2017 MFF monthly newsletter
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As we begin a New Year, the Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation is proud to be supporting a range of remarkable projects, conferences and competitions.

In 2017, we will send 350 Milstein Family Fellows and 300 Christian students to the AIPAC Policy Conference, work with Virtually Israel to bring cutting-edge virtual reality Israel experiences to more organizations and campuses, and sponsor our second annual Inspired by Israel Video Competition in partnership with the Israel Video Network and the 12Tribe Films Foundation. 

Here’s to the year in which we work together to strengthen the Jewish people, the Jewish State, and the U.S.-Israel relationship. 

Best wishes,

Gila and Adam

If we are concerned about the alienation of the Jewish-American community from Israel and our Jewish heritage, and assuming that we have limited resources, where should we invest in order to get the best ROI? 

Featured in The Jerusalem Post
Written by Adam Milstein
$20,000 in cash prizes offered; Grand Prize winner will receive $8,000
Last year, the contest received nearly 100 videos from all over the world - Taiwan, the Philippines, Australia, USA, Israel, United Kingdom, Canada, Finland, Panama, Germany, Brazil, Spain, Argentina, Costa Rica, Malaysia, and more. These videos have received more than 500,000 views!!

You can view the official contest rules here.

2016 Grand Prize Winner of the Inspired by Israel Contest

With lightning speed and an open heart, Israel is the world's rescue team.
33 Student Leaders from all over the United States travel and explore Israel for the first time. The Caravan for Democracy is supported by the Jewish National Fund, a proud Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation grantee.
Featured Grantee: CareerUp
As part of our partnership with University of Florida Hillel, we're featuring their incredible Career Up program!

Career Up, an initiative founded and incubated at the University of Florida Hillel, is appreciative for the partnership with The Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation. Career Up anchors career advancement with Jewish values and Israel advocacy to engage 18- to 26-year olds with meaningful Jewish practice, spirituality, networking, and community. It draws on professional development workshops based in Jewish texts, experiential worship opportunities, and purposeful networking experiences with American and Israeli entrepreneurs to inspire the next generation of Jews, and helps them to gain access to professional networks, establish a place in the Jewish community, and to find being Jewish and Israel relevant.

In September, Career Up piloted an experience in Los Angeles with 15 students from UCLA and 25 local industry leaders. The event was headlined by Eytan Elbaz, co-founder of the company that later became Google AdSense, and included conversations with various professionals (full list here) centered upon the 48 Sensibilities in Pirke Avot 6:6. Find out more here about Career Up

We are grateful to The Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation for their inspiration, support, and impact.

Want to be the featured organization in a future newsletter? You must currently be in a collaborative program with our Foudation to be featured. Email us at
News and Notes from our Grantees

ATTENTION GRANTEES! Send us news content from your organization and we'll include it in our upcoming newsletters! Send all up-to-date content to

The Mission of  The Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation  ("MFF") is to strengthen the State of Israel, the homeland of the Jewish People, and its special ties with the United States of America; and to ensure the special affinity to the State of Israel of the young and future Jewish generations.