Registration is in full swing for our Eleventh Annual Vancouver Neufeld Conference, taking place on
Friday, March 1st and Saturday, March 2nd, 2019 at the Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel in Richmond, BC.

We are thrilled by the number of registrations we have received to date, Sessions are already filling up ... so please do not delay if you are considering joining us and haven't yet gotten to registering. The conference sold out for the last several years, to the disappointment of many. And we don't want you to miss it!

Press Pause and Play will be the key theme of this year's conference. On Saturday, Dr. Neufeld will deliver an opening and closing address on this theme, and a variety of workshop sessions will offer a deeper look from various perspectives.

Early-bird registration discounts are in effect for one more week ; the conference cost is $155 if you register between now and January 25th. (The cost increases to $185 on January 26th.)

Additionally, if you are planning to stay at the conference hotel, the deadline to receive the discounted attendee rate is 5 pm PST on February 5th and our remaining rooms are booking fast. See below for more details.

For more information about the conference schedule, presenter line-up, and variety of sessions, visit our  conference website.