January 18, 2019 - Issue 19-03

Good Afternoon  ,

Our ongoing quest to characterize outstanding leaders once again brings us to work by  Marcel Schwantes

Here, Schwantes outlines advice from Steve Jobs and others about what led them to their success as leaders. True leaders, as opposed to "average bosses", step to the plate with strong values and morals. 

They take decisive action to create the environment that brings forth great performance from their teams, and great success to all.

Here are the five approaches Marcel identifies that are characteristic of the best business leaders.
  • They are part of the team - they play on the team, and for the team.
  • They build trust, and keep it.
  • They show their employees that they trust and believe in them.
  • They focus on honesty in all relationships
  • They practice "love in action" - help every worker feel validated.
To accomplish these things, a leader must be unfailingly authentic. 

He or she must continually take responsibility for what happens. 

He or she must always give the team credit for accomplishments, never taking the "glory" for her- or himself.

These ingredients of great leadership must come from within the leader. Following a recipe or a set of instructions will not help one become a leader. 

Usually these traits are innate and/or developed during the formative early childhood years. 

My belief is that they can be learned later in life. However, the learning must be transformative, as opposed to "surface learning". The learner must actually become a new person, deeply incorporating the new learning in his or her core personality. 

I have seen people transform to that degree. It's rare!

Enjoy reading what Marcel Schwantes has to offer on leadership!

John Stevens


Would you like  to talk about a leader who exhibits these characteristics, or one who doesn't "get it"? Let's do it.

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About John

Throughout a career spanning over 45 years my management style has been one of building teams to bring several competent people together to focus on a common objective. I noted early in my career that, in most organizations, there is an enormous amount of time, energy, and effort wasted by people working at cross purposes.

As I transition to life in the Argentine outback, my focus shifts from coaching to helping other business coaches and advisers get their message out to their prospective clients. With my first-hand knowledge of the benefits of effective business coaching, I am uniquely qualified to help business advisers of all stripes convey their message.

Contact Info
John B. Stevens, Freelance Copywriter

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