February 8 2019
This Week's Top Stories  

February 7 2019
Our quarterly presentation on research, news and events is now online for Securities Finance, Collateral and Derivatives subscription clients.

February 7 2019
The Federal Reserve has released its scenarios for the 2019 Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review and Dodd-Frank Act stress test exercises. The scenarios typically include Baseline, Adverse, and Severely Adverse models, and like last year adds two twists to market and counterparty default risk. Look out for that Severely Adverse scenario though.

February 6 2019
The final US Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) rules have been expected for some time. Although US regulators produced draft NSFR rules in 2016, the market has still been in discussion on a final outcome. But when the US NSFR finally arrives, will it make a difference to actual market behavior?

February 5 2019
The ECB recently took the next step in their Eurosystem Single Market Infrastructure Gateway (ESMIG) project, which itself progresses the aims of the Eurosystem Collateral Management System (ECMS). We look at what the ECMS plans to do and potential impacts on the tri-party market.

February 4 2019
Some market participants were surprised while others saw it coming, but all the same, US repo rates saw a sharp uptick on Thursday Jan 31. According to dealers, at one point rates were closing in on end of Dec 2018 rates before coming back down. Here are the main reasons behind the moves.

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News and Notes    

Tradeweb reports new post-crisis high in repo trading of over $170 billion daily for January 2019
NY Fed proposes change to the Overnight Bank Funding Rate

EquiLend Partners With Stonewain to Offer Fully Integrated Securities Finance Platform


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May 2-3 2019

September 24 2019

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November 4 2019

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