Rulmeca Corporation Announcement 9/19/18
Rulmeca Corporation still has no electrical power at the new facility. Some major roads are still impassible and regular freight service is not available. So, we cannot repair, assemble, or ship Motorized Pulleys yet.

However, our sales and administrative staff now has Internet service and full access to our international ERP system. Therefore, we are doing applications engineering, processing orders, making quotations, and administering ocean and air freight from our European production centers.

"Numerous utility crews have been deployed to Wilmington from surrounding states, for which we are very grateful," said Mike Gawinski, president. "Our local electrical utility has estimated that power will be restored to our area by 9/23/18. As soon as electrical power is available at our facility, we will resume production of Motorized Pulleys. Thank you for your understanding."
Learn why designers and operators have chosen Rulmeca Motorized Pulleys for more than 60 years.
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Rulmeca Corporation
3200 Corporate Drive, Suite D
Wilmington, NC 28405, USA
T. 910-794-9294
F. 910-794-9296
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