February Theme:
Praying with Scripture
In our Year of Prayer here at St. Josaphat, the month of February is devoted to praying with scripture.  Praying with scripture is my favorite form of prayer. I am always excited to help people dive into the Bible.  So I would like to invite you to pray with scripture using the Ignatian Imaginative Method of prayer, developed by St. Ignatius in the 16th Century.

Begin with a passage from a Gospel or another book that's familiar.   Or use the Readings of the Day from the I encourage you not to pick random chapters or verses in the Bible. And then pick a quiet place to pray, somewhere comfortable and free of distraction.

Many volumes have been written and websites dedicated to Ignatian contemplative prayer, and I encourage you to investigate these. In brief, these are the four essential steps:

1.      Begin with prayer to the Holy Spirit to guide your reading.  Then read the passage through twice. The first time, read through it normally to get the overview of the passage and what's happening.  The second time you read it, engage all of your imagination. Make it real! Focus on the sights, the sounds, the smells, tastes, etc.  Remember, the people in the stories are real people. So what would be the attitudes and reactions of the people in the story?

2.      Meditate by spending a few minutes reflecting on the passage.  What stood out to you? What sight, sound, word or image grabbed your attention the most?  Did you feel drawn towards a particular character?

3.      Read the passage again this time focusing in on your character or that image that grabbed your attention.  Notice, what keeps stirring in you? What do you think your character would be feeling, thinking, etc? How do you see this applying to your own life?  Is there something going on in your life that this passage speaks to or brings up a memory? If so, what do you want to say back to God in prayer? Example: Ask God for help.  Pray for someone you know who is in need. Give thanks to God for the people who have shown you love or helped you during a hard time. Ask God for forgiveness for judging others harshly, etc.

4.      Read the passage one final time. Then simply sit in the presence of God for a few minutes. Finish with a prayer of thanksgiving for the time spent in prayer and what God has revealed to you. Your closing prayer can be anything from the heart or a simple Our Father, Glory Be, or whatever prayer comes to mind.

Finally, always keep in mind, this is meant to be a conversation between you and God. God speaks to us through the scripture passage, we listen and take notice of what stirs in us and then we respond to God in prayer. This may be difficult the first few times you try it on your own.  That's ok! Like all things, practice makes perfect! So keep at it and I promise your love for scripture and your relationship with God will certainly grow!

God Bless,
In Need Of...
Volunteer Greeters
We still need Photography Greeters on Friday and Saturday - it's easy! Just greet families before their photography session and help with paperwork provided by the photographers.  Your reward will be in heaven! Sign up HERE!
Note: Photography Greeters should not schedule their photography appointment during the time they are scheduled to volunteer.

Unity Gala Donations
Please consider donating sports or concert tickets, restaurant, salon or retail giftcards or bottles of wine valued over $20.  Donations can be brought to the rectory, info can be emailed to, or submitted online HERE.

Liturgical Ministers
Would you like to serve as an Usher or Lector?  It's easy, and we would love to have you! Please contact the parish office for details at

Helping Hands
Our Helping Hands outreach is requesting adult sized winter gloves and hats to help keep our community's visitors warm in these colder months.  Socks and men's white t-shirts are always appreciated!  You can drop off donations at the rectory any time.

Important Upcoming Dates!
February 4-9 - Parish Directory Photo Sessions

February 10 - Men's Group: Paddle Tennis

February 10 - Youth Group at 6:30pm

February 12 - Bible Study: Gospel of Luke

February 13 - Bible Study: Gospel of Luke

February 15-21 - Unity Gala Silent Auction

February 16 - Men's Spirituality

February 19 - Bible Study: Gospel of Luke

February 20 - Bible Study: Gospel of Luke

February 23 - Unity Gala

February 24 - Stump the Priest

February 26 - Bible Study: Gospel of Luke

February 27 - Bible Study: Gospel of Luke

Feb Bible Study: 
The Gospel of Luke
Join us throughout February for a Bible Study on the Gospel of Luke.  Fr. Francis will guide us in reading and reflecting.  All are welcome!  No previous experience necessary!  You can read the bible online at
We meet in the school lower level on Tuesdays, and in the rectory on Wednesdays:

Tuesday, Feb 12th
Wednesday, Feb 13th
Tuesday Feb 19th
Wednesday, Feb 20th
Tuesday, Feb 26
Wednesday, Feb 27th
Men's Group
Paddle Tennis
Please join other Josaphat guys to take advantage of this perfect excuse to get out, play paddle tennis, enjoy some food, and relax with a few drinks. We reserved both courts and the warming hut. If you have never played paddle tennis this is a great opportunity to try. It is similar to ping pong, but is played outside on a larger scale. The Men's Group is open to all parishioners and SJS families. 

Sunday, Feb 10th at 6pm 
Lakeshore Fitness Club 
1320 W. Fullerton 

For details, questions, and to RSVP, please contact 
Jeff O'Shaughnessy 
or Tom Bransfield 
Unity Gala
The Unity Gala ONLINE AUCTION begins 
Friday Feb 15th at 1:00am, and runs until Thursday Feb 21st at 10pm. There will be NO SILENT AUCTION at the event this year, except for SJS Class Projects, and SJS & Religious Education Student Photo Composites.  Make sure to UPDATE or REGISTER your credit card info so that you're are all set to start your bidding! Just click here and Register or Login then click on "My Account" to update info. If you're on the go, no worries- you can bid from your phone once you're registered!

Join us at 7pm on
Saturday, Feb 23rd
at Moonlight Studios for an evening of celebration at our annual parish fundraiser. This year's event will feature cocktails, appetizers, an exciting Live Auction, and dancing! 
Questions? email:
Men's Spirituality
The Men's Spirituality Group meets on the first and third Saturday of each month (October - May) at 6:30am in the Red Door Meeting Room of the Rectory.  Participants use a resource to guide their discussion and prayer. 
All men of the Parish and their friends are welcome. Our next meeting is :
Saturday, Feb 16th
Stump the Priest
Have a burning question about life as a Catholic that you've been too afraid to ask? Want to learn something new about our faith while meeting other young people from the community? TnT (St. Vincent's young adult group) has just the solution! 

 Sunday, Feb 24th at 6pm McGee's Tavern & Grille
950 W. Webster

Questions? Email
Shop and Support
Recycle your floral vases - bring them to Ashland Addison Florist Co. for a donation to St. Josaphat!

Shop and select St. Josaphat Parish as your charitable organization, and St. Josaphat gets  5% on eligible items!

Shop and 
SJS gets 13%!

Thank you for your support!