Greetings from Tucson, Arizona! Yes, we're at the Tucson International Gem, Fossil & Mineral Show buying our new inventory for 2019 and your goodies for our 13th Annual Tucson Trunk Sale on March 9-17. We still have another 3 weeks to shop but I'm so excited about a special buy I've already made. Warning - it's big, and you know how we like to do big at Nature's Treasures. Watch our social media posts for more detailed pictures, but right now I can tell you it's all about Amethyst and you are not going to believe the special pricing for this lot of beauties. There are so many pieces we are going to have a special tent set up in the back to house this specially priced lot of amazing pieces.
Febr uary always brings to mind thoughts of Valentines, love and hearts, so I thought I'd share a picture of the largest heart shaped amethyst geode I've every seen. It weights several tons and was a sight to behold.
I hope everyone took the time to review last year's list of achievements and is looking forward to new adventures this year. We can't grow without change and change usually comes with adventures, so hold on tight, keep smiling and breathing, and everything will turn out just fine.
I would like to share one more picture with you of the sun setting in Tucson this evening. Enjoy - I did!
Karen Richards & The Staff
Special Offers
Happy Valentine's Day!
We do believe in fairies! Find our new Faerie House hidden within Nature's Treasures and you will be blessed with special offers or free gifts! The fairies move around a lot and collect all sorts of treasures, so who knows what you will find and where!?
Every Tuesday is 2 Stamp Tuesday!
Simply come in on any Tuesday and receive 2 Stamps instead of 1 for your purchase on that day.
Crystal Grid Essentials available Online |
Crystal Grid Essentials, Tarot & Oracle Decks, Smudges & more have been added to our Online Store!
Smudge Sticks _ Smudge Kits available Online |
Free Standard Shipping for Orders over $
Now you can log in to your account using your favorite social media account! Link your Facebook, Twitter or Amazon account to streamline checkout and more easily manage your account!
In the Community Events Center
Feb 2 Saturday
Austin Re-formed Congregation of the Goddess
Rituals, Witchy Classes, Goddess Book Club
3-5pm in the Studio
AND Also that day:
Austin Re-formed Congregation of the Goddess
February Full Moon Event 7-9pm in the Studio
Feb 16 Saturday
Austin Re-formed Congregation of the Goddess
Rituals, Witchy Classes, Goddess Book Club
7-9pm in the Studio
Saturday, February 9th, 10am-5pm
NT Auditorium
Free admission
Are you planning an event for 2018?
Nature's Treasures has a 2,200 sq ft Auditorium and 1,200 sq ft Studio Space available for your event.
Who's in the Chinese New Year dragon?
Celebrate the Chinese New Year of the Boar with us, & welcome the Summit Lion/Dragon Dance Team, and get Good Luck throughout the year! These amazing young people share their cultural heritage in a way to bless us all! Join us for the Lion Dance and Taiko Drumming at our store on 2/2/2019 11:00 a.m. sharp to participate in the festivities, and get Good Luck for the Year of the Pig!
The Boy Scouts are back and ready for more! Geology specialist, Michael Kallstrom, will be meeting with Pack 371 Den 17 to explore the field of minerals, rocks and geology on February 2!
Looking Ahead
Hosted by Nature's Treasures at The Norris Center
Coming to Austin - Summer 2019
 Chris is a Houston native that moved to Austin in 2016. With his B.A. in Studio Art and Philosophy Minor, he continues to pursue his artistic endeavors in various media including darkroom photography, painting, drawing, and jewelry making. Working at the Front Counter of Nature's Treasures, he has rediscovered a childhood passion for crystals that compliments his vast knowledge of classic and esoteric beliefs.
Treasure Tome: A Trove of Knowledge
Ode to Geode!
By Michael J. Kallstrom, MS
Oh Geode, so plain as to not inspire second thought,
Yet thou intrigue me still with curious wonder,
For wisdom you contain, not easily raught,
That judging without beauty within is blunder.
Geodes epitomize the wisdom of not "judg
ing a book by its cover" as they often times appear to be "just a rock" but contain within a beautiful world of crystals and minerals. Despite their less than plain exteriors, thes
e rocks attract many different people for the wondrous treasures they hide within. Forming in both sedimentary and volcanic rocks all over the world, geodes have often been a mystery to the general public despite being widely known. How do such magical rocks form?
Choya & Druzy Mist Geodes $20/lb
Well to understand the answer to that question, we must first understand what a geode is. A geode is a rock consisting of a cavity lined with crystals or mineraloid matter. The term geode describes a formation rather than a composition, so you can have geodes of all different shapes and mineral content. For example, amethyst "cathedrals" from Brazil are a specific variety of geode, while Texas has been known to produce ellipsoidal calcite and celestite geodes. Regardless of their origin, shape or what they contain, all geodes form from a similar (although still debated) process.
Geodes form, quite simply, by a void filling in with new material out of a fluid. The major difference between sedimentary and volcanic geodes occurs in the first step of this process...cavity formation. In sedimentary geodes, found mostly in limestones and dolostones, a preexisting nodule within the rock gets dissolved away by groundwater, resulting in a void. In the case of volcanogenic geodes, found mostly in deep tuff deposits and lava flows, the cavities form from relic volatile pockets or "bubbles" that became trapped in the volcanic rocks as they cooled quickly. In some cases lava flows, such as those found in Bra
zil, produce pillow basalts and lava tubes. The outer shell of these pillows and tubes insulate lava inside allowing the lava to continue to
flow leaving behind empty spaces. In all of these instances hydrothermal groundwater flows through surrounding rocks and leaches out key elements necessary for mineral formation. In the case of sedimentary environments, the major element is calcium with varying amounts of strontium, manganese, carbon and sulfur. Volcanic rock
s are generally more silica rich with trace amounts of iron and magnesium. When these highly reactive and chemical-rich fluids fill in the empty cavities and begin to cool slowly the elements bond together to form the magnificent gems that give geodes their allure. Each different fluid that passes through the void deposits a concentric layer of mineralization. In some cases the voids fill in completely with one material or in other cases contain a variety of minerals.
Moroccan Geodes $10/lb
Geodes appeal to a wide range of enthusiasts. In some cases the geodes completely fill in with beautiful bands of colorful chalcedony, a variety of cryptocrystalline quartz. This banded chalcedony material is known as agate and is highly sought after by collectors for the unique traits found at each locality throughout the world. Currently Nature's Treasures houses some of the only Island Agate and River Crossing Condor Agate available to the general public in North America. The metaphysical community values geodes for their ability to draw in negativity, contain it and ultimately transform it into positive energy. Some metaphysicians even use geodes as a healing tool to remove negative entities from people and places that remain trapped by the positive energy of the crystals. However, the largest contingency of geode lovers are by far pure-hearted children, and families they belong to. The sheer curiosity and wonderment of what an unbroken geode contains inside can draw out the child from within even the most stone-hearted adult.
The unknown world within each geode is much akin to the unknown of new beginnings. Often times we fear the unknown of what is coming and forget to celebrate the beauty of what could be. In order to remember the joy of the New Year, one Nature's Treasures family has established their own annual tradition. For the New Year the parents and children collectively choose an uncracked geode, take it home, and crack it open. To them this is a blessing on the year to come and reminds us to be excited about the treasures our futures hold rather than fear the unknown of it. With the Chinese New Year coming up on February 5th, this is a prime time to break in a new tradition (or geode) and reclaim the beauty within and the joy of each new day.
Laguna Agate is from Chihuahua province Mexico
Our booth at Tucson Show.
Notes on Agates:
Silica is the key component to agate formation since it belongs to the quartz family made up of SiO2. Because of their beauty and durability, agates have been used since the Neolithic as tools, jewelry, tableware and decor for thousands of years. Although agate has been used for ages, new world agates have only been mined recently and many varieties are mined out.
In The Store
Azurite with Malachite
 Abalone Shells
Affordable Chip Bracelets
Zincite Clusters
In The Depot
Pink Tourmaline & Lepidolite
in Qtz $23/lb
Texas Septarian $10/lb.
It's never been easier to Bring Nature Into Your Life! Now you can browse our incredible selection of healing crystals at Nature's Treasures from any device, Facebook and Instagram, and buy on the fly!
- Ordering online is Easy!
- Sign Into your Nature's Treasures account from Facebook, Google, Instagram and more!
- Free Shipping for Orders over $50!**
- In-store Pickup at the Front Counter-Pay Online, then grab your order at the Front Counter!
$25 Gift Certificate Winner is:
Gabriel G.
Be sure to enter the drawing
next time you're in the store!
10 Fun Facts About Amethyst
1. Amethyst is the birthstone for the month of February, and the official gem for Wednesday, Jupiter and those born under the sign of Pisces.
2. Amethyst is the official gemstone of the province of Ontario.
3. Amethyst has been used to symbolize deep love, happiness, humility, sincerity and wealth.
4. Amethyst was once revered as the "Jewel of the Gods."
5. Amethyst rings are traditionally worn by Bishops; some believe that amethyst brings good luck to petitioners.
6. Farmers believed wearing amethyst would protect their crops from hailstones and locusts.
7. The Hebrew word for amethyst is "ahlamah," meaning "dream;" the stone was said to cause dreams and visions... and if you dream of amethyst, you will be free from harm.
8. Amethyst was the emblem for Matthew, one of the 12 Apostles.
9. Leonardo da Vinci believed amethyst had the power to control evil thoughts, to quicken intelligence, and to make men shrewd in business matters.
10. Prasiolite, a rare dark green variety of quartz, is sometimes (wrongly) called green amethyst.
Aura, Meridian & Chakra
Photos & Video
Now Available
With our updated Aura Machine, you can see the color of your aura.
Offered daily and starting at only $25, this is a great gift to give yourself or a loved one.
11:00AM - 6:00PM
Friday, Feb. 1 - Tara Ventura - Numerology/Tarot; Clairvoyant Psychic; Intuitive Counseling; Energy Healing (chakra)
Saturday, Feb. 2 - Tracy St. Croi - Evidential medium, psychic
Saturday, Feb. 2 - Azhalea 'Sally' Ramirez - Angel Card Reader, Clairvoyant Medium, Energetic Healing
Sunday, Feb. 3 - Amber Soberon - Reiki Master
Sunday, Feb. 3 - Julie Reeves - Sighted intuitive astrology, tarot & past life consultation
Monday, Feb. 4 - Eva Lott - Metaphysical minister, reiki master, stress management
Tuesday, Feb. 5 - Mia Michel - Intuitive, and healer, Akashic Records Consultations, Past Lives and Soul Readings
Wednesday, Feb. 6 - Laura Tree - Reiki Master Teacher, Crystal Consultant, Atlantean Healing, Diamond Violet Flame Transmutation
Thursday, Feb. 7 - Elaine Ireland - Tarot reading & psychic work
Friday, Feb. 8 - Anne Berlin - Psychic medium, psychometry, work with archangels & Ascended Masters
Saturday, Feb. 9 - Denise Nitti - Intuitive Medium, Intuitive Artist, Intuitive Life Coach, Energy Worker, Reiki Master
Saturday, Feb. 9 - Madame Zee - Psychic Tarot Counselor, Magickal Life Coach, and Female Empowerment facilitator
Sunday, Feb. 10 - Stephanie Fix - Tarot card reading & dream interpretation
Sunday, Feb. 10 - Azhalea 'Sally' Ramirez - Angel Card Reader, Clairvoyant Medium, Energetic Healing
Monday, Feb. 11 - Thumper Donnelly - Medium, clairvoyant psychic, energy healing, past lives
Tuesday, Feb. 12 - Kramer Wetzel - Astrology chart & reading, tarot, good humor
Wednesday, Feb. 13 - Adrienne Goff - Author, teacher, healer, connecting you with your crystals
Thursday, Feb. 14 - Ricardo Gonzales- Psychic
Friday, Feb. 15 - Tara Ventura - Numerology/Tarot; Clairvoyant Psychic; Intuitive Counseling; Energy Healing (chakra)
Saturday, Feb. 16 - Anaya Swan - Priestess, artist, musician, a Reiki master, and a magical seamstress and healer. Tarot readings
Saturday, Feb. 16 - Alice Rodriguez - As a Psychic Medium Alice can receive messages from your deceased loved ones in spirit and your spirit guides.
Sunday, Feb. 17 - Robert Gerami - Reiki, Chakra balance sessions, Etheric cord cutting sessions
Sunday, Feb. 17 - Christine Martensen - Crystals knowledge, Reiki, and empathic connects to Angels, Guides, Spirit Animals and Ascended Masters through clairvoyance and clairaudience.
Monday, Feb. 18 - Eva Lott- Metaphysical minister, reiki master, stress management
Tuesday, Feb. 19 - Mia Michel - Intuitive, and healer, Akashic Records Consultations, Past Lives and Soul Readings
Wednesday, Feb. 20 - Laura Tree - Reiki Master Teacher, Crystal Consultant, Atlantean Healing, Diamond Violet Flame Transmutation
Thursday, Feb. 21 - Elaine Ireland - Tarot reading & psychic work
Friday, Feb. 22 - Anne Berlin - Psychic medium, psychometry, work with archangels & Ascended Masters
Saturday, Feb. 23 - Stephanie Fix - Tarot card reading & dream interpretation
Saturday, Feb. 23 - Yuci Edwards - Spiritual Counseling, Tarot Reading, Angel Guiding, Coffee Cup Mapping, Akashic Records
Sunday, Feb. 24 - Mariloli - Akashic Records, Reiki, Sound Healing, Curanderismo
Sunday, Feb. 24 - Alice Rodriguez - As a Psychic Medium Alice can receive messages from your deceased loved ones in spirit and your spirit guides.
Monday, Feb. 25 - Thumper Donnelly - Medium, clairvoyant psychic, energy healing, past lives
Tuesday, Feb. 26 - Kramer Wetzel - Astrology chart & reading, tarot, good humor
Wednesday, Feb. 27 - Sheryl Martin Martin - Psychic medium, dream interpreter, reiki master, spiritual counselor, intuitive, life coach, & empath
Thursday, Feb. 28 - Ricardo Gonzales - Psychic
Personal Shopping Services
Custom Jewelry with
Crystal Heart Studio
Merlyn Dyches, metaphysical jeweler/artist and owner of the Crystal Heart Studio, will be onsite every 2nd and 4th Saturday offering stone wiring, wrapping and intuitive reading services. Get your treasures and have them wrapped, bring your own in, or purchase finished wire wrapped jewelry on site!
Austin's Crystals Whisperer
What are your crystals telling you?
Dianna, Austin's Crystal Whisperer offers her Personal Crystal Readings to help you find, understand and connect with the rocks, minerals and crystals that are perfect for you!
Rates start as low as
$15.00 for 10 minutes
Sunday 7th
Sunday 21st
Friday 26th
Saturday 27th
Book in Advance at:
Take a Virtual Tour
Can't get into the store? Want to
take a virtual tour? Google came out and did a VR of Nature's Treasures. Check it out here!