Exciting Career Opportunities at SVNA!
Mark your calendar....
It's almost time to get your flu shot!
Balance Problems Raise
the Risk of Falls
September is Falls Prevention Month. Falling is a big senior health issue. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 25 percent of older adults will fall this year, and many will suffer brain damage, a hip fracture or other broken bone—injuries that can be fatal, or so serious that a senior never recovers their independence.
Congratulations to SVNA's Home Assistance Director, Meghan Plouffe & her husband, Nick on the arrival of their son, Parker Plouffe. Jack is thrilled to be a big brother!
Read more about why hospice care should start sooner
rather than later ...  
Salisbury Fall Festival
October 5, 6 & 7

SVNA will be there on the
October 5th & 6th from
10am-4pm handing out apples!

Mary Lillemoe of Canaan, and a patient of SVNA, has created many felting characters. The details she put into them is incredible! Mary has also illustrated several books for children.

If you would like to see more pictures, click here
Thank You to our e-news Sponsor:
Sharon Health Care Center

27 Hospital Hill Road
P.O. Box 1268
Sharon, CT 06069