Volume 182 | July 27 - 31, 2020
Free Food Distribution Event Benefits
Hundreds of Moreno Valley Families

In a partnership with Al Rahma Food Bank, the City of Moreno Valley hosted a drive-thru food distribution event at City Hall recently. Each vehicle received a box of food including dry goods, dairy and produce. The event, seen in this brief video, helped hundreds of Moreno Valley families .
"Everyone needs a little help now and then," said Mayor Yxstian Gutierrez. "This is an example of our community coming together to help our neighbors in need."

Visit for more food resource information.
Forward MoVal Small Business Grants
Helping Local Businesses and Employees
Moreno Valley's  Forward MoVal Small Business Grant  program, designed to help local businesses hurt by the pandemic, recently issued the first of 45 one-time, emergency grants of $7,500 to help the businesses create or retain jobs for low- and moderate-income employees.  Here's a brief video!

Forward MoVal funds can be used to pay for critical business expenses, such as rent, utilities, staffing and overhead and are intended to help local businesses survive the hardships brought about by the coronavirus. Funding comes from the Community Development Block Grant Coronavirus (CDBG-CV) program, part of the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act.

Water Bottle Fill Stations
Installed at Seven City Parks
In a partnership with Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD), and at no cost to the City, Moreno Valley has installed water bottle fill stations at seven parks: Community, Fairway, Morrison, Ridgeway, TownGate, Woodland and Gateway. Take a look in this brief video!
Virtual Play: A Treasure Trove of Activities
Even the most creative parents can run out of ideas for keeping the kids occupied and engaged in something other than TV. Virtual Play , presented by MoVal Parks & Community Services, is here to help! It's an online guide to entertaining and maybe even teaching children of all ages, along with fun activities for the whole family. Virtual Play is updated weekly. Even if you haven't run out of ideas yet, it's definitely worth a visit at
Cool Center Available When Temps Climb to 97
When temperatures climb to 97 degrees and above, heat-sensitive residents may seek refuge at the City of Moreno Valley's designated cool center, the Cottonwood Golf Center at 13671 Frederick St. Physical-distancing and masks are required. The cool center is available seven days a week, 7 a.m. to dusk.
FREE Microchips for Pets Still Available
at Animal Shelter
For a limited time only, free HomeAgain microchips are now available for Moreno Valley dogs and cats. That's a $16 savings per pet! Due to coronavirus, residents must make an appointment with the Animal Shelter .

This offer will last until 300 dogs and cats have been scheduled to be microchipped. To make an appointment, call 951-413-3790, Tuesday – Friday, 10:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., or on Saturday, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Up to four pets per household can qualify for free microchips. Proof of residency will be required at the time of your appointment. Dog owners must have a current dog license but may renew or purchase a new license at the time of their appointment.

Since 2015, microchipping has been required in Moreno Valley for all dogs and cats.