalignment of revenues and expenditures in the coming biennium. Sales tax - which makes up more than 1/3 of our revenue - has flattened, and revenue growth is not keeping pace with the cost of ongoing expenditures. Additionally, the State funding of sales tax mitigation, established to compensate cities like Tukwila that were hard-hit by the change to destination-based sales tax, will end by 2020.
Tukwila's Police and Fire Departments were directed to identify 1.5% in budget reductions, and the remaining departments produced 3% reductions in their budgets. Also, implementation of Priority-Based Budgeting has begun, which enables the City to examine programs and provide transparency to the process. Along with these reductions, the Administration is currently exploring new revenue options in order to maintain a high level of services for the City's residents, businesses and guests. The Mayor will formally present his 2019-2020 budget on Monday, October 1, 2018. The Council will deliberate on the Mayor's proposal and ultimately pass a balanced final budget by the end of the year. As with other City business, all budget deliberations will occur in public meetings. The Council meets every Monday (except for fifth Mondays) at 7:00pm in the Council Chambers at City Hall. The Council Finance Committee meets on first and third Tuesdays at 5:30 in the City's Hazelnut Conference Room at City Hall (next to the east entrance).
Learn about shoreline and critical areas updates at an open house on October 9, 2018

Under Washington State's Shoreline Management Act there are specific rules for activities and development within 200 feet of the Green River. Tukwila is conducting a periodic review of its Shoreline Master Program (SMP) to ensure that it is current with changes in law and is consistent with other Tukwila plans and regulations. We are also making some required changes to our rules for critical areas such as wetlands, streams and steep slopes to reflect best available science.  

October 9th, 2018
Tukwila Community Center
12424 42 nd Avenue S, Tukwila 98168
5-7 PM with a presentation at 5:30 PM

Learn more about the Shoreline Master Program and rules for critical areas on our City Website:

Shoreline Management: 
If you would like to be added to an email group about shoreline updates reply to   [email protected]  
or call Nora Gierloff at 206-433-7141.

Wetlands, Streams & Steep Slopes Code Update: 
For critical areas updates reply to  
[email protected]  or call Minnie Dhaliwal at 206-431-3685.
Join us for Green Tukwila Day on October 6, 2018

Signup for Green Tukwila Day at: