Newsletter Issue No 10
February 7, 2019 
In This Issue
Sustainability Forum
The 10th Annual Talent Show
SDFAS Kindergarten Information Night
Brainious "Le Cerveau des Enfants"
Book Fair
Science Fair

Quick Links


Girard Gourmet Lunches

Access to Grades
Ask Stéphanie for login info

School Council Minutes

The School Council met on January 14, 2019.

Minutes are now available online.


SDFAS 2019-2020 
Re-enrollment Timeline

Friday, February 1st, 2019: The Admissions Office sends re-enrollment contracts to SDFAS families. 

Sunday, February 24th, 2019: Deadline to sign the re-enrollment contract and pay the deposit.

 The school will not be able to guarantee a space in the school for any re-enrollment request logged after Sunday, February 24th

Siblings of current students need to follow the same admissions process as new applicants and submit a complete application before February 1st, 2019.

Financial Assistance Process and Timeline

SDFAS offers tuition assistance to qualified applicants, based entirely on demonstrated financial need. Application are submitted via School and Student Services (SSS), a service of NAIS, the National Association of Independent Schools.
Be sure to create your account before  February 1st, 2019 to show your intent. Applications received after February 1st will be reviewed on a fund-available basis. 
All supporting documents have to be uploaded as early as possible and no later than  March 31st, 2019. Information provided during the Financial Assistance process is kept in strict confidentiality.

School's SSS code: 1698

Useful links:

How to Apply for Financial Aid via SSS - This flyer gives helpful tips on completing the PFS and submitting additional documents.
PFS Workbook - A guide to completing your PFS from start to finish.

20 février 2019 avec 
Emmanuel Poulain, notre Directeur des Finances et Opérations pour valider le dossier. 

Plus d'information sur le site du consulat :  Bourses Scolaires
Isabelle Gilet , Admissions Office

Free Info Sessions February 11
New Tax Laws - Plan for the Future & Protect your Assets

Monday February 11 at 8.45 am and 7 pmin the SDFAS Auditorium

with Betty Kim, CPA, Encore Partners

Free Yoga / Mindfulness Classes at SDFAS

Babeth Esterly and Bénédicte Brouder are excited to offer to our community (staff and families) free yoga/mindfulness community classes at SDFAS.

- Tuesdays: Benedicte, 7:30 am to 8 am, auditorium 

- Wednesdays: Babeth, 7 to 7:30 am, auditorium 

Children are welcome to participate with parents if able to stay patient and focused. 

Follow the link below to register: 

Middle school students can attend without their parents. Limited to 20 yogis.

French Intern in search of SDFAS host family for the month of May
SDFAS will be welcoming Amandine Camoin during the month of May for an internship.

Amandine is currently in her last year of a Bachelor in Economics and Social Administration at the University of Aix-Marseille. Her goal is to become a teacher in primary schools and enroll in a master of education program next year.
Amandine would like to stay with an American family during her stay in San Diego. If you are interested to host Amandine during that time, please contact her directly and click HERE to read more about her.

Thank you!

Minimum Day February 22
Grade PK0-5: Dismissal at 11:45 am

Middle school: Dismissal at 12 pm

Extended Care: 12 pm - 6 pm
Register before February 15th by sending an email to  EXTENDED CARE.

Grade K-8th: Pick up in lunch area 
Preschool: Pick up on playground

There is no Girard Gourmet school lunch service on minimum days, so if your child is staying in extended care, please provide a lunch.

Contact Valérie if you have questions.

Read the Last Écho
If you would like to read the last Newsletters "L'Écho". 
It's possible on the Website!


For Pre-Elementary School information and updates 


For Elementary School information and updates 


   For Middle School information and updates 


    Follow us to receive our pictures, update and stories from our instructors and your children.



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We are also sharing the blogs for each division:
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If you have any questions or comments regarding this publication, please contact our editor, Audrey Blanchard at

for the French American Chamber of Commerce website.
A special Chinese New Year celebration at SDFAS

Chinese New Year 2019 was a success and great exercise in cultural diversity and internationalism at SDFAS; an experience our students will always remember.
On Tuesday, the students enjoyed a special Chinese New Year celebration event. All students from preschool through 8th grade participated in educational activities in their respective classes. 
The Head of School greeted the student body in Mandarin wishing everyone a Happy New Year, and educating the students in the traditions and meanings behind the festivities of Chinese New Year. The students then enjoyed a colorful traditional Chinese New Year parade - courtesy of our wonderful and creative preschool and kindergarten students, then followed by an energetic and memorable show by traditional Chinese New Year Lion Dancers and musicians. 
For lunch, students enjoyed special Chinese New Year foods, such as Longevity Noodles, Lucky Mandarin Oranges, and special fortune cookies.
Project Edeline: Thank you!

Thank you   again and again   Marion for all your support (together with your students ) for Institut Edeline in Haiti.

The computers you donated were a beautiful gift to the school and faculty. They are so excited to add computer skills to the curriculum, as well as allow the teachers to do ongoing curriculum research for their classes. All the books, backpacks, school supplies   and   vitamins were much needed and we are very grateful for your giving and thoughtful students and their families.

The pen pal experience is now one of the highlights of our trip, as we watch the children's smiles grow as they read their cherished letters from the students at the French American School. 

Enjoy your message from the students at Institut Edeline thanking your school for all you have done for them.

Steph Hoffman and Edeline Felizor 
Les Années Collège
Middle School Experience Presentation


In this season of re-enrollment for 2019-20 and in my second year as Head of School, I wanted to again take advantage of the Édito for this 10th edition of the ÉCHO to express thanks to all of our wonderful SDFAS families for the trust and faith you place in our school, as well as for your ongoing partnership and support. Our community is at once diverse and very close-knit. Many people involved with the school care about it deeply, volunteer their time, help and contribute - each doing what he or she can to help make the school as successful as it can be. All of your positive efforts and feedback are appreciated and your presence in the SDFAS community highly valued.

In terms of opportunities to learn about our school, this past Monday the school hosted a soirée entitled  Les Années Collège  - A Journey through the Middle School Years. Yesterday, on Wednesday, our 5th grade students got to spend part of the afternoon visiting classes in 6th grade to experience the Middle School first hand. This coming Monday, the school will host a "transition evening" for parents of students moving from PK2 to K. If you have any questions related specifically to your child(ren), please remember that my office door is open to you - I'm happy to meet and talk with you at any time.

Now, on the topic of community building, on Tuesday of this week we celebrated Chinese (Lunar) New Year with the entire student body PK0-8th grade gathered in the auditorium for a most amazing Lion Dance and workshop by the San-Diego based martial arts dance troupe Three TreasuresI encourage all who can make it to attend the Jog-a-thon tomorrow Friday, February 8th from 8:30 to noon to cheer on your children running for good causes! And let's not forget the Talent Show that very same evening Friday, February 8th at 5 pm!

Mark Rosenblum, Head of school

Chers parents,

En cette saison des réinscriptions pour 2019-2020 et en cette deuxième année à la tête de l'école, je souhaitais à nouveau profiter de l'éditorial de l'ÉCHO pour remercier toutes les merveilleuses familles de SDFAS pour la confiance que vous placez dans notre école, ainsi que pour votre soutien et votre partenariat. Notre communauté est à la fois diversifiée et très unie. Les nombreuses personnes associées à l'école y sont très attachées, se portant volontaires pour aider à son fonctionnement, chacun apportant sa pierre pour participer au succès de l'école. Tous vos efforts et retours positifs ainsi que votre présence au sein de la communauté de SDFAS sont grandement appréciés.

Parmi les occasions d'en apprendre plus sur notre école, lundi dernier, nous avons organisé une soirée intitulée Les Années Collège . Hier, mercredi, nos élèves de CM2 ont passé l'après-midi en visite dans les classes de 6 ème pour une expérience directe du collège. Lundi prochain, l'école organise une « soirée transition » pour les parents des élèves qui passeront l'an prochain de la Moyenne à la Grande Section de maternelle. Si vous avez la moindre question concernant votre ou vos enfants en particulier, ma porte vous est toujours ouverte - je serai ravi de vous recevoir quand vous le souhaitez.

Au sujet du renforcement de notre communauté, nous avons ce mardi célébré le nouvel an chinois avec l'ensemble des élèves, de la Toute Petite Section de maternelle jusqu'à la 4ème, tous réunis dans l'auditorium pour une fabuleuse danse du lion et un atelier proposé par la troupe de danse d'arts martiaux Three Treasures. Si vous le pouvez, je vous encourage à nous rejoindre pour le Jog-a-thon ce vendredi, le 8 février, de 8h30 à midi pour encourager les enfants qui courront pour une bonne cause ! Et n'oubliez pas non plus le Talent Show ce vendredi 8 février également à 17h !

Mark Rosenblum, Chef d'établissement

This morning:
Sustainability Forum: "Plastics Awareness Event"

In a school-wide forum today the SDFAS Middle School L.I.V.E Club (Leadership, Initiative, Volunteerism, Empathy) addressed environmental sustainability on our campus and in the greater San Diego community. In conjunction with their previous sustainability initiatives on campus, the L.I.V.E. Club welcomed members of our community to speak about sustainability, specifically the use and misuse of plastics in our daily lives. Emi Koch, the founder of Beyond the Surface International and a former professional surfer, spoke about her experiences as an advocate for change in our communities with respect to how we use plastics and how they affect our marine environments. Malte Niebelschuetz, the founder of Shore Buddies, spoke about responsible consumerism and how our actions as consumers can have a multiple of positive and negative effects. It was indeed a morning of meaningful conversation!
Tomorrow: Jog-a-Thon



- K = 8:40 - 8:50 am (10 minutes) 
- PK2 = 8:58 - 9:05 am (7 minutes) 
- PK1 = 9:10 - 9:15 am (5 minutes) 
- PK0 = 9:22 - 9:25 am (3 minutes) 
- 1st grade = 9:30 - 9:45 am (15 minutes) 
- 2nd grade = 9:50 - 10:05 am (15 minutes) 
- 4th grade = 10:10 - 10:25 am (15 minutes) 
- 3rd grade = 10:30 - 10:45 am (15 minutes) 
- 5th grade = 10:50 - 11:10 am (15 minutes) 
- 6th grade = 11:15 - 11:35 am (20 minutes) 
- 7th & 8th grade = 11:40 am - 12:00 pm (20 minutes)

Parents who are interested to volunteer (fruit stand, first aid tent) should contact  Diesa Seidel
Tomorrow: 10th Annual Talent Show

For any inquiry, please contact Kerry the director and organizer of this event. 
February 11 from 6 to 7 p.m.
SDFAS Kindergarten Information Night: Come learn about the transition from pre-elementary to elementary school!

Highly recommended for all PK2 families! 

- Preparation and transition into kindergarten
- Academics and Program (Curriculum, Schedule, Projects)
- Class Organization
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Preparation for Reading and Writing
- Questions and Answers
February 12: Brainious "Le Cerveau des Enfants" in English, with French subtitles

February 15 through February 22: French and English Book Fair

Due to this exciting opportunity to combine the French & English book fairs, we will need twice as many volunteers in each slot this year. Thank you for being generous with your time!

To volunteer sign up HERE
April 8: Science Fair 2019
Questions, contact Echo Jacoway or Anne Laure Denis

Gala Projects: A few examples of what's in the works

SDFAS Pre-Elementary students are getting ready to present their art projects at the annual school Gala. Our students are lucky to benefit from the expertise of some of our talented parents.

Bonjour - Hello

Pictured: Dex and Tyles -  Atlas and Joe.

In PK0 class, the students introduce their ritual welcoming time by singing the "BONJOUR" song. After a semester, they are able to lead the group by singing it. They enjoy playing the role of the teacher. Well done!


Names in Cursive

Pictured:  Lincoln, Jack et Adrien.

We started learning how to write our names in cursive writing. First, we traced over our names with our fingers, then we used markers. The next step was to try and trace our names on our boards and finally we wrote on paper. We are so proud!

Chinese New Year in 4th grade

The 4th grade students were treated to a Chinese New Year presentation by two of our students' parents. They shared with the students some of the history of China, certain cultural elements, the traditions and symbols of the Chinese New Year, and some interesting facts. Students were able to sample some traditional snacks, received lucky red packets, and practiced writing their Chinese Zodiac animal in calligraphy. The students learned so much about another culture and gained a stronger appreciation for the diversity within their own classroom.

Défi Science in 6 th grade

Ms. Denis, our middle school science teacher, registered our 6 th grade cohort in the "Défi Science" French contest this year. The challenge is to create a recipe, make it (and taste the result), and scientifically document the whole process and observations. If you have had a chance to step into the classes, the level of the engagement and enthusiasm of the students is so impressive! A success!


La Troupe" Middle School Student French Drama Club

Under the direction of Ms. Addo, our SDFAS Middle School French Teacher, "La Troupe" (our Middle School Student French Drama Club), has been steadfastly polishing drama skills for the past few months and will continue to do so up until the Spring performance to the SDFAS community.  Students are working on a dramatic but humorous and inventive play in French that will provoke your detective skills and imagination!

ASA Math

David Meyer runs a weekly Mathematical Problem Solving After School Activity for 3 rd , 4 th , 5 th and 6 th graders at SDFAS. Children are preparing for the Math Olympiads for Elementary and Middle Schools (MOEMS) and other competitions, but he also tries to convey some accessible concepts not often taught in elementary school, usually through sequences of problems. Here are some of the topics they have covered. In the Math Problem Solving ASA last week David taught the students about the number of ways of choosing, for example, 3 things out of 8 things. We started with easy examples, figured out some properties of these numbers using combinatorial arguments, and arranged the numbers in Pascal's triangle.

We found some obvious patterns in Pascal's triangle and then discovered a final, secret (!) pattern. The worksheet for this topic is posted at:


ASA Judo

The new activity Judo is off to a good start with 14 participants from K to 5th grade. Everyone can find a partner. Children have been working on different techniques.
Yesterday they practice O Goshi.  Technique de Judo en projetant  son partenaire vers l'avant au dessus de sa hanche. Lors de la projection, on protège le partenaire en lui tenant la manche.

" O " signifie Grand en Japonais

" Goshi "signifie Bascule de la Hanche


Winter Break: February 25 - March 1

SDFAS is offering vacation camps for PK0-8th grade from 8:30 am - 4 pm or 5 pm.

You can choose Surf camp, ALBION Soccer camp for K-8th, or regular camp for PK0-8th grade . If you need only one day or jus few days of camp only, please register for regular camp. Surf and Soccer camps are weekly camps only.  For information click  HERE and to r eserve your spot click  HERE

Please plan ahead and be mindful of the deadline as we might have to cancel the camp if we don't have 6 registered children.

Deadline registration Feb. 15th (10 days before camp starts) after that a $50 late registration fee will be added to your total.

I remain at your disposal for any questions you may have.

Thank you!



- February 7: Plastic Sustainability Event (Forum Elementary and MS) 8:30 - 9:30 am
- February 7: PA plenary meeting #2 at 2:30 pm
- February 8: Jog-a-thon 8:30 - noon
- February 8: Talent Show
- February 11:  New Tax Laws - Plan for the Future & Protect your Assets 8:45 am and 7 pm
- February 11:
PK2 to K Transition from 6 to 7 pm
- February 12:  Film Screening - "Brainious" 6:30-8:00 pm
- February 13:
Mini-Forum PK2
- February 14: Valentine's Day (Preschool)
- February 15 - 22: Book Fair 
- February 18 - 22: Parent-Teacher Conferences 1st - 5th
- February 21:
Parent-Teacher Conferences Middle School
- February 22: Minimum Day
- February 25 - Friday March 1: Winter Break