Volume I Issue 18 ~ January 20th, 2019
1. Academics Spotlight
One semester down and one to go for all of our Sea Kings as students and staff closed out the first semester. Final exams were on all of our students' minds despite the 4 days straight of rain. Students bubbled scantrons, reviewed study guides, and even took an interactive final exam in Marine Biology.
2. Athletics Spotlight
Boys Basketball lost 52-51 in a buzzer beater ending to rivals Peninsula. The boys played an excellent game and look forward to the re-match at home next week. They also beat Centennial 69-46.

Girls Basketball lost in overtime 48-44 to Peninsula in an exciting and emotional game. The girls then went on to defeat Centennial 69-33.

Boys Soccer beat Centennial 6-0 making them 3-2 in league.

Girls Soccer beat Peninsula 3-0 at home and beat Centennial 13-0.

Girls Waterpolo lost to Redondo 12 - PV 7. Great effort out there by players, coaches, officials, and fans in the inclement weather.
3. Football Spotlight
Several members of our football team were chosen to participate in the All Area Banquet this past week. Picture here are Ryan Wilson, Matt Barcot, Julian Alessi, and Derek Roah with Coach Gardner. Luka Kielbasa was also honored but unable to attend. Great job to all of our players and coaches for receiving this honor.
4. Song Spotlight
For the first time in 4 years, our song team competed this past weekend at the West Coast Elite Dance competition. Our team competed in both the Large Pom division and Chen Filler in the solo division. The team placed 2nd in the Pom division and Chen placed in the top 10 for solos. Congrats girls!
5. Music Spotlight
Sophomore English Horn player, Claudia Lee, has auditioned into the California All-State Concert Band beating out thousands of other students who applied. She will be representing PVHS and performing with the best musicians in the state of California at the California All-State Festival in Fresno on February 14-17, 2019. Good luck Claudia!
6. Rivalry Week Spotlight
One thing that our Sea Kings always look forward to is rivalry games. Giving our students a quick break from studying, Sea Kings headed up the hill to Peninsula for a night of spirit and fun cheering on our teams. The stands were packed and the gym was loud as our teams battled back and forth versus the Panthers. The rivalry continues at home on Thursday January 30th.
7. AVID Spotlight
Mrs. Egan's AVID 10 students took the opportunity during finals week to reflect on this past semester. This annual activity has students defend their notes, the choices they make, and how the process helps them overall. Students worked in small groups and thought critically about their work this past semester.
8. Prospective Student Spotlight
The College and Career Center was packed during last week's Principal's Forum which gave prospective parents the opportunity to come hear about all of the amazing things PV high has to offer. Dr. Tyner and our students were there to highlight our signature programs such as Speech and Debate, PVIT, athletics, and the block schedule. We have one more forum on February 6th at 6:30pm for any parents or families interested.

Don't forget to stop by our Open House event Wednesday from 6-8pm to learn more about our academics, athletics, activities, and the arts. Families will have a chance to speak to teachers, counselors, and current students to understand why PV High is the place where you want to be.
9. Student Spotlight
Junior Jessica Bahny won the Western Dressage Overall High Point Individual title in an equestrian competition. This is a huge accomplishment and we are so proud of Jessica and all her hard work within the equestrian program. Great job! 
10. Next week at a glance
  • No school in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday. Enjoy the day Sea Kings!

  • First day of second semester!
  • PTSA General meeting with our Special Guest, Dr. Cherniss, new PVPUSD Superintendent! Feel free to send any questions you have for either Dr. Cherniss or Dr. Tyner to pvhsptsapresident@gmail.com, so we can include them at the meeting. This will be a great opportunity to hear all the exciting plans for our school and District!
  • Girls Water polo vs. Chadwick
  • Boys Soccer vs. Mira Costa
  • Girls Soccer @ Mira Costa
  • Girls Basketball vs. Mira Costa
  • Boys Basketball vs. Mira Costa


  • Junior parent presentation at 8:30am in the MPR to review graduation requirements, college admissions information, testing information, and the letter of recommendation procedures. Counselors will also discuss the importance of finding an appropriate College match for the student and topics to consider when developing a College list. For those that are unable to attend the presentation we will be posting the full presentation on our school website under the counseling office section for you to review at your convenience.
  • Track and field tryouts
  • Girls Water polo @ Mira Costa

Open House from 6-8pm for all prospective Sea Kings and their families! Click here for a map and list of activities happening that evening.

Thursday :
  • Boys Soccer @ Peninsula

Friday :
  • No school. Professional development day for all PVPUSD staff.
  • Girls Water polo @ Los Altos Tournament
  • Boys Soccer vs. Redondo
  • Girls Soccer @ Redondo
  • Girls Basketball vs. Redondo
  • Boys Basketball vs. Redondo

Health and Wellness

Each week, one of our community partners, Dr. Moe Gelbart generously volunteers his time to provide information for our community related to wellness. Dr. Gelbart is the Executive Director of Thelma McMillen Center in Torrance.


In a few weeks, it will be Valentine’s Day. Our children, even our little elementary schoolers, will be drawing hearts and sending love wishes to those around them. As parents we will delight in how cute all this is. But for some teenagers, the “love” connection goes way beyond February 14th, causing pause and concern for parents. What can a parent expect, and how should they deal with the news that their teenager is “in love”?

Adolescence, as we know, is a vulnerable time. It is a time when developmentally and biologically, teen brains are creating new hormones, emotions, drives, desires for individuation, and good decision making often lags behind emotional drives. It is a time when many teens experience their “first love”. As a parent, knowing how to deal with your child, how to guide them, and what limits to set can be very confusing and conflict producing. As adults, most of us have gone through romantic feelings and relationships and breakups, and we have a more informed perspective, but helping our children navigate through this experience can be difficult. As with most emotional issues, there are no easy answers or clear cut directions or rules. Thinking about the issue, communicating with your spouse/significant other, and being on the same page and having a game plan can help greatly. Here are some areas to ponder over.

1. At what age should teens be allowed to date? This requires you to have a definition of dating, and what you can tolerate at certain ages versus others. Criteria of spending time alone together, or identifying as boyfriend/girlfriend should be considered. How much control do you actually have, and what are the risks of trying to exercise too much control? I personally do not believe that a teen is emotionally ready for real dating until they are at least 16, and probably a bit older. More important, is having a discussion about what dating means and is, and understanding your child’s emotional readiness.

2. How much control should you exercise? It is well known that the more parents try and control their children’s emotional relationships with others, the more likely they are to experience resistance and push their children towards the very thing they would like to avoid. Think Romeo and Juliette. At the same time, parents cannot just sit back and totally allow their children to head down a painful path. Like most issues, the key is communication, and developing an open, validating, respectful ability to discuss issues. It is much easier to set limits and boundaries after one validates feelings.

3. How is the relationship influencing life and decision making? It is important to keep close tabs on your “in love” child, and make sure they are maintaining their goals and directions. Grades, extra-curricular activities, and time with friends should not be negatively affected. If things that were important begin to slide, parents need to step in as soon as possible, and help with understanding and planning. Make sure that being in a relationship does not overwhelm other areas of their life.

4. Have an honest talk with your teen about sex. They need to know about short term gratification and long term consequences. They need to understand about safeguarding their reputation,
internet and social media issues, disease and unwanted pregnancy, and how they can misperceive the meaning of certain actions. If possible, it is beneficial to talk to the parents of your child’s partner, and encourage them to have similar conversations.

5. Try and understand what is motivating their relationship. On some level, this is the most difficult of all, not just for teenagers, but for adults as well. Quite often, we are unaware of what needs are being met in a relationship, and whether these are healthy or unhealthy needs. If one feels insecure, if one feels abandoned by a parent, if one sees themselves as a people pleaser and rescuer, if one is co-dependent, if one experiences low self-esteem, a love relationship can artificially soothe those needs. However, that would not be the basis of a healthy relationship. Help your teen understand what a healthy relationship is, and how in a mutually satisfying relationship, each is allowed to be a strong individual and help make the other person achieve more of their potential.

6. Be particularly aware if your teen is in a relationship with an addictive person. As stated, such a relationship is born out of motives one is not aware of, but such a relationship could be very painful. Particularly vulnerable are children whose parents have a drug or alcohol problems. Statistics indicate that such children are highly likely to be drawn to a person with a substance abuse issue, often trying to unconsciously fix past issues through present relationship. The results are usually very troubling.

7. Don’t put all your hopes in geography. I have worked with many parents who feel that all will be fixed once their son/daughter go off to college, and the relationship runs its course due to distance. Many times this is the case, but often it is not. I have seen teens change their college plans, in order to be near their boyfriend/girlfriend, often at great personal expense. I have worked with parents who felt relieved when their daughter went away to college, and got away from the unmotivated directionless boyfriend, only to find out that he was moving to the city she was in to be with her.

There are many more things to consider, and this just grazes the tip of the iceberg. As with most issues with your teens, the antidote is communication, and having the ability to talk, trust, respect, and be honest. Remember, this is an area we all have personal experience in that we can draw upon.

Remember, if you have issues you would like to see addressed, please email me at askdrgelbart@gmail.com.

Moe Gelbart, Ph.D.
Executive Director, Thelma McMillen Center
General Info
In January 2016, California adopted a new law covering comprehensive health education in public schools, Education Code Sections 51930‐ 51939 (AB 329) called the CA Healthy Youth Act (CHYA). Students in intermediate and high school must receive comprehensive health education and HIV prevention education from trained instructors. Each pupil shall receive this instruction at least once in middle school and at least once in high school. Here are some facts about the CHYA.

Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) is recommending the following steps to take toward initial, immediate compliance, with future consideration of a complete textbook adoption with the release of the new Health Education Framework in 2021:
1.    Selecting curriculum to cover CA Healthy Youth Act requirements (Board of Education approval process)
2.    Determining who will teach the curriculum and in which grades
3.    Scheduling training, parent education events, and public review of curriculum/opt-out procedures

LACOE strongly encouraged us to use the Adolescent Sexual Health Work Group curricula review as a starting point, as they were charged with grading a subset of comprehensive sexual health education curricula for alignment and compliance with the CHYA.

Five of the districts in the South Bay Consortium have selected the same resource, while the others are just beginning this process. Administrators across the greater South Bay have continued to communicate with each other as we move collectively forward towards legislative compliance. PVPUSD will coordinate with LACOE to present information to the Board of Education and entire parent community about the changes.

If you are interested in participating in this Health Task Force work, please complete the following form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=alG_LzE4eUS6iIMJfbVyeR3BiGtsvk5NgKNhK9rVDgpUOEUxVzBNUUxYVzhLRVA4QUJMWkNYOVAzNi4u
600 Cloyden Road, Palos Verdes Estates, 90274 ~ 310-378-8471 ~ pvhs.pvpusd.net