Congratulations to Ama Law and Shawn Stone on a fabulous Spring MFA Thesis Concert!
Monday, February 11, 2019

Congratulations to Ama Law and Shawn Stone on a fabulous Spring MFA Thesis Concert! Check out the photos of their beautiful work below.

Also congratulations to all 21 Helen Hayes Award nominees from among our TDPS faculty, students, and alumni! Check out the feature story below for the full list. Go TDPS! 💪

Be sure to get your tickets now for Hamlet Replayed! The production opens on Friday, February 22 and will run until Saturday, March 2. Also, don't miss the pre-show lecture about Hamlet by James Hollis, PhD, Executive Director of the Jung Society of Washington on opening night! More details below.
Top: Shawn Stone's 's (apostrophe s) Bottom: Ama Law's Tides / Photo credit: Thai Nguyen
  In this newsletter:

  • Upcoming Events
  • Feature Stories
  • News
  • Opportunities

Want to share your news with the TDPS family? Have a story you want featured? Have suggestions to improve the TDPS newsletter and communications?

Tell us about the creative, collaborative, innovative, and entrepreneurial work you're doing!

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Are you a TDPS student, faculty member, or staff member? Show us what a week in your life at TDPS looks like!

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Upcoming Events
IPCCR Grant Application Workshop

Join the IPCCR grants committee on Thursday, February 14 from 3:30-4:30pm in the TDPS Conference Room (2804) for a grant application workshop. This round of applications is due on Monday, February 25, so come ask questions and get some feedback on your proposal! Download the call for proposals and grant application.
Fearless New Play Festival   Kickoff Panel
Curated by Jennifer Barclay
Sunday, February 17, 1pm

The kickoff panel features special guests:
  • Playwright: Tim J. Lord (Jerome Fellow)
  • Director: Nicole A. Watson (Associate Artistic Director, Round House Theatre)
  • Actor: Felicia Curry (UMD alum!)
  • Dramaturg: Kirsten Bowen (Literary Director, Woolly Mammoth)

This event is free but ticketed.
Tickets and information about the panel and festival here.
Hamlet Replayed
Directed by Leslie Felbain
February 22 - March 2

Hamlet is knee-deep in a personal and political quagmire. His father, the king, has been murdered by his uncle Claudius, who has hastily married his sister-in-law to assume the throne. Seeking to avenge his father’s murder, Hamlet sets off a chain of events resulting in death, destruction and a notable absence of justice. But the politics and scandal in Shakespeare’s classic tragedy are nothing compared to the political discord and global uncertainty of today. This student-driven, devised theater piece, adapted from the Bard’s tale, imagines a new cast of greedy, divisive leaders—and a new generation to challenge those leaders and liberate themselves.

Tickets and information here.
Hamlet's Problem, and Ours
Pre-show lecture by James Hollis, PhD
Friday, February 22, 6:30pm

Why does Hamlet continue to speak to generation after generation? In many ways, he is the first truly modern literary character. He is enmeshed in inner conflicts, and knows he is his own worst problem. Hamlet's problem, and ours, is essentially psychological. This introduction to Hamlet will briefly survey the history of the play, and then zero in on Hamlet's problem, and ours.

James Hollis, PhD, is a Jungian Analyst, Executive Director of the Jung Society of Washington. Tickets and information here.
UTAS - TDPS Backwards
Wednesday, March 13, 7:30pm

Is there a song you’ve been dying to perform that traditionally wouldn’t be sung by someone who looks like you? TDPS Backwards is here to shatter those gender norms and give students a space to sing ANY broadway song they want regardless of gender identity, race, age, etc. Inspired by Broadway Backwards, UTAS felt a need to have a fun night where students could sing songs from their favorite musicals regardless of how it is/was originally performed. Voluntary donations received the night of the performance will go to Broadway Cares’ initiative to finding a cure for AIDS. Come out and have a blast with us as TDPS students and friends sing their heart out!

Auditions: Tuesday, February 26th from 4-7pm in the Schoenbaum Rehearsal Room (Room 3732). More info here.
Jay Mallin Photos
Call for Second Season 2019-2020 proposals

Second Season is an excellent opportunity to showcase original work, direct a play that you feel our community needs to see, or re-create that dance piece that really speaks to you. Second Season is open to both undergraduate and graduate students.

Proposals are due TODAY February 11, 2019 to Bobby Hunter at See the call for proposals and Second Season guidelines for more details.
Feature Stories
TDPS receives 21 Helen Hayes Award nominations
Congratulations to the faculty, students, and alumni from UMD TDPS who were nominated for 2019 Helen Hayes Awards!

Check out all the TDPS folks who were recognized for their phenomenal work in the theater scene of DC, Maryland, and Virginia, for a total of 21 nominations!

We are proud of the work that every one of our community does, here on campus and in the professional world. Let's celebrate our shared commitment to excellence in the performing arts, through research, practice, and education!
Misha Kachman's Kleptocracy design featured in DC Metro Theater Arts
Design faculty Misha Kachman was featured in DC Metro Theater Arts for his set design for Kleptocracy at Arena Stage!

“...Kachman started out as an artist. Growing up in St. Petersburg – then Leningrad – his hero was Chagall. But his greatest and most lasting influence was Max Beckmann and the German Expressionists. Indeed, the darkness of the Kleptocracy set is reminiscent of Beckmann’s Night, which was painted just after World War I, when Germany, like the USSR, was plunged into chaos and loss.”

Read the article here.
Clown Sex Ed by Tribe of Fools, Philadelpha, February 7-17
  • TDPS postdoctoral fellow Tabitha Chester’s essay "Pomo Afro Homos: A Revolutionary Act" was recently published in The Routledge Companion to African American Theatre and Performance, edited by Kathy A. Perkins, Sandra L. Richards, Renée Alexander Craft, and Thomas F. DeFrantz. Recent PhD alumnus Khalid Yaya Long's ‘18 essay,The Black Feminist Theatre of Glenda Dickerson,” was also published in this volume. Congratulations, Tabitha and Khalid!

  • PhD student Tara Demmy’s theater company Tribe of Fools presents its latest original show Clown Sex Ed at Philly Theatre Week from February 7-17, with lighting design by fellow PhD student Christen Mandracchia. Clown Sex Ed is a hilarious romp through the challenges, the failures and the horror stories of American sex education If you’re in Philadelphia this week, check it out!

  • Congratulations to MFA Dance candidate Stacey Carlson on receiving a grant from STREB in New York City as part of their GO! Emerging Artists Commissioning Program. The final showing will be at the end of June 2019. With support from the Jerome Foundation for the past 10 years, SLAM has been a creative center for five emerging artists annually who use SLAM to push their own artistic boundaries. Six months of creative development by the artists culminate in a performance full of new ideas and new action. Congrats, Stacey!
  Have news you want to share?
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Want to join Delta Chi Xi Honorary Dance Fraternity?
Applications and faculty recommendations are due Friday, February 22 by 5pm. More details and application form here.

  • NEW Folger Theatre at the Folger Shakespeare Library is seeking an experienced Lead House Manager. For more information see the flyer and their website.

  • NEW Imagination Stage is offering a Professional Apprenticeship program for graduating college seniors. The apprenticeship is a one-year, full-time professional development program designed to give young theater professionals hands-on experience in a professional TYA theater setting. They offer apprenticeships in Education, Access & Inclusion, Marketing & Development, and Production. See the flyer for more details.

  • NEW Florida Studio Theatre is seeking interns and apprentices for the 2019-2020 season. Intern & Apprentice program is an immersive and comprehensive way to bridge the gap between academic theatre and the professional world and to provide additional training and experience to those individuals who are serious about careers as theatre professionals. Priority deadline is March 5, 2019. More information here.

  • NEW FRESHH Inc Theater is seeking a creative team for their hip hop theater production, HERstory: Love Forever, Hip Hop at the Kennedy Center this June. They are looking to fill the following positions: production manager, scenic designer, dramaturgical assistants, assistant director, and assistant stage manager. See the flyer for more details.

  • NEW The Washington Stage Guild is seeking an intern for its upcoming production of RESOLVING HEDDA by Jon Klein and directed by Steven Carpenter. The intern would have a walk-on role (no lines; three brief entrances) and assist the stage manager during pre & post-show and intermission. A modest stipend is available. Time commitments would be technical rehearsals (March 16-17) through opening weekend (March 24) and weekends through the run of the show (to April 14). Please direct submissions/inquiries to:

  • NEW Signature Theatre invites students to register for Overtures, a two-week intensive, professional training program in June 2019 that provides rigorous and comprehensive instruction in vocal technique, performance technique, dance, acting and audition skills. For more information about auditions and registration, visit their website
  • The Clarice's NextLOOK, a partnership with Joe's Movement Emporium, is seeking applications from artists to develop new work in 2019-2020. Applications are due on Friday, March 1. See the call for applications here.
  • The City of Alexandria’s Office of the Arts is seeking two performing artists or artist groups/organizations to develop and perform new work for Waterfront Park. One opportunity is for dance or movement-based work and the other is for music or sound-based work. The selected artists or artist groups/organizations will be commissioned to create a new site-specific work through a residency process and will receive an all-inclusive fee of $8000 to develop the original, site-specific work and provide a minimum of four scheduled performances on site at Waterfront Park within the period of June to November 2019. The deadline for receipt of qualifications is February 20. The full Call to Artists can be found here.
  • The Welders, DC's professional playwrights' collective, is seeking a dramaturgy intern. To apply, please see the attached call.
  • Studio Theatre is now accepting applications for 2019-2020 Apprenticeship program. Studio Theatre’s 50-week apprenticeship program introduces motivated young professionals to the rigors and rewards of working at a fast-paced theatre in Washington DC’s rich and extensive theatre community. The priority deadline for applications is Friday, February 15. For more information visit here, or email

  • The Essential Theatre is currently seeking experienced Production personnel on a per project basis. Positions will be needed for project(s) preparation and execution supervision between February 25th of 2019 and November 30 of 2019. Outside production dates for the first project are May 1st through July 29th. The performance will run July 7th through 28th at Anacostia Playhouse. For more information and to apply, go here. Please direct questions to

  • Avant Bard seeks Non-AEA Stage Manager, Costume Designer, Sound Designer and Properties Designer for upcoming production of Topdog/Underdog. These are paid, professional positions. More information here.

  • The Shakespeare Theatre Company seeks an Education Office Coordinator for an active Education Department. This position provides administrative and office support for the Senior Director of Education and Engagement and the Education Department. Please apply on their website, or send a cover letter, resume, and references to
  • Bates Dance Festival will soon announce their 2019 Summer Festival line-up. BDF is an international professional dance training program with multiple work-study, internship and scholarship opportunities in admin, dance education, social media, community engagement, technical production, and videography. Applications for technical production and videography internships are highly encouraged. The Technical Production Internship is intended for young designers with a strong interest in dance production and stage design. The focus of the Videography Internship is on camera work and video editing necessary for proper documentation and promotional materials related to dance. For more information, contact Kendra Portier (TDPS Dance artist-in-residence) or visit the Bates Dances Festival website.

  • BlackRock Center for the Arts in Germantown, MD, is accepting resumes for a full-time Technical Director (TD). The TD will work in tandem with Operations Manager to train rotating overhire crews to implement and facilitate this quality work for all events. Compensation ranges between $35-$40K + benefits with future merit increases. Please forward cover letter, resumes or personal CV, and three recommendations to

  • Chesapeake Shakespeare Company is offering internship opportunities that give students hands-on experience in the professional world. They are currently seeking interns for the Winter, Spring, and Summer of 2019 in: Costume, Directing, Development, Marketing, Education, and General Theatre. For more information and to apply, visit their website.
  Have an opportunity you want to share?
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Other Events
Tap Dogs at the Kennedy Center
Tuesday, February 19, 2019 - Sunday, February 24, 2019

Dein Perry's global dance sensation Tap Dogs hits the road on an international tour of jaw-dropping new surprises. An adrenaline-pumped cast turns traditional tap dancing upside-down and into the ultimate night out. Tickets and information here .
 Do you have news to share with the TDPS community?
Email and share with us on social media!

The School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies
advances and transforms the research and practice of the performing arts
through a commitment to excellence and innovative education.


Kate Spanos, Coordinator of Marketing & Communications
Renee Gerardo, Graduate Assistant