Providing opportunities and cooperative solutions to foster healthy and thriving communities
within the region.
An Economic Development District serving Northeast Wisconsin for over 40 years.
Cindy J. Wojtczak
Executive Director
Jeffrey C. Agee-Aguayo
Transportation Planner
Amy Carrozzino-Lyon
Phragmites Project Coordinator
Angela Kowalzek-Adrians
Natural Resources Planner
Richard J. Malone
Office Accounts Coordinator
Brandon G. Robinson
Community Assistance Planner
Joshua W. Schedler
GIS Coordinator
To submit a request for an EMSI Developer Query, please complete and submit this form:
Phragmites Management Project Update
Aerial inventory and mapping of Phragmites in the project area was completed this spring, and final ground-truthing efforts are underway. Approximately 800 total acres of Phragmites have been mapped (Lower Green Bay from Duck Creek to Point au Sable; along the Fox River to De Pere dam; along the East River in Allouez/Bellevue, and along the lower reaches of Duck and Baird creeks) and will be targeted for treatments beginning this fall, pending landowner permission. Treatments will include chemical application of Imazapyr in early fall, followed by mowing in winter (where feasible). Sites include a mix of coastal wetlands, shoreline and riparian areas, roadsides, parks and trails, private residences, and commercial and industrial properties.
The Bay-Lake RPC is soliciting proposals from certified contractors this month, and herbicide treatments are slated to begin in late August 2016 pending project permitting from Wisconsin DNR.
For more information about the BLRPC Phragmites project, contact Angela Kowalzek-Adrians or Amy Carrozzino-Lyon. When work begins, the Phragmites Information Hotline (920-430-0220) will be regularly updated with a recorded message about treatment schedule and progress.
Funding Available to Plant Trees
In partnership with the Wisconsin DNR, East Central Wisconsin RPC, Northwest Wisconsin RPC, and Southeastern Wisconsin RPC, the Bay-Lake Regional Planning Commission has funding available to help communities mitigate the impacts of the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) and prepare them for EAB invasion by diversifying their urban and community forests. The funding will help municipalities, counties and tribes to
plant non-host trees.
Four to 80 projects, ranging from $1,000 to $20,000, are expected to be funded under this program.
Eligible communities include those that are within the Wisconsin Great Lakes Basin and within an EAB quarantined county. The funding is made available through a FY2015 U.S. Forest Service Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GRLI) grant received by the Bay-Lake Regional Planning Commission earlier this year.
The Bay-Lake RPC Adopts a Highway
Commission staff give back to their community in many ways outside the workplace. One group project that was recently initiated was participation in the Wisconsin Department of Transportation's "Adopt a Highway" program.
Commission staff will be cleaning up the park-and-ride lot at U.S. Highways 41/141 and County Highway S in southern Oconto County three times between April 1 and November 1.
Commission staff participated in a cleanup event on June 11th. A second cleanup will be scheduled for August.
The Bay-Lake Regional Planning Commission is excited to offer a new sign inventory mapping project option for our communities. Sign inventory mapping is an important component of the MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices), allowing your community to be organized during your inventory or update process. Contact the Commission's GIS Department if your community is in need of a full inventory, an update to the inventory, or a streamlined online mapping option.
These are just a few of the many custom mapping projects in which the Commission can assist. Other map examples would include location maps for grant applications, large air photo displays, a series of maps for public informational meetings, GIS analysis, and much more. The Commission's GIS Department will be happy to work with you to meet any of your mapping needs.
Sheboygan Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)
Commission staff has begun work on a
2016 Public Participation Plan Update for the MPO. The Sheboygan MPO Technical and Policy Advisory Committees offered various changes to the current plan at their joint meeting in late May. Commission staff revised the current plan in response to comments received from members of the MPO advisory committees and updated the current plan to comply with recent Federal surface transportation legislation (MAP-21 and the FAST Act).
Commission staff initiated the 30-day public consultation period on the preliminary draft
2016 Public Participation Plan Update in late June.
Commission staff has started preparing the update to the
Sheboygan County Coordinated Public Transit - Human Services Transportation Plan
. A coordination meeting will be held in mid-August.
The Sheboygan MPO Technical and Policy Advisory Committees discussed and recommended approval of several minor amendments to the transit capital and elderly and disabled transportation capital components of the
2016 - 2019 TIP at their joint meeting in late June. The Commission will take action on these amendments at a meeting of its Executive Committee in late July.
The Commission's GIS Coordinator has built an ArcGIS Online project related to the
2016 - 2019 TIP. The TIP webmap will display all of the projects covered from 2016 through 2019 (as amended) as well as the 2015 completed projects. Users will be able to pan around the Sheboygan metropolitan planning area and view the projects interactively with aerial photography or a simple base map and get a general description of the project. This is hopefully the first step in a more diverse array of webmaps related to MPO projects in future years. This web mapping was presented to members of the Sheboygan MPO Technical and Policy Advisory Committees at their joint meeting in late June.
Upcoming Events/Meetings
July 29, 2016, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Executive Committee Meeting
City Hall, Manitowoc, WI
August 23, 2016, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
UW-Extension, Green Bay, WI
Available Grant Opportunities
The following is a list of upcoming grant opportunities and their due dates. Please contact the
Commission if you have a project idea, or need assistance with preparing or administering a grant, or if you are interested in partnering with the Commission on a project.
- Public Humanities Projects, August 10, 2016
- Wisconsin Clean Diesel Program - School Bus Replacement Grants, August 12, 2016
- Wisconsin Humanities Council Grants, August 15, 2016
- Wisconsin RPC/DNR EAB Mitigation Grant, August 17, 2016
- C.D. Besadny Conservation Grants, September 1, 2016
- National Endowment for the Arts Our Town Grants, September 12, 2016
- Urban Innovation Grant, September 16, 2016
- Captain Planet Foundation Educator Grants, September 30, 2016